/ / Tomatoes in own juice recipe

Tomatoes in your own juice recipe

What can be more pleasant than in a cold winterevening to eat a glossy canned tomato with a crispy fried potato, to feel the sharpness and burning aroma of adzhika in a vegetable stew, to enjoy delicious hot dumplings, richly flavored with an acute and at the same time tender flavor of horseradish? It is canned vegetables - these are the same goodies, without which it is so difficult to survive the winter cold. And yet - this is an excellent means of replenishing vitamins in the body, and the effect on the body of tomato juice is such that a person begins to feel relaxed and liberated. No wonder the old days called tomatoes apples of love ...

Tomatoes in their own juice a recipe with horseradish and garlic. To prepare it for one three-liter jar you will need the following ingredients:

* tomatoes - how many will go in
* tomato paste - 2.5 liters
* salt - 2 tablespoons
* sugar - 4 table boats
* Garlic - 3-4 cloves
* greens of dill, parsley
* horseradish (root) - ¼ of a cup
* Bulgarian pepper - 250 grams

Tomatoes are washed, pierced at the base andstack in prepared banks, shifting greens. First, the cans with tomatoes are poured with boiling water for 10 minutes, and then a well-boiled homogeneous tomato mass into which spices and spices are added. After that, the jars are sealed and turned upside down. Banks need to be covered and left to cool completely, then transferred to a cool place for storage.

For the preparation of tomato mass, tomatoes needcut into four pieces and cook until softened for ten minutes, then rub through a sieve or colander to remove the peel. After that, salt, sugar, and also finely chopped garlic and twice missed horseradish and Bulgarian pepper are added to the tomato mass. The mass is boiled again for 15 minutes, stirring constantly so that it does not burn.

The tomatoes in their own juice are quite a recipecommon. Tomatoes can be immediately poured boiling tomato mass, without pouring boiling water. In this case, before the cans are rolled up, they need to be pasteurized by placing water in a preheated to sixty degrees water for 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the can. After that, tomatoes are immediately rolled up and put the jars on the lid.

You can make peeled tomatoes in your ownjuice recipe is different in that instead of tomato mass tomatoes are filled with tomato juice. To prepare tomato juice, you need to take fleshy tomatoes and twist on a meat grinder, but it is better to squeeze juice on a juicer. Shredded tomatoes put on the fire, add salt, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. This is the simplest recipe for making tomato juice.

Peeled tomatoes in their own juice recipe contains the following ingredients:

* small-fruited tomatoes - 3 kilograms
* Large-fruited tomatoes - 2 kilograms
* salt - 80 grams
* sugar - 50 grams

Small-fruity tomatoes are blanched for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, then cold and peeled, then pierced in several places with a toothpick and placed in sterilized jars.

But the recipe for tomatoes is salted in its own juice. It is necessary to take the following ingredients:

* tomatoes - 10 kilograms
* dill - 200 grams
* horseradish (root) - 50 grams
* leaves of black currant, cherry, horseradish, oak - 10 grams each
* red hot pepper (dried) - 1 pod
* garlic - 30 grams

Brine is prepared from crushed or missedthrough a meat grinder of tomatoes. For 10 liters of pickle, 700 grams of salt is taken. For canning is best suited variety Marinade, but you can use other varieties, except for salads.

The seasoning is placed on the bottom of the can or container forpickles, top put tomatoes and pour cold brine. Then put a circle on the tomatoes and bend and cover with a napkin. For several days, tomatoes should be kept at room temperature, so that lactic acid fermentation begins. Then the tomatoes should be transferred to a cool room with an air temperature of 1 degree.

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