/ / Solzhenitsyn, "One Day of Ivan Denisovich". Analysis, summary, main characters

Solzhenitsyn, "One Day of Ivan Denisovich." Analysis, summary, main characters

Solzhenitsyn's Tale "One Day by Ivan Denisovich"was established in 1959. The author wrote it in between work on the novel "In the first circle." In just 40 days, Solzhenitsyn created One Day, Ivan Denisovich. Analysis of this work is the topic of this article.

Subject of the work

one day Ivan Denisovich a brief summary

Читатель повести знакомится с жизнью в лагерной zone of the Russian peasant. However, the subject of the work to camp life is not reduced. In addition to the details of survival in the zone, “One Day ...” contains details of life in the village, described through the prism of the hero’s consciousness. In the story of Tyurin, the brigadier, there is evidence of the consequences to which collectivization in the country resulted. In various disputes between camp intellectuals, various phenomena of Soviet art are discussed (theatrical premier of Y. Zavadsky, the film “Ivan the Terrible” by S. Eisenstein). In connection with the fate of comrades Shukhov in the camp many details of the history of the Soviet period are mentioned.

The topic of the fate of Russia is the main topiccreativity of such a writer as Solzhenitsyn. "One Day of Ivan Denisovich", the analysis of which interests us, is no exception. In it local, private topics are organically inscribed into this common problem. In this respect, the theme of the fate of art in a state with a totalitarian system is indicative. So, artists from the camp write free pictures for the authorities. The art of the Soviet era, according to Solzhenitsyn, became part of the general apparatus of oppression. The episode of Shukhov’s reflections on producing painted “carpets” of village artisans supported the motive of art degradation.

The plot of the story

Solzhenitsyn one day Ivan Denisovich analysis

Chronicle is the story of the story, whichcreated Solzhenitsyn ("One Day of Ivan Denisovich"). The analysis shows that although the storyline basis is made up of events lasting only one day, the proponent biography of the protagonist allows for the presentation of his memories. Ivan Shukhov was born in 1911. He spent his prewar years in the village of Temgenevo. In his family - two daughters (only son died early). Shukhov in the war is from its first days. He was wounded, then captured, from where he managed to escape. In 1943, Shukhov was convicted of "treason against his motherland" in a fabricated case. He served 8 years at the time of the plot action. The action of the work takes place in Kazakhstan, in a penal camp. One of the January days of 1951 was described by Solzhenitsyn ("One Day of Ivan Denisovich").

Analysis of the character system works

Although the main part of the characters is described by the authorconcisely, Solzhenitsyn managed to achieve plastic expressiveness in their image. We observe the diversity of individualities, the wealth of human types in the work "One Day of Ivan Denisovich". The heroes of the story are depicted succinctly, but they remain in the reader’s memory for a long time. Sometimes a writer only needs one or two fragments, expressive sketches. Solzhenitsyn (the photo of the author is presented below) is sensitive to the national, professional and class specifics of the human characters created by him.

one day ivan denisovich content by chapters

The relationship between the characters is subject to strictcamp hierarchy in the work "One Day of Ivan Denisovich." The summary of the entire prison life of the protagonist, presented in one day, allows us to conclude that there is an insurmountable abyss between the camp administration and the prisoners. It is noteworthy that there are no names in this story, and sometimes the names of many guards and supervisors. The individuality of these characters is manifested only in the forms of violence, as well as in the degree of ferocity. On the contrary, despite the impersonal numbering system, many of the prisoners in the consciousness of the hero are present with names, and sometimes with patronymic names. This suggests that they retain their individuality. Although this evidence does not apply to the so-called informers, assholes and wicks, described in the work "One Day of Ivan Denisovich." These heroes also have no names. In general, Solzhenitsyn talks about how the system is unsuccessfully trying to turn people into parts of a totalitarian machine. Especially important in this respect, besides the main character, are the images of Tyurin (brigadier), Pavlo (his assistant), Buynovsky (kavtoranga), Baptist Aleshka and Latvian Kilgas.

