/ / Encoding html. How web pages are painted

Encoding html. How web pages are painted

As a way of encoding information forimplementation of its transmission over the Internet is using the html encoding. The determining parameter during this process is the number of bits involved, it is with their help that a particular symbol is transmitted. So one bit encodes a pair of values, two bits are calculated for the encoding of four values, three bits for eight. Adding a bit, you can double the number of encoded values. So, 8 bits are able to encode 256 sequences (values) in binary code. A notable feature is that each sequence retains the ability to transmit one text symbol. An alternative to encoding with eight bits is the encoding of 16 and 32-bit, they are already able to process 65536 and, accordingly, 4294967296 text characters.

Encoding html
By opening the browser that comes with WindowsInternet Explorer, you can see in the menu item "View - Encoding" an extensive list of different encodings. It should be remembered that the Russian html encoding is represented by six main tables that support Cyrillic. The most common among them is Windows-1251, followed by ISO-8859-5, utf-8, KOI-8R, KOI-8U, and there is also a Russian-language encoding for the Mac environment.
Russian encoding html

The encoding html allows to display correctlyinformation on the web page. Thanks to the existing protocol, there is an exchange between the server and the web browser of the service information, which contains exhaustive data about the method used to encode the text.

Using the HTTP protocol, the processsending from the web browser to the server of messages, having received which, the server finds the necessary page and translates it (recodes) into the required format. If there is no document on the server (web page), it becomes necessary to select the necessary encoding yourself (manually).

The html encoding allows you to set parametersthe page you are loading. After all, the rating of a web resource depends on the correctness of the perception of its browsers by users. For example, even the color scheme used on the page is specified using the code.

Color coding html
The html color coding is done by the jobnecessary shade in the gradation of the primary colors. To obtain the desired color on the monitor, it is necessary to mix the primary colors - red, green and blue - in the required proportion. So, the record in the RGB code for pure red color looks like rgb (255,0,0). The numeric set in parentheses for green will be represented by a selection of 0.255.0, for blue - 0.0255. Classically, the yellow color is encoded by the combination 255.255.0, and the code 255.05255 corresponds to the purple one. In black, the combination looks like 0,0,0, for the white 255,255,255, and for the gray 192,192,192.

The above color representation is given forthe html encoding assumes the use of hexadecimal notation (HEX), which starts with a # sign. When writing in HEX code, the black color will be represented as # 000000, white - #FFFFFF, and gray - # C0C0C0. The primary color coding for red, green and blue will look like # FF0000, # 00FF00, # 0000FF, respectively.

The W3C Consortium uses 16 colors, valid forHTML and CSS. For them, the names are aquamarine (aqua), blue, black, fuchsia, green, gray, lime or lime, ultramarine (navy), chestnut (maroon ), olive, red, purple, silver, white, teal and yellow. For colors that are not included in this list, it is more correct to use the HEX or RGB code.

Several years ago, the notion of"Safe colors", limiting the range of colors used when creating web pages, up to 216 web colors. The development of computer technology has removed any restrictions on this issue.

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