/ / Abstract "Stationary inspector" А.С. Pushkin

Summary "Stationmaster" A.S. Pushkin

A series of Belkin's stories written by AlexanderSergeevich Pushkin, contains several interesting and informative stories. One of such works is the “Stationmaster”. Pushkin, a brief summary of the creativity of which allows him to see the talent of a great writer, dedicated this story to the difficult fate of all station supervisors, and also illuminated the relationship between parents and children.

Briefing stationmaster
The story begins with the author's story aboutthe unfortunate fate of all Russian station rangers, on which any traveler takes out his irritation, demands the impossible and constantly rumbles, and these unfortunate people all have to endure and indulge the guests. Next comes the story of a specific person, who is called Samson Vyrin. The abstract "Stationmaster" carries the reader to the beginning of the XIX century, where the main events unfolded.

Bad weather somehow caught the narrator on the road, andhe decided to stop at the nearest station. The owner, he asked permission to change clothes, drink tea and sit out the rain. The caretaker was a good-natured man, he lived with his beautiful daughter, who at that time was about 14 years old, called her Dunya. The girl was busy with household chores and set the table. The guest, together with the host and Dunya, had dinner, a casual conversation was held at the table, after which the horses were filed and the story-teller, saying goodbye to his new friends, left.

Summary of the “Stationmaster”brings the reader several years ahead, when the narrator again passes through the same province and decides to call on his old acquaintances. He finds only the caretaker, who has turned from a good-natured man into a sullen and haggard old man, his hut has become dilapidated and neglected. The man only kept silent about all the questions about Duna, but he managed to get him talking over a glass of punch.

Stationmaster Pushkin Summary
Summary "Stationmaster"tells that a young hussar arrived at the station three years ago. At first he was angry and immediately demanded horses, but when he saw the beautiful Dunya, he calmed down and stayed for lunch. Then he unexpectedly got into bed, and the called doctor prescribed absolute peace for him. The caretaker’s daughter was caring for him. Having recovered, the hussar started to go home and, on leaving, offered Duna to take her to the church. Summary The “Stationmaster” will not show all the feelings of a father who realized that his daughter had been kidnapped.

Samson went to St. Petersburg in search of Dunya.He found a hussar, but he said that he loved a girl, she would be well with him. So that the father could get rid of them, he even offered money, but the caretaker threw them away. After a time, Samson tracked down where his daughter lives. When Dunya met, she fainted, and the hussar simply put him out the door. After that, the father no longer attempted to return his daughter.

Summary of Stationmaster
Summary "Stationmaster"brings the reader a few more years ahead, when the narrator again passes by the familiar station. The old caretaker is no longer there, the boy who settled in his house said that Samson died a year ago. A beautiful lady with three children came to his grave, wept very much and distributed generous alms to everyone, and in church she ordered a prayer service. The narrator realized that it was Dunya, who felt great guilt in front of her father for leaving him and not visiting him when he was still alive.

Pushkin in the story "The Stationmaster" raisedthe theme of the “little man”, so that the reader is able to understand the fate of ordinary people, to penetrate into their inner world, to know the soul of these unfortunates. Even such insignificant, seemingly personalities are worthy of compassion and understanding.

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