/ / Epithets, metaphors, impersonations, comparisons in poetic and oral speech

Epithets, metaphors, impersonations, comparisons in poetic and oral speech

The Russian language is notable for its special color andexpressiveness. It is especially pronounced in works of art, but we also pronounce very many epithets, metaphors, avatars, comparisons in everyday life, sometimes without even noticing it.

Where is the expressiveness of speech

Actually become a means of visualcan virtually any word in the Russian language, which has an independent meaning. After all, any representation is based on the use of the word in a figurative sense. The transfer may be different. In everyday speech, metonymy and metaphor are most often used. People who strive for the brilliance of their speech, often resort to epithets.

Polysemy - the source of visual

In Russian there are a lot of adjectives andnouns in which several meanings are originally incorporated. Some of them are straight and some are portable. For example, consider the adjective "iron". This is a relative adjective that denotes the quality of an item in a workmanship, literally “made of iron”. However, the wise Russian people know that iron is a durable metal, and therefore epithets have appeared that are often attached to people (for example, Margaret Thatcher - the Iron Lady). In a figurative sense, the word means strong, persistent, strong character. If a person is ready to go ahead and does not stop in front of fears, then he has an iron will. If, say, an athlete boxer has a strong blow, then he has an iron fist. Thus, even the most common-looking words can easily turn into epithets, metaphors, personification, comparison.

Imperceptible metaphors

Russian metaphors do not always look colorful and bright. Sometimes we do not even know that we use them in speech.

In general, metaphor is a lexical means.expressiveness, based on the transfer of the meaning of a word by similarity. In artistic texts, it is found very often. For example, we read at Yesenin: "The fire of mountain ash is burning in the garden ...". Rowan in autumn has a very bright color. She has red leaves and berries, like a fire.

Many words in Russian were formed through metaphorization. For example, the door handle, table leg.

The epithets of metaphor of the personification of comparison
It's all about the function and purpose of things.Handle - to take for it, and the leg to the table became. The butterfly larva we call the caterpillar, and the tractor wheels the caterpillars. It's all about the external similarity. The same can be said about chanterelles, their ginger color resembles the color of a cunning fox animal.

We do not always notice that we use epithets,metaphors, personifications, comparisons. For example, we say that we have a lot of problems. Although the problems - this is what exists only as a concept in the mind of man, which means that they can not be measured in heaps. When we see something confusing, we call it a tangle. And smoke, for example, can be compared with the cloud.

Epithets in the poem

Personification as a means of expression

Impersonation is a means of expression,based on endowing an inanimate object with the properties of a living thing. In poetic speech, it is used very often, especially when describing nature. The streams in the poems whisper, the sky is crying, the cornfield is agitated, and the trees communicate easily with each other. Impersonation allows you to express one very important idea: man and nature are inextricably linked with each other.

Russian metaphors

In everyday speech, we also often resort toimpersonations. For example, when we say that the river runs, and the volcano falls asleep. Do not confuse impersonation with epithets. Suppose the "gloomy sky" is an epithet. Since the adjective is figurative in this case. But the "sky frowns" - is the personification.


As epithets, metaphors, personifications,comparisons help make speech more vivid and expressive. Comparison, as a rule, is formed through comparative alliances, as if, exactly, as if, as well as others. Sometimes it is expressed by the noun in the instrumental case. For example, soared kite. Such a combination can easily be converted into a classic comparative turn - soared like a hawk.

Based on the comparison, many phraseological combinations in Russian are built: white as snow, everything is as in a fog, as in a dream, as the wind blew away, as if in spirit and so on.


The most frequent means of expression.Epithets in a poem or prose is very easy to find. Without them, it is almost impossible to describe the subject. In addition, they allow you to express the author's assessment, create the desired emotional mood.

How to find epithets, metaphors, impersonations, comparisons in texts

First, you need to know the definition of eachfrom the funds. Secondly, you need to develop your vigilance. Try to select from the text all the "beautiful" words that give brightness, allow you to make the text more emotional. And from all the words you need to choose the usual emotional words and definitions, and then the means of expression. An example of this is Lermontov’s poem "When a Yellow Niva Waves". It is small in volume, but replete with figures of speech.

personification is

Epithets in the poem: "sweet shadow", "fragrant dew", "lily of the valley silver", "rosy evening."

Metaphor: "plunging thought into some kind of vague dream."

Impersonations: worries Niva, lily of the valley nods his head.

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