/ / Aldanov, "Devil's Bridge". Summary and features of the novel

Aldanov, "Devil's Bridge". Summary and features of the novel

Russia since the time of the Empire was famous for itswriters and poets. Unsurpassed works that have become classics not only in our country, but all over the world allow us to be proud of our cultural heritage. And the uniqueness of the presentation of thoughts helps not only to develop spiritually, but also to improve in the Russian language. It is literate speech that distinguishes an educated and thinking person.

Probably, therefore, the school program, taking care ofour diversified development includes the obligatory reading of the works of Russian geniuses of the word. To them can be attributed, and the work, the author of which was a Russian journalist, master of historical prose - Aldanov - "Devil's Bridge". The summary of the novel, which pupils love to use so much, is unlikely to convey the author’s intrinsic manner of a fascinating presentation of events and an original presentation of material framed by philosophical speculations on historical themes. But first things first.

Biographical information

It is no secret that Mark Landau is the real name of Aldanov.

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He was born in 1886 in Kiev, located onthat moment as part of the Russian Empire. Having received a comprehensive education in the field of physical, mathematical and legal sciences, Aldanov begins to be interested in history. Later, technical education and an analytical mindset will help him turn a boring historical work filled with dry facts into an exciting journey through past events. That only is the novel, which wrote Aldanov - "Devil's Bridge"!

Creativity of the author

The first volume of his work "Tolstoy and Rolland" he published only in 1915. However, the work was not successful, and was subsequently rewritten and released under the new title - “The Mystery of Tolstoy”.

Two years later, success still comes to the author,thanks to the book "Armageddon." And later comes the tetralogy "The Thinker." It includes Aldanov Mark "Devil's Bridge", "The Ninth Thermidor", the story "Saint Helen, a small island" and "Conspiracy". Tetralogy tells about the events taking place during the reign of Napoleon.

After that, Aldanov’s activities did not end, and he wrote 12 more historical works, one philosophical work and two books in the field of chemistry.

Influence on creativity

The dedication of the first book to another great writer Leo Tolstoy is not accidental.

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Mark Aldanov did not hide that he was greatfan, despite the differences in vision of some philosophical aspects. Perhaps that is why in his own writings one can trace the influence of Tolstoy and the borrowing of his writing style. For example, in one of the novels included in the tetralogy “The Thinker” - “Devil's Bridge” - the description of events passes through the prism of the perception of an ordinary person, who has no relation to either politics or history. In this there is an obvious parallel with Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace.

Writing style

However, Aldanov does not forget about his own manner.writing. Using skepticism and repelling from the rich historical experience, he describes state activities, military actions, the moral side of humanity, recognizing the will of chance in making important decisions. By sending the main character to the very heart of historical events, the author rewards himself with the opportunity to tell stories about himself using his own perception.

Aldanov, "Devil's Bridge": a summary

The great publicist does not change his manner in this work.

aldan fucking bridge summary

Так, главной темой повествования является the heroic deed of Suvorov, who sent his army across the Alps. Sending to the center of what is happening a young nobleman named Staal, who becomes an unwitting witness to the story, the author tells about past events in the original key. Thanks to this technique, the reader is completely immersed in what happened and is endowed with a chance to get to the essence of the historical event as closely as possible.

Read the full novel, which wrote Aldanov - "Devil's Bridge". Summary on the background of the original text will seem a scant parody, not transmitting all the nuances of the work.

Aldan Devil's Bridge

Great commander, winner of manybattles, Suvorov is embroiled in the intrigues of the Austrian staffers. Now his goal is to save his own army. To do this, Suvorov is forced to cross Italy along with her and get to Switzerland. Nobody believed in the victory of a brave commander, and all his actions were doomed to failure. However, Suvorov not only successfully transferred the army, but also founded his own state - the Swiss Federation. Shading his heroic deed by the life of the Neapolitan court, Aldanov tells about their cowardice and self-interest, reflecting these qualities in escape during the offensive of the French troops.


Any creation of the author is a masterpiece,worthy of complete reading. Each line of the story is endowed with a special meaning, telling about events that occurred long before our birth, but somehow influenced our destiny. A great opportunity to get acquainted with the era of the 19th century will be the reading of the novel written by Aldanov, “Devil's Bridge”. Summary literally deprives him of the subtleties, dooming readers to the ignorance of the history of their own state. Undoubtedly, this is everyone’s choice, but by freeing a couple of hours from less important matters, it’s much more pleasant to culturally enrich your life by reading this or that quality work.

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