/ / Inverting sugar for braga: technology

Invert sugar for berg: technology

The process of making moonshine to some peopleit seems quite simple and does not cause them difficulties. However, real professionals in this industry do not think so. The fact is that before you get a quality and, most importantly, a safe drink, all components must undergo a whole series of chemical reactions and different processes, on which the final result depends. That's why professionals often practice inverting sugar for a bra, than amateurs ignore, and in the end they win in quality, getting an excellent drink than the handicrafts can not boast.

invert sugar for braga

Why is inverting necessary?

This process is to getInstead of one molecule of sucrose, the molecules of fructose and glucose. Usually inverting sugar for brew is made because the yeast is not able to process the sugar in its pure form. First they split into simpler substances, spending a certain amount of time. Only after that they process them for carbon dioxide and alcohol needed for further work. However, at the same time, a lot of by-products are released, which adversely affect the quality of the beverage.

technology of preparation

Advantages of this process

  • Some moonshakers carry out invertingsugar for braga, to shorten the time of preparation of the drink. Using the same technology, but using this technique, will allow you to get moonshine a few days earlier. In some cases it is very profitable.
  • When using this process, sugar is exposed to high temperatures. As a result, all bacteria are killed on its surface, which significantly reduces the risk of bragging.
  • This technology significantly improves the taste of the product. This is especially important when using fruits or components containing starch.
  • If distillation uses a classichome-grown device, then the output will have a higher quality at the output. However, when using distillation columns, this advantage will not be significant.
  • It is believed that the smell of moonshine when distilled is notwill be so nasty. In principle, the difference is small, although it is fair to say that the finished product will receive a pleasant aroma, especially when using fruits.

sugar syrup how to cook


  • Time is spent on the additional process. However, if we take into account that such a technology of preparation and so saves a lot of time, then this drawback can be considered insignificant.
  • The yield of the final product when using such a sugar will be several percent lower. At the same time, it is worthwhile to understand that it is possible to attribute to losses exactly the part that reduces the quality.
  • Furfural is released.This substance causes irritation of the mucous membrane and skin. True, it should be understood that even in the usual jam furfural is much more than in the so prepared beverage.

Cooking process

We all did the usual sugar syrup. How to cook it, they know almost all housewives. However, this process has minor differences and implies compliance with certain security measures.

Choice of dishes

Inverted sugar is made in deep dishes.The fact is that when adding the final component, a process of abundant foam separation occurs. As a result, the liquid increases in volume and can even spill out. That's why it is recommended to take the dishes, in which after dilution of water and sugar will be a third of the free space.

inverted sugar


We need to make sugar syrup. How to prepare it, everyone knows, but in this case the proportions will be slightly different. Therefore it is very important to follow the recipe. You need to buy:

  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • citric acid - 12 g.


  • Standard inverted sugar, the recipe for which involves the use of citric acid, requires high temperatures. Therefore, first you need to heat the water to 80 degrees.
  • To introduce sugar into the liquid must be very slowly, so that it can dissolve. At the same time, stirring is constantly carried out.
  • Only after the sugar has dissolved, the liquid is brought to a boil. At the same time, white foam will form on the surface, which must be removed. Cooking composition should be about ten minutes.
  • The next step is to invertsugar with citric acid. It is introduced into the solution in small portions with constant stirring. After that, the pan is covered with a lid, and the fire is reduced to a minimum.
  • After a couple of minutes, you need to adjust the fire.The fact is that the temperature of the syrup should be above 80 degrees. Some masters prefer to maintain the boiling process in order to achieve a guaranteed result.
  • Keep this temperature for 60 minutes. The lid must be closed.
  • After this time, the fire is turned off, and the resulting composition is cooled to 30 degrees. After that, it can be added to the fermentation vessel.

 inverted sugar recipe

Preparation of Braga

This paragraph describes the standard breg of sugar and yeast. When using other components, it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments in the recipe.

  • The standard fermentation tank is used to create the product. As it can be used a can of food aluminum, which is closed with a sealed lid.
  • On the lid is to make a special holeto remove accumulated gases. To him, mount a small tube, on which you can put the hose. This is necessary in order to create a kind of hydraulic shutter. Thanks to him, the air from the tank will go out, but nothing will get inside. So you can further reduce the risk of infection of the composition.
  • It is worth recalling that in the tank we already haveinverted sugar. The formulation of its preparation is indicated above, with all proportions. Therefore, we will add the remaining components from the calculation of the available mass.
  • 4 liters of water and 100grams of compressed yeast, given that this is the norm per 1 kilogram of normal sugar before the inversion. So, for the composition prepared earlier we need 12 liters of water and 300 grams of pressed yeast.
  • Some home-brewers prefer to use dry yeast. They should be taken at a rate of 20 grams per 1 kilogram of sugar. Therefore, we need 60 grams of this substance.
  • At the next stage, close the lid, and the hose from the tube is immersed in water.
  • Throughout the process of fermentation ismaintain the temperature in the liquid at 30 degrees. A standard brew from sugar and yeast is also prepared, although some moonshakers do not attach a particular significance to this parameter, which is completely wrong.
  • After the fermentation process has come to an end, the resulting composition must be surpassed.

