/ / What to do if headphones do not work

What to do if headphones do not work

The vast majority of existingPersonal computers is a digital multimedia system. Even models with a relatively low performance are capable of playing video and audio files. This possibility has become quite natural: no one now thinks that it can be somehow different.

headphones do not work
By integrating the audio codec onmotherboards, manufacturers finally left in the past the famous division into a multimedia and non-multimedia class of computing systems (in the absence of a sound card). Thus, almost every home computer is purchased sound reproduction systems - speakers and headphones. The second is simply irreplaceable when listening to any songs, for example, at night, when the rest of the household is already asleep.

It is difficult to convey all that storm of emotions, when suddenlyit turns out that the headphones do not work. Especially if yesterday everything was fine, but today, after their next inclusion, it is obvious where the problem arose from. Often it can be quickly resolved on its own, so there is no particular reason for panic. Although, of course, if the headphones do not work, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the main reasons and make sure that they are not the case. And only then apply the famous method of "trial and error."

windows 7 headphones do not work
So, here it is, a list of possible faults:

- problem with the driver;

- damage to the cable from the headphones to the plug;

- Incorrect BIOS configuration, leading to the fact that the headphones do not work;

- errors in the driver settings.

Let us consider each item in more detail.

Headphones are a device that transformselectrical signals generated by a sound card, in air vibrations, perceived as sound. Therefore, if the headphones do not work, then it is not at all necessary to immediately buy new ones. It is necessary to determine the model of the installed sound card: for embedded solutions, the name can be found in the instructions for the motherboard, and the discrete card will require the launch of an information utility (SiSoft Sandra) or a careful study of the box (or stickers on it). Then everything is simple: you should go to the developer's site and download the driver for your card, designed for the operating system you are using. Obviously, in the case when the Windows 7 headphones do not work, you should not download the control program under Windows XP, and you need to select it for the “Seven”. After downloading and installation sound may appear.

In 70% of cases, the problem of inoperabilitycovered in mechanical damage. Sometimes it is enough to accidentally hit the cord or pull it in order to destroy the entire system: the conductors in the cable break down and cease to conduct current normally.

In addition, we can not exclude the presence of factorydefect: a particularly sore point is the soldering area of ​​the wire and plug. The best way to test a guess is to connect headphones to a known good audio output of another computer. It works - we are looking for the cause in "hardware and software", still silence - the "ears" are faulty. Sometimes users notice that the headphones on the front panel do not work, and when plugged into the connector on the back side, everything is fine. This connector is connected to the motherboard via a loop inside the system unit. Errors with its connection - and there is no sound.

headphones do not work on the front panel

Do not connect headphones to the front panel. This can be done with the help of a simple 3.5 mm tee-splitter, providing for the simultaneous connection of the plugs of the two devices.

For integrated solutions in BIOS (button "Del"after power on), you can select AC97 and HD Audio modes. Now the second one is more relevant, although in case of problems it is possible to set up for checking AC97. By the way, sometimes there is no sound in the headphones due to the wrongly chosen connector - you need to check everything carefully.

In the driver embedded sound solutionsThere is a point to disable the identification of sockets for the front panel. Alas, sometimes the mechanism works with an error. Therefore, a "tick" (enabled by default) must be removed. This recommendation is intended for owners of built-in HD and AC solutions.

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