/ / Edgar Burroughs: biography, creativity, best books and reviews

Edgar Burroughs: biography, creativity, best books and reviews

Edgar Burroughs is an outstanding American writer,recognized as one of the best writers of the 20th century. The most famous cycles of the author are the series about Tarzan and John Carter. In addition to these works, Burroughs has composed many more fantastic and detective novels. Critics say about his work with a grain of irony, although undoubtedly recognize the literary talent.


Edgar Rice Burroughs was born on September 11875 year. His father was a veteran of the civil war and participated in battles on the side of the army of the Northern Union. After the war, he was able to become a businessman. In the Burroughs family, Edgar became the fourth child. When the time came, the boy was sent to study at Brown's school. However, during the diphtheria epidemic, the school was closed for quarantine, so young Edgar was sent to Mapplehstovsky school, intended only for girls. Then Burroughs was transferred to the Endoverian Harvard School, which he successfully completed.

Edgar decided to connect his future with the militarycareer, so I decided to enter the Michigan Military Academy. After a lapse of years, the author ironically recalled that in all educational institutions he was taught with fanaticism Latin and Greek, but nowhere was there even a small course devoted to English.

Edgar Burrows

Military service

Edgar Burroughs graduated from the academy in 1895,here, in his words, he learned to ride excellently. The next target was to enter West Point, the US Higher Military Academy. To do this, with the help of his father, he enlisted the support of one of the Chicago congressmen, who wrote a letter of recommendation to the young man.

Burroughs overestimated the received recommendation and did not prepare well enough, therefore could not pass entrance examinations.

Because of the failure, he had to go to the service. This was the 7th US Cavalry Army, located in those years in Arizona. Here Burroughs served only two years: from 1896 to 1897.

Then Burroughs was a policeman in reserve in Illinois.

Family life

edgar ray burrows books

Edgar Burroughs after his military career in 1898 settled in Idaho. Here he became the owner of a store specializing in the sale of paper for printing equipment.

And in 1900 he married Emma Hulberti. Their marriage was long, but not particularly happy. Husband and wife divorced in the 40s. During the life together they had two sons and a daughter.

The first 10 years of marriage the family lived in poverty.At first, Burroughs contacted the mining company, but this deal did not succeed. Therefore, in 1904, the writer was forced to go to the police for a railway in Utah. In 1906, he left this post and became the manager of one of the departments of a major company in Chicago. However, this place of work did not bring the necessary income, so in 1908, Burroughs goes to an advertising agency. But a year later leaves him, becoming manager in the office. A year later, again changing jobs and becoming one of the partners of the sales firm. Until 1913, the future writer changed three more places of work.

A turning point in the unfortunate career of Burroughsbecame a period when he began to write for newspapers and magazines. He was then 35 years old. At this point, the writer realized that he can write both low-quality literature and serious works that will be published in magazines and published.

The first novel

Edgar Burroughs John Carter all books

Edgar Burroughs, despite the fact that to understandhis literary talent came very late, writing began as far back as 1912. Then he finished his first novel, entitled "Under the Moon of Mars". In this work appears one of the most famous heroes of Burroughs - John Carter. The novel tells how he first gets to Mars.

However, it was not this story that was first published, but the "Daughter of Thousand Dzheddaks", which appeared on the pages of the All-Story magazine in 1912.

The appearance of Tarzan

Despite the constant search for work and a shiftprofessions, did not leave literature Edgar Rice Burroughs. The writer's books appeared with incredible speed. In the same year of 1912 the first novel about Tarzan was published. This is one of the biggest cycles of the writer, consisting of 25 books.

The story of John Clementon, Lord Gray,aristocrat, who in childhood was on the coast of Africa, along with his parents, won many hearts. The cycle itself spawned not only a lot of movies and cartoons, based on the famous work, but also a number of computer games. That says that after a lapse of 100 years, Tarzan retained its appeal for readers and viewers.

Edgar Burrows books

The Martian cycle

This series is also called Barsumskaya.This is the most popular (after Tarzan, of course) cycle, written by Edgar Burroughs. John Carter (all books of the series confirm this) - a charming character, the best of all, created by the author. His story is very unusual: in a magical way he is transferred to the world of Martians, called Barsuma. The first book of the cycle, called "Princess of Mars", was published in 1912. The whole series includes 11 books.

Many readers believe that this cycle is the best,that Edgar Burroughs wrote. John Carter became for many a childhood hero and to some extent an example for imitation. Others note that from these works began their acquaintance with the fantasy.

edgar rice burrows

Literature and Life

In 1919 he bought for himself and his family a largeThe ranch, which was located in the San Fernando Valley, Edgar Burroughs. Books in this period for the writer became the main way of earning. The fact is that Burroughs was accustomed to a luxurious life, and it required considerable expenses. In order not to deny himself anything, the writer had to write three novels a year.

A certain income began to bring and cinema.The first film about a boy from the jungle came out in 1918, but did not bring the popularity that Burrows expected. The paintings that started to go out after 1930 really had a dizzying success. The main role in them was played by Johnny Weissmuller, Olympic swimming champion. Thanks largely to his participation, films have become popular.

Death of the writer

edgar burrows john

He was a rather famous man of his time Edgar Rice Burroughs. Books are not the only thing that made him famous. So, in 1933 he became the mayor of California-Beach.

As noted above, the writer divorced in 1934year, and remarried already in 1935. His chosen one was Florence Derhold. However, this marriage did not last very long. The couple divorced in 1942.

During the Second World War, the writer workedmilitary correspondent. At that time he was already over 60 years old. However, the dangers did not particularly frighten him, and the military service affected the strength of the nerves of the elderly writer.

Burroughs died in 1950, on 19 March. The official cause of death is heart failure.

Interest in readers to books after the death of the authorstrongly fell. Burroughs himself, as if foreseeing this, shared with the reporter in one of the interviews that he does not consider his books as literature and does not mislead himself. However, in 1960, the corporation founded by the writer Edgar Rice Burroughs was able not only to revive itself, but also to attract readers' interest in the author's works. Moreover, the work of Burroughs even became the object of a number of academic studies.

The best books that Edgar Burroughs wrote

Edgar Burrows Martian

"Martian Chronicles" and the cycle about Tarzan are recognizedthe best books of the writer as readers, and critics. Especially distinguished are the first novels of both cycles, as well as the works "John Carter - Martian", "Gods of Mars". In addition, there is a book that does not appear in any of these series - "The Earth, forgotten by time". Readers note the novelty of the plot, the unusual world order and memorable characters.


What kind of opinion does the reader now have aboutnovels, what did Edgar Burroughs write? John Carter (all the books of the cycle dedicated to him) still remains the most popular hero. Many readers talk about this series with love and gratitude, because the books came to them as a child and inspired them to study science, showed that there are no limits to dreams and the flight of imagination.

The Tarzan cycle also has manypositive responses. Basically, of course, he also got acquainted with in childhood, for someone he became even the first self-read book. However, many readers note that the author's language lacks artistry, and the plot - diversity.

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