/ / Pie with mushrooms and potatoes - in Russian hospitable

Pie with mushrooms and potatoes - in Russian hospitable

In the kitchen of the Slavic peoples all sorts of baked goodswas given the most honorable place. And this is not surprising, because the peasants well knew the price of delicious and satisfying food. Russian pies are a separate story. In our kitchen with baking is traditionally associated not only workplace life, but also all sorts of celebrations. Wedding table, baby baptism, Birthday, Easter, Christmas - for each of these holidays there were their kinds of pies. For example, wedding cakes are baked always close friends and relatives of the bride. Preparation of the loaf for the wedding table was a special solemn action, which took at least 24 hours.

It was believed that the future of married life of young people can be learned from how successful this pie will be.

Baking stuffs in Russia also differeddiversity. Berries baked with berries, fish - with fish, eggs and rice, kurikiki with poultry meat. Hlebal pies contained stuffing, similar to liquid porridge, and ate with their spoons. There was even a saying among the people: "You'll wrap everything in a pie".

Of course, a pie with mushrooms and potatoes in the Russianthe kitchen has always been particularly popular. After all, it was possible to collect poderyozovikov or whites in the forest, and potatoes and onions grew in any garden. In addition, such pies were allowed to eat in fasting.

Today, the hostess, having conceived the idea of ​​making a pie with mushrooms and potatoes, is unlikely to go into the woods for the ingredients for the filling. All this is now available on supermarket shelves.

For cooking pies are suitable not only fresh mushrooms, but also frozen. Before putting them into operation, the product must be thawed and wring out excess water.

Experienced cooks know that baking with mushroomThe filling will be more fragrant if you use brown or white for filling. You can mix them with champignons. When buying a frozen product, it is better to give preference to a mixture of forest mushrooms.

Pie "Siberian"

Traditionally, a pie with mushrooms and potatoes is bakedfrom yeast dough. Many landladies know first hand how naughty it is and how difficult it is to get a really delicate and airy batch of it. The success of making such pies depends entirely on the quality of the yeast and flour, as well as on how correctly the opara is delivered. Therefore, first of all, we will do the test.

No matter what they say about how goodthing fast yeast, use them for baking can only be if you are very much in a hurry. Traditional yeast gives the pies an unusual flavor and a special taste, so in our recipe we will use them.

For the test you need: 2 tbsp. flour (can go a little more), water is warm - 0.5 liters, yeast pressed - 20 g, sugar - 1 tbsp. l., sunflower oil 2 tbsp. l., salt to taste.

Filling: mushrooms - 400 g, potatoes - 4 tubers, onion, frying oil, salt and pepper.

With warm water we brew yeast, pour sugar anda glass of flour. It is very important to mix all the components in this sequence. We leave the sponge in a warm place until its volume is doubled. Then add more flour, butter, salt and knead the dough so that it does not stick to the hands and sides of the dishes. We leave in the heat for a couple of hours, dying as the dough rises. Note that the longer you knead the dough, the more porous and airy will be the baked goods.

After the dough is suitable, we spread it on a board, sprinkled with flour, and roll out two rectangles no more than 0.5 cm thick.

It is not difficult to prepare a filling for a pie. Boil the pre-peeled potatoes and stir it with salt.

Mushrooms and onions cut as small as possible, pour the pepper and how to fry in a small amount of oil. By the way, you can take for this purpose slices of bacon.
Fill the components of the filling and gently mix.

Lubricate the pan with oil and sprinkle with flour.We spread on it the rolled out dough and on top, an equal layer, a stuffing. Cake with mushrooms and potatoes should be closed. Lubricate the surface of the pie protein egg and put in a preheated oven. The baking process takes a little over an hour, if the temperature of the oven is 180 - 190 degrees.

Ready to leave the cake to cool, covered with a linen towel.

If you do not want to mess around in the kitchen,try to cook a puff cake with chicken and mushrooms. It uses a ready-made puff yeast dough, so you do not have to mess with it. Thanks to the successful design, the ready cake looks very cute.

Pie "Piglet" with puff pastry and chicken

It will take a package of puff pastry, chicken breast, mushrooms - 300 g, a bulb and a little oil.

For the filling, the chicken is boiled, finely shredded. Mushrooms with onions fry well and mix with meat.

Dough rolled into a thin layer of rectangularform, in the middle we spread the filling, leaving on the sides loose strips 15 cm wide. We cut across the ribbons about 3 centimeters in width. Accuracy is not so important, the main thing is that the size is about the same.

Ribbons on both sides weave together to make a pigtail. The surface of the cake is smeared with eggs and sent to the oven.

If the relationship with baking does not add up, or you absolutely do not eat flour, taking care of the figure, try a cake with eggplant, which contains a minimum of carbohydrates and is prepared as a casserole.

For the pie, you need "Mozzarella" - 300 grams,"Russian" cheese - 100 grams, eggplants - 4 small fruits, eggs - 4 pcs, greens, salt and pepper, butter. Ham can be added to the cake, cut into thin strips.

To remove excess eggplant from the eggplant, we remove the skins from the vegetables and put them in salt water for an hour and a half. Then cut into slices and fry in hot oil.

In the baking dish, lay out the layereggplant, then a layer of mozzarella and ham with herbs. On top lay another layer of aubergines and pour the cake with a mixture of grated cheese and eggs. We send for half an hour in the oven. Pie with eggplants is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

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