After the fermentation process has come to an end,the finished product should be cleaned. Bentonite is best suited for this, which is added to the brew to condense the precipitate. This measure allows to further improve the quality of the product (it is about taste and smell). At the same time, harmful impurities are removed, making moonshine safe for consumption.

 berg made from sugar and yeast

A warning

Even the best quality brag on invertedsugar can not guarantee that the final product will be safe. It is necessary to observe a lot of other conditions and technical processes in order to achieve the desired result. Do not put experiments on yourself and others, because the consequences of poisoning with low-quality alcohol can be very deplorable.

Отдельное внимание нужно уделить тому, что independent production of alcoholic beverages in some countries is illegal. Even braga can refer to such products, and in some cases the very fact of storing the moonshine can lead to punishment. Considering this, before you start brewing, you should study in detail the legislation of a particular region, so as not to have trouble with the law.

Also do not forget that excessiveThe use of alcoholic beverages may adversely affect your health. Even a high-quality product can do much harm if its quantity exceeds the permissible norm.

inverting sugar with citric acid

Recommendations of specialists

  • When creating brags at home, it is worththink about others. This process, followed by distillation, contributes to the appearance of a mass of peculiar odors, which not all people like. Therefore, you need to use technology and recipes, which reduce side effects to a minimum. It is also worthwhile to install the hood and work in a ventilated room.
  • When citric acid is added to syrup,there is a chance that splashes will appear. It should be remembered that the temperature of the composition is quite high, and you can get quite serious burns. Therefore, before the introduction of acid, the fire is removed to a minimum, and it itself is added in small portions. However, it is better to use additional protection for the eyes and skin. It is enough to wear glasses, an apron and mittens.
  • It is very important to observe the temperature.If it is violated, the inversion may not be completely performed. That is why many self-racers prefer to carry out this process on the verge of boiling, which gives almost 100% quality guarantee.

  • It is believed that for the preparation of moonshine is better.just use sugar from beets. Some self-racers claim that it can not be subjected to inversion, since the yeast copes with it perfectly. In fact, this information is erroneous. Regardless of which yeast strains are used or which sugar is used, it will take approximately the same amount of time to process it and a similar number of impurities will be released. Only inversion will change this situation.

  • In order to save time, it is recommendedto harvest such sugar for future use. However, experts say that it is better not to do it. The fact is that during cooling it loses its properties, since new molecules, characteristic of sucrose, begin to form. Therefore, it is better to cook this sugar immediately before using it.

  • If you overheat the mixture, it will begin to darken and becomeunsuitable for further use. Such a composition will spoil the taste of the final product, which means that it should be poured out or used for confectionery purposes. Given this, it is worth controlling the temperature at all stages of cooking.

Masters reviews

  • First of all, experts note the fact thatThe first exit of the drink is almost completely devoid of unpleasant odor and harmful impurities. Some samogerschiki claim that it is just a pity to pour out a similar product, although in some recipes this is a necessity.

  • Часто остаток самогона, который выходит в конце distillation, called “tail”. When using this sugar, this distillation product is simply canceled. It is completely devoid of impurities and sediment and at the same time it has a good degree and is well drunk. Some experts, having tried the inverted sugar for the first time, leave such “tails” in order to show the result to their friends. The product really amazes experienced moonshiners, because it has a very good taste.

  • Among the reviews of some manufacturers suchproducts can be found and the mention of negative experiences, which is associated with improper cooking process or violation of temperature regimes. Usually such comments are written by self-racers who do not comply with any production technologies and do not have the appropriate equipment. Once again, it is worth recalling that the entire distillation process is a combination of several chemical reactions, so it must be approached very responsibly.

  • Experts say that the quality of the productdepends not on a single process, but on a whole complex of measures aimed at its improvement. Even the best mash on the inverted sugar can be spoiled during the distillation, or you can kill the taste of moonshine by putting low-quality ingredients into the sugars. Only the correct approach to the preparation of the technical process will allow you to get a great product. That is why you need to pay attention to the cleaning, and even on the state of the moonshine.

home brew


Based on the material above,it can be concluded that inverting sugar for home brew is a process that doesn’t take much time and effort; moreover, you do not need to have a higher education or have a doctorate in chemistry to implement it. Everything is quite simple and is implemented at home. At the same time, the quality of the final product, judging by the reviews, is increasing, and the speed of its preparation makes it possible to increase production volumes over a certain period.

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