/ / Vitaly Bianki, Lesnaya Gazeta: a summary and main characters

Vitaly Bianki, "Lesnaya Gazeta": summary and main characters

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki - famousnaturalist writer. He was one of those who stood at the origins of Soviet children's literature. The appearance of the popular science genre in it is a great merit of Bianca. “Lesnaya Gazeta”, whose main characters are not only people, but also plants, animals, birds, is the most famous work of the writer. It has been part of the children's reading circle for more than fifty years.

How was the work on the work

Vitaly Bianchi stories "Forest newspaper" wrote onover thirty years. The work was improved from publication to publication - the information about nature presented there was updated, the number of headings of this kind of "newspaper" increased. In addition, the geography of the country's regions was expanded, the nature of which was described in the stories. Children will learn about nature in the hot climate zone of Russia, beyond the Arctic Circle and in the middle zone.

bianki forest newspaper summary
The update of the actual material becamepossible thanks to the tremendous work that the writer did. He traveled extensively around the country, personally conducted research himself, and recorded the results of his observations. For writing short stories, V. V. Bianki used information about the latest achievements concerning different aspects of human life and the surrounding nature. For this, the writer constantly studied the works of leading scientists of the country. He was a highly erudite man, able to present scientific information in a language that was accessible to children.

In 1923 in the children's magazine "Sparrow" steelThe first articles of Bianchi appear. “Lesnaya Gazeta”, a brief summary of which can be expressed by the words “news about forest life,” was very much loved by children and their parents. In 1928, the book was published as an independent edition.

Features of the work

Форма подачи материала в "Лесной газете" носила innovative character. This method of presenting scientific information is used today by those who are engaged in the field of education and enlightenment of children.

vitali bianki stories forest newspaper
As you know, any newspaper is designed toto transmit events occurring in the world. It was on this idea that Vitaly Bianchi was based. "Lesnaya Gazeta" - stories that reflect everything that happens in the forest, the field, on the river at different times of the year. Heroes of the same work were animals, birds, insects, plants and, of course, man.

In each issue of this "newspaper", like anyanother, there is always the latest news. Announcements, correspondence essays, editorial articles, letters from hunters and fishermen, and even urgent telegrams are published here. All the incidents that occurred in nature are also highlighted in the pages of the newspaper. The reader is easily guided in the material, as it is divided into headings, and the titles of the issues speak volumes.
In total there are twelve issues of the newspaper - by the number of months in a year.


To bring up love for one's Motherland, to show the diversity of its nature, to remind of the existence of interrelations, the work of Bianca Lesnaya Gazeta is intended in it.
A summary of the stories included in the numbers is very difficult to convey. This is due to the fact that the volume of stories are small, they contain only the most important information for the disclosure of the topic.

bianki forest newspaper stories
And the ideas that are discussed on the pages of "Forestnewspapers ", the most diverse. For example, children will learn whether it is possible to grow lingonberries in their garden? What can happen if a cat feeds a hare? How do birds learn to fly their chicks? Why can't a bear be disturbed in winter? And many more very interesting and memorable information Readers get this unusual edition.

Summer months

In the issues of the newspaper devoted to the description of lifenature in June, July and August, readers will learn how to determine when summer began and ended. This is the time of year to which people, animals, and plants rejoice. On the benefits of the summer months repeatedly mentions Bianchi.

vitali bianki forest newspaper
Lesnaya Gazeta, a brief summary of which is provided in the article, announces where animals produce food for themselves and offspring. What can be food for the inhabitants of reservoirs, forests, steppes and fields.

Кроме того, имеется информация, раскрывающая the secrets of building "apartments" of all forest, water, steppe, field residents. I must say that animals are of little interest in how their numerous neighbors build housing. The most important thing is to know how relatives built the shelters. After all, only in it you can truly feel safe.

The "newspaper" talks a lot about the most hard-working representatives of the wild nature. Of course, you can count bees, bumblebees and other insects that help pollinate plants.

Man in the summer also does not cease to work. He needs to try to grow and harvest a good crop of grain, vegetables and fruits. About how this is done, the reader also learns.

Bianchi forest newspaper protagonists

Winter months

A lot of amazing stories can tell the "newspaper" to its readers. But it is especially interesting to learn how beasts endure a harsh winter. This is what Vitaly Bianchi tells.

"Lesnaya Gazeta", a brief summary of whichreferred to in the article, will introduce the birds, leading an unusual lifestyle. The writer says that for them "the laws are not written." It turns out that crossbreds, contrary to all laws, breeds its offspring in the midst of winter frosts. And the dipper is a bird that can not only fly, but dive and run along the bottom of the reservoir.

Despite the fierce cold, life in winter is also fullstories and incidents. Bear, vole mice, hares and many other animals can be distinguished by unusual behavior. And each of the plants also has its own winter history.

Literary heritage

For his creative life, which lasted more25 years old, the writer has created about 300 stories, fairy tales, stories for children. Several generations of real readers grew up on these works. And today on the shelves of libraries you can find collections and separate editions of books that Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi created.
"Lesnaya Gazeta" has not lost its relevance toso far. And is one of the most sought-after works of the writer. During its existence, it was reprinted seven times and was released in millions of copies.

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