/ / Nutritious and tasty: how to cook semolina porridge on milk

Nutritious and tasty: how to cook semolina porridge on milk

Манная кашка – одно из первых блюд прикорма, which give babies-babies. This dietary dish is recommended to include in the diet of weakened patients or people who need special nutrition. And in itself, properly cooked porridge is a tasty and healthy product, capable of pleasantly diversifying our daily menu.

General information

how to cook semolina on milk
Preparation of semolina porridge on milk requiressome skill. First, the milk must be fresh. Of the already begun to sour or sour, of course, nothing will come out - it will curtail. If the whole milk is taken, it is fat enough in itself and does not require additional "dressings". But if brewed skimmed semolina porridge on milk, the proportion of its preparation is somewhat different: in the end, it is necessary to put a piece of butter. In addition, as a main ingredient, condensed milk or a dry milk powder can be used. How to cook semolina on milk correctly? It is important that the final product is not hard. Thick porridge is collected in the mouth with unpleasant lumps and does not cause positive emotions. But zhidenkaya (freely poured from a spoon, spreads on a plate) and maintains nutritiousness, and gives a feeling of fullness, and delicious turns. Eat her sweet, with sugar, honey, syrup, jam. Usually a little sugar is put right away, in the process of cooking. And to shade sweetness, fall asleep and a little salt.

Manna porridge "dessert"

semolina porridge on milk proportions
This name was given to the dish because oneof its components is vanillin (vanilla sugar). It is the simplest example of those that demonstrate how to cook semolina porridge on milk. True, the milk itself needs a lot of cereals - a liter and a half. Otherwise, the dish will be too steep. Milk pour into an enamel pot and boil. In the boiling liquid a little, a thin trickle, it is necessary to pour in the mango. Do not forget to constantly interfere, otherwise the grains will cling to unpleasant lumps. For the same reason, and it does not fall asleep all at once - it would have turned out to be a large viscous lump. The second subtlety is to watch, so that the milk does not run away, and the porridge is not burnt. Remember this, if you do not know how to cook semolina porridge on milk. Otherwise, an unpleasant smell will not kill any vanilla. Therefore, after backfilling, make fire less and cook for 15 minutes, all the time interfering. It should get a little thick, but just a little. At the end, salt, put 1-2 tablespoons of sugar and vanilla. There is a dish should be hot - when cooling the mangle freezes like jelly, and re-warming it again does not make sense - the taste and consistency will not be the same. Before serving, you can put in plates of 10-15 gr. butter. It would be nice to sprinkle it with grated nuts. Or put fresh berries, pieces of fruit, also fresh or candied.

Dietary porridge

cooking semolina in milk
How to cook semolina porridge on milk forchild-babies and children older - a special recipe. In the composition of the components must be introduced water - pure milk can be for the infant's stomach too fat and heavy. It is difficult to digest and even sometimes causes indigestion and frustration. Therefore, the composition is: ¾ cup of milk and ¼ cup of water - 3-4 teaspoons of cereals are taken on them. In hot milk pour the boiled water, wait for the boil. Gradually pour in the mango, especially carefully following the lumps and continuously interfering. Cook on low heat, stir for 20 minutes. Add 1-1.5 teaspoons of sugar and boil for 5 minutes. Add vanilla undesirable. But you can put sugar, a little less than a teaspoon. Such porridge can be poured into a bottle and fed to the baby through the nipple, or it can be from the spoon, and even give the child the chance to try it himself.

Eat for health!

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