/ / A jellied pie with apples. The recipe for a cake dough

A jellied pie with apples. The recipe for a cake dough

A jellied pie with apples is a dessert, familiarmany from childhood. Its preparation does not take much time, and the taste amazes the imagination of even the most exquisite gourmets. The flavor of the pie fills the kitchen, making it especially cozy and home-warm.

jelly pie with apples

The easiest recipe for cooking

Preparation time takes only 1 hour. Apple pie zalivnoy consists of the following ingredients:

  • kefir;
  • chicken eggs;
  • flour;
  • butter and sugar;
  • soda and salt;
  • cinnamon and apple;
  • sugar powder (to taste).


The amount depends on the volume of the bowl forbaking. We'll talk about how to prepare a pouring dough for pies, and even a pie with apples, for a form that has a capacity of 500-600 grams. Oil (50 g) must be melt to make it soft, mix it with two eggs, a glass of sugar (incomplete, without a slide), a glass of kefir. All these ingredients are mixed so that they become homogeneous in consistency. Flour (1,5-2 cups, no more) is introduced gradually so that there are no lumps. The pouring dough should be liquid. Soda (1/4 teaspoon) is not quenched, but simply added, stirring. If it is replaced with a baking powder for the dough, then the pie will no longer be filled in - it is important to know in advance.

cake filling dough


Apples are selected of any variety that onlylike. Red in the process of cooking can disintegrate into pieces, if too sugar. And the green ones will add sourness to the pie. Therefore, the choice of variety is an individual moment. Mandatory condition - apples are peeled, cores and bones are removed. Cut them into large slices (not slices).


The form is smeared with butter and sprinkledManika, so that the cake does not stick. First one half of the dough is poured, apples are put for filling, sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar powder to taste. Then everything is covered with the second half of the test. A pie is baked in only 40-45 minutes. It can be cooked in the oven, in the multi-store, and even in the bread maker, if it supports the baking of desserts.

apple pie

Exquisite jellied pie

The fastest recipe can not always convey the wholethe charm of such baking. If you cook according to him, then the dessert will be more like a traditional charlotte. But the refined zavalnoy pie with apples, although it requires more labor and a number of ingredients, it turns out to taste very unusual, juicy, unique.

Ingredients for "apple jellied"

All components can be conditionally divided into three large categories: dough, filling, filling. Ingredients, respectively, also have the opportunity to divide. So, for the preparation of the test you will need:

  • cottage cheese granular;
  • butter;
  • sugar and salt;
  • flour and baking powder.

For the filling take:

  • apples and butter;
  • sugar.

The fill will require:

  • sour cream and vanillin;
  • eggs and starch.

Mixing the dough

The oil must be frozen beforehandit was possible to rub it on an average grater. The flour is sieved to be airy and saturated with oxygen, mixed with a baking powder. Then add grated oil. A glass of flour will require a small spoonful of baking powder and half a pack of butter. In the mixture add 100-120 grams of cottage cheese, the same amount of sugar. The dough is kneaded to form a dense and elastic lump that rolls into a large bowl. It can be wrapped in a food film or cellophane bag and put into the refrigerator for a while (for an hour or two).

quick pour cake

Filling for exquisite cake

This recipe for a jelly pie with applesimplies the use of hard and juicy varieties of fruit, so that during cooking they do not steam out to gruel. They are peeled, peeled, pitted. For the filling, two apples are cut into cubes of small size, and two more are left for decoration. A tablespoon of oil is heated in a saucepan, apples are added, a couple of tablespoons of sugar are added. The filling is caramelized for a few minutes.


Those apples that are left for decoration,clean and cut into quarters. On each of them small incisions are made from the outside. This will be required in future to ensure that the apples are soaked in the filling.

Pouring for pie

Two chicken eggs are whipped to a foam,add in them 5 tablespoons of thick sour cream (20-30%), a bag of vanillin. Everything is mixed. Gradually, add starch (1.5-2 tablespoons) to the mass with a small trickle, stirring constantly so that it does not crumble.

recipe for jelly pie with apples

Cooking pie

Pouring is prepared at the moment when the dessert itselfalready in the oven. To send it there, you need to roll the dough into a thin cake. It is placed in a greased form, lined with a dough, which after the refrigerator is elastic, well-formed, high beads. In an improvised bowl, spread the filling evenly so that nothing goes anywhere, and up to the height of the sides there is still room for decoration. All this design is sent to the oven for a quarter of an hour (temperature - 160-180 aboutFROM). At the end of the time, the pie is obtained, apple slices are laid out and filled with egg jellies. Baking is again sent to the oven for 20-40 minutes for full preparation.

"Filling apples" cake

Alternative recipe for bakingallows you to cook it in a record short time. In this case, the taste of this does not deteriorate, on the contrary - it acquires a special aftertaste. Apples for the recipe should be selected sugar, soft. They during baking will become a gruel, which forms a fruit layer in the pie. Of the ingredients you will need only a spoonful of sour cream, a glass of flour and sugar, three eggs, a pinch of salt and soda. All but apples are mixed until a medium consistency of the dough is formed. Apples are peeled, and the cores and bones are removed from them. Slice the fruit cubes, heat in a pan with a little oil. Then the dough pours out from above. Under the lid, a quick pouring cake is baked in a frying pan for twenty minutes. This is a good way to treat guests and households in a hurry, because the recipe is very simple and fast.

Pie Floating Apples

Cooking tips

Some mistresses use to create the fillfor an exquisite cake, gelatin, diluted according to the instructions, which is poured into pieces of apples. This gives baking a special flavor, as it is produced by jelly-fruit, which is very popular with children. In this case, a jellied pie with apples is prepared somewhat in a different order: the fill is added after the complete baking of the dessert, and the pieces of apples are first caramelized in sugar.

To prevent the dough from sticking to the mold, itspreviously lubricated with oil. The lower the temperature in the oven, the worse the dough will be baked, but too high can ruin delicate pastries. Optimum - 180 aboutC. For lubrication, it is better to use butter or margarine, since they do not burn at this temperature, giving the baking a rosy color.

You can sprinkle the ready-made jellied pie with applessugar powder or cinnamon (to taste), and you can lubricate yourself with a homemade cream, turning it into a real cake. If you use a multicrew for baking, the cooking time will be 5-10 minutes longer than in the oven. The dough can be kneaded in one of the above-described ways. All of them are suitable for both multivarks and for ovens. You do not need to lubricate the appliance bowl.

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