Many gardeners grow on their plotschokeberry, but they do not find proper application. Not everyone knows about the beneficial properties of this wonderful berry and what can be done from aronia tree ashberry. Nevertheless, it can bring tremendous benefits, a large number of different vitamins and minerals in its composition is impressive. If it is used regularly in food, then it is possible not only to prevent many diseases of the body, but also to cure those that are generally considered quite complex and even in some cases neglected.
Chokeberry is famous for being ableto accumulate in fruits iodine in a larger quantity than raspberries or strawberries. And iodine, as is known, gives beauty and health. Its astringent taste also speaks about the content of organic acids, pectins and tannins, which means that it will benefit the digestive system. In addition, the berry is capable of removing radioactive substances from the body, killing certain types of microbes. It is possible to talk for a long time about the benefits of chokeberry, but one can not help recalling it as a plant from which many wonderful preparations are made.
What can be done from chokeberry ashberry?
From this wonderful and useful berry you cancook a lot of goodies: marmalade, jam, jam, wine, liqueur, juice, compote, raisins. Consider the recipe for the original dessert, which is liked by both children and adults. To make raisins, take sugar (700 g), berries of mountain ash (1 kg), water (0.5 liters), citric acid (1 teaspoon of tea). First you need to prepare the syrup. Next, we lower the rowan and after boiling we cook for about 25 minutes. From the cooled syrup we take the berries, throwing them back into the colander. When the excess liquid goes away, the berries are laid out in one layer and dried for several days indoors. Ready-made raisins can be stored in cans. The remaining syrup can also be used for making kissels, compotes, liqueurs.
Very useful and tasty is the juice from the black chokeberry. This is a wonderful alternative to shop juices. In addition, it is widely used in folk medicine.
Sweet-toots, who at least once triedjam from chokeberry (the second name of a berry), there will never be a question about what can be made from chokeberry ashberry. This dessert is very similar to cherry jam. You can use it in any form, but most often this delicacy serves as a filling for baking. In the cold winter tea with an unusually fragrant jam pleasantly pleases the domestic and brings great benefits, strengthening the immunity of the whole family.
Recipe for wine from black chokeberry
What a wonderful wine comes fromChickens! It is thick, heavy, rich in ruby color and resembles a dry grape wine of good quality. How to prepare such a refined drink? It is necessary to take 100 g of raisins and 1 kg of sugar per kg of berries. In a three-liter jar we fall asleep unwashed berries. There we place raisins, sugar and water (about 2/3 of the can). Close the lid with a small hole and for a week - in a dark place. The future wine should be stirred daily, rotating, but not uncorking. After a week, add about 300 grams of wine to the wine, add the last 200 grams in a week. Then let the wine stay in a dark place for about a month, sometimes mixing the contents. At the end of this time, you can add sugar 200 grams. As soon as the berries are lowered to the bottom of the jar, the wine is ready. Now it must be filtered and bottled.
After reading the article and learning about the beneficial properties of this wonderful berry, you can consider yourself a closed question about what can be made from aronia.