/ / Tomato juice from pasta - features of preparation, recipes and recommendations

Tomato juice from pasta - cooking features, recipes and recommendations

Everyone knows why it is necessary to drink fresh juices from vegetables. For the body, they mean significantly more than fruit nectars. Tomato juice from pasta is one of the most popular vegetable.

Такой сок способен сохранять витамины и укреплять organism, protect a person from various diseases, which is especially important in the cool period of the year. And in the summer season, this kind of drink will help satisfy thirst. There are different recipes for making fresh tomato juice. It is much easier to make it not from fresh vegetables, but from tomato paste. In this version, the drink will become no less useful and appetizing. Still it is possible to prepare tomatoes in own juice with tomato paste.

tomato juice from pasta

How to choose the right tomato paste

To make nectar from tomato paste is not so difficult, in addition to it only need water and salt. However, she is obliged by all means to meet these simple conditions:

  • be of the highest quality;
  • not cheap.

It is possible to use the cooked nectar from tomato paste in its pure form. It is recommended to be used in this quality for:

  • cocktails;
  • soups;
  • dishes from beef and vegetables;
  • sauces.

Tomato juice made from tomato paste,The recipe below is more economical and useful than factory nectar, which consists of the same ingredients. Plus, when using purchased juice, you will have to pay extra for the brand, the cost of packaging, etc.

And do not forget that for the manufacture of tomato juice from pasta it is necessary to use only pasta, but tomato sauce or ketchup are not suitable for this. Dry parts should be at least 25%.

tomatoes in their own juice with tomato paste

Pasta Juice Recipe

Have you decided to make tomato juice from tomato paste?The recipe is classic and traditional, we now present. In accordance with its rules, vegetable puree is diluted with cold boiled water at the rate of one to three. In order to obtain a viscous drink in a glass of water take two or three spoons of raw materials. If you want to get a drink of a more liquid consistency, the thickness is similar to water, then a spoonful of product is diluted in a glass of water. Salt the nectar with coarse-grained table salt. If you want, you can add a little glucose or pepper. Certain consumers like nectar with seasonings. Take it preferably in the cold.

Tomato Juice Tomato Paste Recipe

Tomatoes in their own juice with the addition of tomato paste

Make tomatoes in their own juice with tomatopaste can be quickly and economically. Pouring vegetables is recommended not only with tomato juice, but also with sauce made from pasta. This type of option is the most economical, but it does not seriously affect the taste. Preparing all this is easy, the process does not take you much time. And you will enjoy tomatoes in your own juice with tomato paste all winter.

Prepare the following foods:0.5 kilograms of tomato paste, one hundred grams of glucose and sixty grams of salt. Cook, but follow the instructions below: wash the fruits, and then lower them for half a minute into the water. This procedure will allow you to simply and without effort to remove them from the skin. Spread the vegetable over the sterilized jars. It should be diluted with water 0.5 pasta, and then add salt, glucose and pepper. Mix thoroughly and put on the stove to boil; pour the heated sauce over the cans, and then lower them into the boiling water for sterilization. The mixture must be heated up to 85 degrees. If you use half-liter jars, the procedure should last 20 minutes, and in case of 1 liter - 30 minutes. It remains only to roll up and set the banks with the lids down, covered with a clean towel. Tomatoes in their own juice with tomato paste - a great snack, both for the holiday and for every day.

how to make tomato juice from tomato paste


Как из томатной пасты сделать томатный сок?First of all, you should think about how and why you will apply the resulting tasty mixture. Tomato juice from pasta may be used in the purest form. In addition, it can be poured into different dishes. Products made from natural tomatoes, the quality and degree of usefulness is very different from what is sold in stores. Do not forget that no matter how colorful or unpretentious the container is, inside it, as a rule, there is a mixture of paste, sulphate and water. However, from which tomatoes these products are made, and whether the production method was observed, buyers cannot know. For this reason, it makes sense to make pasta in the domestic environment and convert it into tomato juice from pasta.

Why is it beneficial to make pasta nectar in the home?

Easy calculation revealed that from one can of finishedtomato paste comes out 3 liters of tomato juice (at a ratio of one to six). Salt drink, the buyer does not feel the differences in taste and, of course, wants to purchase the necessary products. The price of a half-liter can of pasta is fifty to sixty rubles. The initial cost of 1 liter of juice costs a tiny amount - sixteen to twenty five rubles. However, in order to manufacture a vegetable drink, a tomato mass is needed directly. Ketchups and sauces are not suitable for this purpose. Part of the dried elements in the composition of the product must fluctuate within the boundaries of twenty-five to forty percent. The content of additives, such as acidity and glucose regulators, is not welcome in the composition, only sulphate and water are allowed.

tomatoes in their own juice with tomato paste

How to control product properties

Shake the jar and evaluate the densitycontent. If there is a lot of water in the composition, and the density of the paste is similar to sauce or ketchup, you have every reason not to trust the quality of the offered product. The right technology involves this process: tomatoes are rubbed and cooked. After that, the raw materials are boiled in order to reduce moisture and increase part of the dried elements. If there are no concentrates in the composition of vegetable puree, it will show the beneficial properties in your body to the full. Attentive selection of tomato juice is considered the key to enriching the body with useful and important elements. Shop nectar is sold at 30-40 rubles. for 1 l. There are additives in its composition, and the price is four times as much as the cost of juice made from paste. This begs the question of why overpay if you can dilute a tomato with water, salt it and drink it without worrying that the body will receive not very useful elements.

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