So, the boy is 11 years old, Pushkin Alexander, froma very rich, but still well-known noble family, after passing qualifying examinations, enters the newly opened Imperial Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum. At the opening there is a royal family and a huge number of high-ranking individuals. Privileged higher education institution is open for children from noble births. Initially, it was planned that the Grand Dukes would also be trained there, but they decided to abandon it. It was the first educational institution where corporal punishment was outlawed. The opening day was magnificent and solemn. It's easy to imagine how exciting the first sensation was and how extraordinary Lyceum years of Pushkin had passed. The brief content of the memories of those years gives us the opportunity to experience that "soil" in which the young genius grew. For the sake of justice, it should be said that Pushkin is not the only graduate of this lyceum, which has received worldwide fame.
Despite the fact that the charter of the institution was enoughstrict, teachers educated children in some freedom, freedom of thought. For example, Professor of Philosophy and Psychology Kunitsyn AP. at his lectures denounced serfdom and did it very enthusiastically. His influence on young minds was impressive, not only the poems written at that time, but also the biography of Pushkin itself, speak of this.
Lyceum years passed in an atmosphere alive and evenwe can say rebellious. In addition to the fact that the institution was closed (students were not allowed to go for free walks in the city), so the civil war of 1812 brought a blockade. Closed in the "four walls" ardent teenagers, inspired by patriotic thoughts, eagerly read the news, took pride in victories and argued, discussing those or other actions of the heroes of the war.
Lyceum years of Pushkin (summarypoems, or rather their analysis, gives the right to state this) discovered in him a real poet. This was facilitated not only by internal strength, but also by the environment, the teachers of the institution. In particular, the teacher of literature Koshanskiy NF. For a long time he saw in him just an arrogant teenager, and Pushkin, in turn, believed he was not entitled to teach the secrets of versification and talk about literary taste. The peculiar struggle of the student with the teacher not only did not break the spirit, but also strengthened in his own rightness.
It is difficult to say that there are Lyceum years of Pushkin.The summary of any biographical opus is a very ambiguous thing. Naked facts are not able to describe the sequence of actions, to understand the soul and what influenced the formation of personality.
The literary mentor was the teacher,replacing Koshansky, AI Galich. The young author devoted enough of his creations. It can be safely stated that the verses read by Pushkin in the exam in January 1815 before Derzhavin and other, equally venerable authors of that time, were written under his influence and brought a lot of fame to the young talent.
In the autumn of the same year, especially for exploringas a young genius, Zhukovsky VA, a defender of the fatherland, a hero of the civil war, a famous author, and a little later a teacher of the great princesses Alexandra Feodorovna and Prince Alexander (Alexander II) come to Tsarskoye Selo village. Their acquaintance was something average between student / teacher communication and friendship. Years later (in 1831), Vasily Andreevich would propose a dispute in which Pushkin would emerge as the undoubted winner. It will be proposed to write a reworked Russian fairy tale, after which the famous “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” and “The Tale of Tsar Berendey” were born. At one time, Zhukovsky presented his portrait to Alexander with the inscription: “the winner is a student from a defeated teacher”.
The information that has come down to us about the Lyceum yearsPushkin, left mainly by those who studied side by side, says that he was a man of a bright and extraordinary already in adolescence. The friendship with classmates, by the way, was strong and long, and from the pen of Alexander Sergeevich came out not one poem dedicated to friends-lyceum students.