/ / Honeysuckle - calorie and benefit

Honeysuckle - calorie and benefits

Honeysuckle, the caloricity of which does not exceedthirty kilocalories - a berry that ripens early enough even in very cold terrain. It has a pleasant taste and a deep blue color. The berries are covered with a whitish bloom. Many grow honeysuckle (its caloric content is low, and the list of useful properties is quite extensive) in their garden plots. Let's remember what dishes can be cooked with this berry, given its unusual taste.

honeysuckle calorie

Honeysuckle: calorie and benefit

In this berry high content of vitamins andorganic acids. If you have never grown honeysuckle on your site, the description will help you to know it. It is an oblong dark blue berry, the skin of which is often covered with a whitish bloom, like the skin of a plum. She has a pleasant and slightly unusual, tart taste. Berries of some varieties of honeysuckle are bitter. This property forces you to add an increased amount of sugar in jam, jams, compotes and other blanks. But still most of the cultivated varieties have a pleasant taste without bitterness. Honeysuckle, the caloric content of which is comparable to the calorie content of watermelon and some vegetables (zucchini, carrots), is the first spring berry that can be successfully used in dietary nutrition.

honeysuckle description
After all, people who are trying to reduce fat intakeand carbohydrates, often cut down in their nutrition and the amount of vitamins, which adversely affects the complexion, overall well-being. Inclusion in the diet of berries is an excellent solution in this case. They are low-calorie, have a wonderful taste, as well as the properties of antioxidants and the content of vitamin C, comparable to its content in kiwi and lemons. Sodium, zinc, manganese and iodine are also very useful for the health of slimming women and can be obtained from honeysuckle berries without increasing the calorie content of the diet. Even those who do not care about the shape and weight, can appreciate the healing properties of this product. After all, honeysuckle has long been used in folk medicine for asthenic conditions, lack of appetite, fevers, swelling, problems with blood vessels, reduced immunity. It has a wonderful effect on the skin condition, so it is recommended for eczema, ulcers and allergies.
 honeysuckle reviews
But not everyone likes it, and it is not always possibleto use fresh honeysuckle. Reviews of various dishes made from frozen berries are invariably favorable. Those who included in their diet jelly, juices and jelly from it, noted their excellent taste and beneficial effect on digestion.

Billets from honeysuckle

The season of this wonderful healing berry is fastpasses. But if you are positive about conservation, you can make delicious and useful preparations, for example jam, compote or pastille. For compote, you need four hundred grams of sugar per kilogram of berries and the same amount of water. The washed jelly is filled with cans and poured with hot syrup, then pasteurized and rolled. You can exclude sugar, you need to take twice as much honeysuckle and squeeze half of the berries. The second half should be filled with the resulting liquid instead of the syrup.

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