/ / Tasty and useful cowberry: harvest for the winter

Tasty and useful cowberry: harvest for the winter

red bilberries for winter
Cowberry - one of the most useful northern berries,which contains a huge amount of vitamins, especially A, C and E, microelements, amino acids and other substances. It is traditionally used to treat colds and strengthen immunity in the cold season. Harvesting cranberries for the winter is not particularly difficult. Due to the high acid content, the berry can be kept long enough and fresh (no more than a month), for a very long time - frozen, and if you want to combine taste and benefit, you can cook jam or make cowberry stock without heat treatment. How to save lingonberries using the above methods, read in our article. The main thing when selecting berries, pay attention that it should not be green or pale pink - this means that it is not ripe, or, conversely, excessively saturated color, soft - this will mean that it is overripe and, for example, for freezing is not good.

Cowberry: preparation for the winter in the freezer

lingonberries for winter
Let's start with the simplest way thatit will not take you much time. Berries you can freeze, for this wash and go through it, put on a tray or a plate with a thin layer and send it to the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, frozen cranberries can be spread out in packages or boxes, put in a freezer and stored there until the onset of winter cold. Keep in mind that the berry does not tolerate re-freezing, so when packaging it is better to use a tare of small size. So every time you can get a portion, give it a thaw and cook a cranberry or jelly from cranberries, rub with sugar or simply eat fresh.

Cowberry: preparation for the winter with sugar without cooking

When cooked, the berries lose partvitamins, so that this does not happen, you can cook a delicious supply - mash lingonberries with sugar. To do this, take the specified ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio, mix with each other, and then grind in a blender (you can use an immersion blender) or using a meat grinder. Spread the resulting mass on sterilized jars, roll up the lids and store in a dark place. It will be delicious if you add fresh orange to such a blank. Wash the citrus, remove the seeds, but the skin does not need to be removed. Just twist the orange with the cranberries. You will have a berry store with a light citrus flavor.

Cowberry: the harvest for the winter is traditional. We cook tasty jam from berries and apples

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of ripe berries;
  • 4 apples;
  • kilogram of granulated sugar.

how to preserve lingonberry
Cowberry and apples wash, after brushing fruitand remove the seed chamber. Cut slices, and then (along with the berries), pour sugar. Place the mixture in a saucepan and heat over low heat until the juice is formed. Remove the dishes from the stove and let the berry brew for a couple of hours. After the specified time, put the saucepan on fire again, cook the mass for 20 minutes - half an hour, cool a bit and pour over the sterilized jars. Done. Whichever way you choose, in the cold season on your table will be a delicious cranberry. Harvesting this berry for the winter is relatively simple, and its undeniable benefit to the body is an excellent argument for it to appear on your table very often.

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