/ / How to cook jam from pears with bananas

How to cook a jam of pears with bananas

Quite often when cooking jamsome housewives and cooks mix different fruits to get a whole new taste and give the dish a piquancy. Usually for this case, fruits that are of the same geographical origin are used. However, when combined with local and exotic fruits, real culinary masterpieces are obtained, worthy of recognition in the high kitchen. It is on this principle and based jam from pears with bananas.

jam from pears with bananas

Cooking options

There are several varieties of this dish.Some cooks prefer to cook pear slices in banana syrup, others try to do it the other way around, although in both cases a rather good jam turns out. Recipes with photos often suggest storing foods whole and at the same time subjecting them to minimal temperature treatment. However, this variant of preparation assumes the transformation of all components into a homogeneous puree, which will contain a small amount of sugar.


- bananas - 1 kg;

- pears - 1 kg;

- granulated sugar - 0,5 kg.

Selection and preparation of products

 jam for winter recipes

Such jam from pears with bananas is very likesmall children and can actually be used to supplement the baby food. That is why the choice of products must be treated with great responsibility. They should not be rotten, damaged or unripe.

All products must be thoroughly rinsed before starting preparation. In order for the fruit to dry quickly, you can use a paper towel.


To make jam from pears with bananas had the rightconsistency, all products must be crushed thoroughly. It is best to use a grater for this. However, before this, remove the peel from the bananas, and peel the pear and extract the seeds from it.

jam recipes with photos

The products are then placed in a saucepan and boiledlow heat for about 10 minutes with the addition of a small amount of water (100 ml). Then the resulting mixture is passed through a sieve to maximize the necessary consistency. Next, add sugar to the dish and continue cooking it over low heat with constant stirring. That's why jam from pears with bananas is best done in bakery, where this process is automated.

Prepare the dish for about twenty minutes, becausethis is how vitamins will remain in it and it will turn out an excellent jam for the winter. Recipes of some housewives recommend to increase this period, but then the natural taste of fruits and their nutritional value will be lost.


Once the dish was removed from the fire, it is necessaryImmediately pack the previously sterilized jars and close tight lids. Then the containers are turned over and put in a warm place, covered with a towel. So the process of cooling will occur evenly, which is required for canning. When the cans become room temperature, they can be placed in a dark and cool place for long-term storage. However, you should not stand it for more than one year, otherwise the taste will not change for the better.

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