In the famous autumn of Bolda, 1830, A.S.For 11 days, Pushkin wrote an amazing work, The Tale of Belkin, which included five independent stories told to one person (his name is given in the title). In them, the author managed to create a gallery of provincial images, truthfully and without embellishment to show life in the modern writer of Russia.
A special place in the cycle is occupied by the story “The Stationmaster”. It was she who laid the foundation for the development of the “little man” theme in Russian literature of the 19th century.
The story stationmaster Samson Vyrina certain ILP, a titular adviser, told Belkin. His bitter reflections on what attitude to people of this rank, from the very beginning, set up the reader in a not very cheerful way. Anyone stopping at the station is ready to curse them. Either the horses are bad, the weather and the road are nasty, if not the mood went wrong - and the station supervisor is to blame for everything. The main idea of the story - to show the plight of the common man without a high rank and rank.
All the claims of passing calmly demolished SamsonVyrin is a retired soldier, a widower who raised Dunechka, a 14-year-old daughter. He was a fresh and vigorous man of about fifty, sociable and sensitive. So he saw him when he first met the titular councilor.
The house was clean and comfortable, the windows grewbalsamine. And everyone who stopped was given tea from a Dunya samovar, which early learned to keep house. With her meek look and smile, she humbled the anger of all the discontented. In the society of Vyrin and the “little coquette”, the time for the adviser passed quickly. The guest was saying goodbye to the hosts, as with old acquaintances: their society seemed so pleasant to him.
The story "Stationmaster" continuesdescription of the second meeting of the narrator with the main character. A few years later, fate again threw him into those lands. He drove to the station with disturbing thoughts: everything could happen during that time. The premonition really did not deceive: instead of a vigorous and cheerful person a gray-haired, long-shaven, hunched old man appeared before him. It was all the same Vyrin, only now very taciturn and gloomy. However, the glass of punch made his, and soon the narrator learned the story of Dunya.
Three years ago, a young hussar passed by.He liked the girl, and he pretended to be sick for a few days. And when he achieved mutual feelings from her, he secretly took him away from his father, without blessing. So the fallen trouble has changed for a long time the settled life of family. The heroes of the Stationmaster, father and daughter, will no longer meet. An attempt by the old man to return Dunya ended in nothing. He reached Petersburg and was even able to see her, richly dressed and happy. But the girl, looking at her father, fell unconscious and was simply kicked out. Now Samson lived in anguish and solitude, and the bottle became his main companion.
Even at his first arrival, the narrator noticedOn the walls are pictures with signatures in German. They displayed the biblical story of the prodigal son, who had taken his share of the inheritance and wasted it. In the last picture, the humble boy returned to his parents' home house.
Эта легенда очень напоминает то, что произошло с Vyrin and Dunya, because it is not by chance that it was included in the story “The Stationmaster”. The main idea of the work is connected with the idea of helplessness and helplessness of ordinary people. Vyrin, well acquainted with the foundations of high society, could not believe that his daughter could be happy. Nor was the scene seen in Petersburg convinced that everything could change. He waited for Dunya to return to the end of his life, but their meeting and forgiveness did not take place. Perhaps Dunya just did not dare to appear before her father for a long time.
On his third visit, the narrator learns about old acquaintance. And the boy who accompanied him to the cemetery will tell him about the mistress, who arrived after the station superintendent died. The content of their conversation makes it clear that everything at Dunya went well. She arrived in a carriage with six horses, accompanied by a wet-nurse and three barcats. But Dunya’s father was no longer alive, so repentance of the “lost” daughter became impossible. The lady lay at the grave for a long time - by tradition, they asked forgiveness from the deceased person and said goodbye to him forever - and then she left.
Why did the happiness of her daughter bring unbearable mental suffering to her father?
Samson Vyrin always believed that life withoutblessings and as a mistress is a sin. And the fault of Dunya and Minsky, probably, is primarily that their departure (the caretaker himself convinced the daughter to carry out the hussar to the church) and misunderstanding when they met in St. Petersburg only strengthened him in this conviction, which, in the end, would bring the hero to the grave . There is another important point - the incident undermined faith in the father. He sincerely loved his daughter, who was the reason for his existence. And suddenly such ingratitude: for all the years Dunya never once let know about herself. She seemed to have struck her father out of her life.
Изобразив небогатого человека самого низкого rank, but with high moral values and a sensitive soul, A.S. Pushkin drew the attention of contemporaries to the situation of people who were at the lowest level of the social ladder. The inability to protest and humility with fate make them defenseless in the face of life circumstances. Such is the station supervisor.
The main idea that wants to convey to the readerauthor, it is necessary to be sensitive and attentive to each person, regardless of his character and social status. Only this will help to change the indifference and anger prevailing in the world of people.