/ / Museum of Gorno-Altaisk named after Anokhin: photo, mode of operation

Museum of Gorno-Altaisk named after Anokhin: photo, mode of operation

In 2018, the National Museum of Gorno-Altaisknamed Anokhin will celebrate its centenary. Not a single generation of museum workers worked painstakingly on replenishing collections, preparing and exhibiting exhibitions and interesting, informative expositions. The museum not only takes care of rarities and artifacts found at different times, but also promotes the historical and cultural heritage of the Altai Mountains.

From the history of the museum

The actual date of the opening of the museum is 1920year, but the history of the museum began with the acquisition in 1918 of a large collection of minerals and artifacts collected by the Altai Gulyaevs. Now the museum's Ford in its storehouses has a large amount of materials relating to the excavation of burial mounds and the Ukok Plateau, the works of the artist Choros-Gurkin, manuscripts and print books dating from the 17th-20th centuries are exhibited. There are paleontological collections in the museum. The Museum of Gorno-Altaisk has unique expositions and is considered one of the modern in Russia.

mountain altaisk museum

The first head of the museum was the ethnographer A.V. Anokhin.In 1990, his name was awarded to the museum, and in 2002 the former regional museum of Gorno-Altaisk became known as a national museum. Two years later, the proposed plan for the reconstruction of the museum, which was held from 2008 to 2012, was considered. Needed were additional rooms for the storage facility, which was done during the restoration. After the restoration, the museum acquired a new look.

Expositions and departments of the museum

The museum has collected materials andExpositions that tell about the nature of the Edge and its ancient history. Widely presented material on ethnography and the complex plateau Ukok. The material on modern history and fine arts is presented.

In total, the museum has about 66 thousandstorage units, about 15 thousand exhibits of archaeological finds, has the materials of a paleontological site of a man found in the territory of modern Gorno-Altaisk. The departments of the museum are engaged in the preparation of materials for exhibitions and expositions, scientific and research work, ethnography and cultural and educational work. The museum has a scientific library and a department of funds.

Nature and fauna of Altai

Nature is represented by several halls in whichtells about the unique landscape of the Altai Mountains, lakes (7000 lakes), waterfalls, rivers, karst caves (430 caves). Today the mountain Altai is one of the regions that has preserved nature in its original form. From the exposition of the museum you can learn about the geological history of the Mountainous Altai, about minerals and rocks, about the ancient flora and fauna of the Krai.

Museum of Anokhin Mining Altaisk

Water resources are represented in the museumGorno-Altaisk on photos and maps. The hydrographic network includes more than 20 thousand watercourses and lakes. Visitors to the museum can see the peculiarities of the climate and the terrain. Special interest in visitors is always caused by an artificial waterfall and stuffed fish living in water bodies of the Altai Mountains: taimen, telycian whitefish, grayling, shuka.

In the nature department, visitors can read theinhabitants of the fauna of the republic. Among the expats of the museum in the Chuchul and in the photo are varieties of mammals (more than 70 species), birds (more than 300 species) and 10 species of amphibians and reptiles.

Altai Ethnography

The Anokhin Museum in Gorno-Altaisk in its hallscollected a unique collection of cult objects of peoples living in the Altai, such as shamanic diamonds and households. The indigenous population: Telengits, Tubalars, Chelkans, Kumandy, have an original culture. Here, visitors will learn about the traditional tamga-signs of seoks, which narrate about the genus institute. The most part of the exhibition represents traditional clothes of Altai, Kumandin, Teleuts. There are materials about the religion of the Altaians "ak yang" (white faith). A heroic epic is also represented along which the layer of the Altai culture was reconstructed.

museum in mountain altaisk photo

The art exposition is proud of the greata collection of paintings that were transferred by the Altai artist Choros-Gurkin to the museum. "Khan-Altai" and "Lake of Mountain Spirits" are the most famous of its criminals. In total, there are more than 3,000 art pieces in the museum's storehouses.

The complex plateau Ukok

A special place in the museum is devoted to expositionsthe Ukok plateau complex. During archaeological excavations, the richest layer of Altai culture was discovered. The sensation was the well-preserved body of a young woman found in the permafrost of Ak-Alakh burial mound. She was given the name of Ukoka "princess". She lay on her side, her legs tucked up, like in a dream, and crossed her arms on her stomach. In the burial ground there were also six horses in harness. On the body of the "princess" was a rich tattoo.

museum of anohin mining altaisk

Mummy was placed in a sarcophagus ina special room of the Museum of Gorno-Altaisk. There is no access to the mummy. It is not exposed to public view, but in the hall there is an exhibit of the reconstruction of the funeral complex with all the ritual amenities. The acoustic system installed in the hall of the mausoleum exposition reproduces the sounds of nature: the wind, the screams of animals, the chirping of birds.

Contemporary History

In the twentieth century, Mountainous Altai stronglyhas changed. The museum displays the main milestones of this period from the revolution of 1917 to the present. The inhabitants of Gorny Altai were participants in all the events taking place at this time. Documented at the museum stands are various periods: an attempt to create a democratic governance body in the person of the Altai Mountain Duma, the allocation of Mountainous Altai to the county, the formation of the Oirot Autonomous Region and, finally, the formation of the Gorno-Altaisk autonomous region.

museum in mountain altaisk mode of operation

Now the Republic of Altai is developing,modernization of industries is carried out, and the constant updating of the exposition, telling about changes in the public life of the Region, gives an opportunity to get acquainted with all comers with novelties.

The mode of operation of the museum in Gorno-Altaisk depends onseason. In summer, its doors are open from Wednesday to Saturday from 10 am to 19 pm, on Sunday the museum works until 18 o'clock. The rest of the year the museum closes an hour earlier. The museum has two days off: Monday and Tuesday. It is very easy to find a museum in Gorno-Altaisk. It is located one and a half blocks from the bus station.

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