Main character

Solzhenitsyn's story one day by Ivan Denisovich

In the work "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" imagethe protagonist is quite remarkable. Solzhenitsyn made them an ordinary peasant, a Russian peasant. Although the circumstances of camp life are obviously “exceptional”, the writer in his hero deliberately emphasizes outwardly inconspicuous, “normal” behavior. According to Solzhenitsyn, the fate of the country depends on the innate morality and natural resilience of the common man. In Shukhov, the main thing is indestructible inner dignity. Ivan Denisovich, even serving the more educated of his fellow farmers, does not change the age-old peasant habits and does not drop himself.

Very important in the characterization of this hero of hisworking skill: Shukhov managed to get his own comfortable trowel; in order to mold the spoons later, he hides pieces of aluminum wire; He carved a folding knife and skillfully hid it. Further, insignificant at first glance, the details of the existence of this hero, his demeanor, peculiar peasant etiquette, everyday habits - all this in the context of the story gets the value of values ​​that allow it to survive in difficult human conditions in man. Shukhov, for example, always wakes up 1.5 hours before the divorce. He belongs to himself in these morning minutes. It is important to the hero this time of actual freedom also because you can earn some money.

One day Ivan Denisovich image

"Cinematic" compositional techniques

Один день содержит в этом произведении сгусток man's fate, squeeze out of his life. It is impossible not to notice a high degree of detail: each fact in the narration is divided into small components, of which most of it is served up close. The author uses "cinematic" compositional techniques. He scrupulously, extraordinarily carefully watches how, before leaving the barrack, his hero puts on or eats up to the skeleton a small fish caught in a soup. A separate “frame” is rewarded in the story even such seemingly irrelevant gastronomic detail as fish eyes floating in a chowder. You will be convinced of this by reading the work "One Day by Ivan Denisovich". The contents of the chapters of this story with careful reading allows you to find many similar examples.

The term "term"

It is important that in the text of the work with each otherThe notions such as "day" and "life" come together, sometimes becoming practically synonymous. Such a rapprochement is carried out by the author through the concept of "term", universal in the narration. A term is a punishment measured by a prisoner, and at the same time an internal routine of life in prison. In addition, most importantly, it is synonymous with the fate of a person and a reminder of the last, most important period of his life. Temporary designations thus acquire a deep moral and psychological coloring in the work.


one day ivan denisovich heroes

The scene is also very significant.Hostile to the prisoners of the camp space, especially dangerous are open areas of the zone. Prisoners hurry to run as quickly as possible between rooms. They are afraid of being caught in this place, they rush to whisk under the protection of the hut. In contrast to the heroes of Russian literature who love the distance and breadth, Shukhov and other prisoners dream of cramped cover. For them, the hut is home.

What was one day of Ivan Denisovich?

Characteristics of the one day spent by Shukhovdirectly given by the author in the work. Solzhenitsyn showed that this day in the life of the protagonist was successful. Arguing about him, the author notes that the hero was not put in a punishment cell, they did not drive out the brigade to Sotsgorodok, he made a mess for lunch, the brigadier closed the interest well. Shukhov put the wall cheerfully, did not get caught on a shmona with a hacksaw, in the evening earned money from Caesar and bought a tobacco box. The main character also did not get sick. An unclouded day passed, "almost happy." Such is in the work "One Day by Ivan Denisovich" a brief summary of his main events. The final author's words sound just as epically calm. He says that such days were in the term of Shukhov 3653 - 3 extra days were added due to leap years.

One day Ivan Denisovich problems

Solzhenitsyn refrains from open manifestationemotions and loud words: it is enough that the reader has the appropriate feelings. And this is guaranteed by the harmonious structure of the story about the strength of a person and the power of life.


Thus, in the work "One Day of IvanDenisovich's problems were posed very relevant for that time. Solzhenitsyn recreates the main features of the era when people were doomed to incredible hardship and torment. The history of this phenomenon does not begin with 1937, marked by the first violations of the norms of party and state life, but much earlier, the beginning of the existence of a totalitarian regime in Russia. Thus, the work presents a clot of destinies of many Soviet people who were forced to pay with years of torment, humiliation, camps for loyal and honest service. The author of the story “One Day, Ivan Denisovich" raised these problems so that the reader would think about the nature of the phenomena observed in society and draw some conclusions for himself. The writer does not moralize, does not call for something, he only describes reality. The product only benefits from this.

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