/ / Meat baked with pears: step by step recipe

Meat baked with pears: step by step recipe

Meat, baked with pears, will be ideala dish for a festive table. Nobody can refuse a hot dinner, in which the delicate flavors of hearty pork or veal with sweet notes of juicy and ripe fruits intertwine. Once you have tasted meat baked with pears, you will do it again and again. After all, there is simply nothing more delicious than this dish.

meat baked with pears

It should be noted that it is possible to prepare such a dinner in different ways. In this article, we will present several options. Which one to choose for filing to the solemn table is up to you.

Delicious and substantial meat with pears: step by step recipe

It is best for the presented dish to purchasefresh pork, and to be more precise, a neck. After all, it is from this part of the carcass you can quickly and easily make a fragrant and hearty meal. But about all in order.

So, pork baked with pears and cheese requires the use of the following ingredients:

  • pulp of fresh pork (it is better to take the necks) - about 1.3-1.6 kg;
  • pears as sweet and ripe as possible - 3 pcs .;
  • wine dry red - about 50 ml;
  • honey fresh - a large full spoon;
  • thyme - a few pinch;
  • coriander ground - dessert spoon;
  • pepper ground and salt - apply at discretion;
  • mustard liquid - dessert spoon;
  • hard cheese in the form of plates - about 150 g.

meat baked with kiwi and pears

Meat preparation

Before cooking meat baked withpears, it should be properly processed. To do this, you need to take the necks, rinse it under warm water, and then remove all unnecessary elements in the form of veins, films and so on. Further on the meat product it is required to make several notches every 2-3 centimeters. As a result, you should get a kind of book, which should be sprinkled with pepper and salt, and then left in the heat for half an hour.

Fruit Processing

To make meat baked with pears, it turned outfragrant and juicy, fruits should be purchased as ripe and soft as possible. They must be rinsed, and then divided into not very thick circles and carefully cut out the middle part. After that, pieces of fruit should be divided in half.

pork baked with pears

Preparation of marinade

Pork baked with pears, you will get moremore tasty and aromatic if it is additionally flavored with marinade. To prepare this brine, pour dry red wine into a small bowl, lay out honey, wet mustard, and pour thyme and ground coriander. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly.

Form the dish

After the meat piece, greased with pepper andsalt, it is infused in the heat, and the filling of pears and marinade will be ready, you can safely proceed to the formation of a hearty dish. To do this, it is necessary to cover the cooking foil on the baking tray, and then put the processed pork neck. Further, in the cut portions of the meat, it is required to accurately lay out the semicircles of the sweet pears. After that, the whole semi-finished product should be coated with a fragrant marinade using a special kitchen brush or a piece of gauze. At the same time, it is recommended that the brine be sure to get into all the incisions filled with pears.

In conclusion, the stuffed meat product should be carefully wrapped with cooking foil. As a result, you should have a fairly large and tight bundle.

Bake in the oven

Once the pork has been prepared andplaced in culinary foil, it should be put in an oven, heated to 210 degrees. Bake meat is recommended for an hour. At the end of this time, the parcel should be neatly opened at the top of the dish, and then abundantly flavored with the brine that accumulated at the bottom of the dish. After that, the pork is required to put slices of hard cheese so that they completely cover the meat piece. In this form, the dish must be kept at the same temperature for ¼ hour. During this time, the meat will lightly brown, and the whole upper part will be covered with an appetizing cheese cap.

meat with pears step by step recipe

How should I serve at a lunch or a celebratory table?

Pork baked with pear and thyme,it turns out very fragrant and satisfying. After the dish is well baked in the oven, it should be carefully removed from the foil and placed on a wide plate. Decorating the dishes with green leaves of lettuce, as well as pieces of pears, the dish can be safely presented to the table along with any side dish or just like that.

We bake veal with pears and kiwi

Meat, baked with kiwi and pears, is obtainedvery tasty. Moreover, the combination of sweet fruit with a satisfying product will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious guests. To prepare the dish, it is recommended to take a marble slice of veal without bones. After all, with this ingredient you will get the most delicious and juicy lunch.

So, we need the following products:

  • flesh of veal marble - about 1.3-1.6 kg;
  • pears as sweet and ripe as possible - 2 pcs .;
  • kiwi soft and sweet - 2 pcs .;
  • honey fresh - a large full spoon;
  • basil - a few pinch;
  • chili - ½ pod;
  • pepper ground and salt - apply at discretion;
  • deodorized oil - large spoon;
  • sour cream of large fat content - about 110 g;
  • mustard dry - a small spoon.
    pork baked with pears and cheese

Preparation of meat products

To bake veal in an oven, it should bethoroughly thaw (if frozen) and then rinse under cool water. Further from meat it is required to remove all unnecessary films and veins. After that, the product must be deep cuts as described above. In conclusion, veal should be sprinkled with pepper and salt from all sides, and then left aside for a few minutes.

Processing fruit

While the meat is marinated, you should proceedprocessing of fruits. For this, pears and kiwi need to be washed thoroughly, and then gently peeled off the peel. The first product should be cut into not very thick semicircles, while removing their middle part. As for kiwi, this fruit should be put in a blender and beat until a homogeneous mush.

Preparing the marinade

As in the previous recipe, before bakingveal should be flavored with a fragrant marinade. To make it, you need to mix fresh honey with vegetable oil, and then add to them a dry mustard and a few pinpricks of basil.

pork baked with pear and thyme

The formation process

After preparing the main ingredients,begin to form a dish. To do this, you need to put the cooking foil on the windshield, and then put the veal spiced with spices. Next, in its notches, place pieces of soft pears and hot chili peppers. In the end, the whole semi-finished product should be coated with marinade and wrapped tightly in foil.

Heat treatment

After the formation of the dish, it is required to place itin the oven, where it is desirable to stand for about an hour at a temperature of 205 degrees. When the meat is baked, it must be removed and opened the upper part, forming a kind of plate from the foil. Next, the whole dish needs to be poured with kashi mixed with thick sour cream. In this form, the dinner should be baked for about ¼ hours. During this time, the meat piece will turn brown, and also absorb the aromas of spices and pouring.

We serve a tasty meat dish to the festive table

After the meat with pear, baked with pepperchili, will be completely ready, it should be carefully removed from the foil, and then moved to a large plate. To make a proper impression on the invited guests, before serving, dishes with veal should be decorated with salad leaves, fresh greens, as well as kiwi slices and pear slices.

meat with pear baked with chili

Serve a delicious and tasty dish for dinner.and along with some garnish and just like that, with a slice of bread. It should also be noted that, after heat treatment, baked meat is recommended for about 10 minutes to stand in a switched off cupboard. This will make your dinner even more juicy and fragrant. Bon Appetit!

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