/ / Pancakes on water and milk: recipe step by step with a photo

Pancakes on water and milk: recipe step by step with photo

For a Russian person, such concepts as pancakes andShrovetide week - closely interrelated. However, the history of the origin of this dish is counted in many millennia, the exact date of the appearance of thin cakes, this is what the ancient Slavs called dessert, nobody knows. In our century, pancakes are popular in almost all countries, among different nationalities.

You can meet the floury delicacy in the budgetcafeterias and luxury restaurants. Culinary invented a lot of original cooking options. The dough is kneaded on the basis of milk, fermented milk products (kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt), add eggs, yeast, and even mineral water. Everything depends on taste preferences and the budget limit.

We offer an alternativewill have to any table - pancakes on water and milk. The recipe can be interpreted in different ways, the ingredients are added with any ingredients - if desired. We present to the attention of skilful hostesses an interesting selection of excellent flour products.

Thin pancakes with milk and water

pancakes on water and milk recipe

The recipe implies the availability of the following products:

  • a glass of boiled water;
  • 150 ml of milk of any fat content;
  • two eggs;
  • 50 gr of butter;
  • flour - 30 g;
  • sugar, salt, vanilla extract - if desired;
  • sunflower oil - a tablespoon.

How to make?

Warm up, but do not boil the milk, mix withwarm water and eggs. Components whip well. When the mass becomes uniform, sift the flour into it, pour in the sugar and salt. Re-mix, then add vegetable and butter. See that there are no lumps in the test. Consistency should resemble liquid sour cream.

pancakes on milk and mineral water recipe

It is desirable to bake the oven in a high-quality frying pan, ifsuch in the kitchen there, then the usual one. To cake not burned and well roasted, grease the bottom of the brazier with a piece of potatoes, previously soaked in sunflower oil. Either fry the pan and clean it with salt. Pour the dough, let's distribute it evenly over the surface - fry from both sides to a golden color, over medium heat.

We put the baked products on top of each other,lubricating with butter. Delicate and thin turned pancakes on water and milk. The recipe for crepes, as they are called in France, does not have strict limits, products can be stuffed with favorite products: salted fish, mushrooms, cheese, meat, cream, curd and fruit fillers.

Air pancakes with milk and mineral water

The recipe is slightly different from the classical one.Adding soda water, you get beautiful fishnet pancakes, which are eaten in a moment. We will not argue for a long time, and praise the dough, you will see for yourself. So, the constituent dishes:

  • a glass of milk and mineral water, you can take more - depends on the number of family members;
  • 350 gr. flour;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Sunflower oil - 30 ml;
  • sugar, a pinch of salt.


pancakes on milk and water recipe

Be sure to sift the flour so that the dough isairy and easy. A trickle pour mineral water - constantly interfering with a whisk. After that, add the remaining ingredients, carefully mix. If the dough is too thick - top up with liquid (milk or water). Next time, put less flour.

pancakes with mineral water

We bake similarly to the previous version of pancakesmilk and mineral water. The recipe is quite simple and, most importantly, very tasty. If desired, pour the confectionery delicacy with hot chocolate, fruit syrup, whipped cream or caramelized sugar. In this case, the imagination is boundless. By the way, in such variation served a dish in England.

Pancakes without eggs

Actual product, when people observe strictdiet and control their menu. Diversify and supplement the diet of fresh baked goods without the content of prohibited products. The recipe for pancakes, cooked on milk and water, is in no way inferior to the traditional delicacy, but it has fewer calories. Necessary components: 200 ml of water and skim milk, a glass of flour, sunflower oil (a large spoon). Also put vanilla powder and cinnamon.

A step-by-step process

pancakes recipe water milk

Mix the water, milk, all the spices.Add small amounts of flour (sift) - mix with whisk. Pour in the oil so that the dough does not burn, and the flat cakes turned out to be even. We bake from two sides. Serve, sprinkled with powdered sugar pancakes on water and milk. The recipe, oddly enough, suggests serving such pancakes without a filling. Products are very delicious, airy and low-calorie. Having absorbed such a delicacy, you will not feel hunger for a long time.

Custard pancakes

Excellent form of baking, involving brewingcertain products. Baked cakes turn out to be "leaky", tender and fragrant. We will cook pancakes with milk and water. Recipe is simple, a set of products is small:

  • 200 ml of boiling water;
  • a glass of milk;
  • three eggs;
  • 150 grams of flour;
  • vegetable oils, sugar, vanillin, salt.

Let's start ...

recipe for pancakes cooked on milk and water

Chop the beaten eggs to a foam with sugarhelp the corolla, dilute the mixture with milk, sugar, pinch of salt and vanilla extract. Without stopping to mix, we add boiling water, only it is necessary to do it extremely accurately - a thin trickle.

Then we sift the flour, pour the oil, once morewhisk - cover the container with a towel and do not touch half an hour. Fry in a pan with pancakes on water and milk. The recipe requires certain skills, follow the instructions, and everything will turn out. Pour honey, syrup or sour cream and treat your family with an amazing dessert!

Using yeast and buckwheat flour

The dough has a delicate structure and a chocolate tint. In Russia, this is how pancakes were baked. Recipe: water, milk (300 ml), buckwheat (glass) and wheat flour (50 g), yeast (3 g), sugar, salt.

Organization of cooking

buckwheat pancakes on yeast

Combine wheat flour and buckwheat flour, pourboiling water - quickly stir. In milk, dissolve dry yeast - pour into the dough, adding granulated sugar, a pinch of salt. We leave "to approach", approximately for half an hour. The dough should increase in volume almost twice. After that we proceed to baking.

Finally, we will give useful recommendations onpreparation: never use the mixer whilst stirring, prolonged stirring spoils the dough structure, do not move away from the stove while frying. Small tricks will help in creating culinary masterpieces.

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