/ / Hiromassaz faces: technology performance training, reviews

Hiromassage face: technology performance, training, reviews

Hiromassage face is a specialmassage technique, which is based on a variety of techniques of classical and oriental massage systems. The success of this type of massage is also provided by the fact that the technique includes elements of chiropractic and kinesiology.

History of technology

It is believed that the basis of facial hiromassageThe technique was taken, which was first demonstrated about a hundred years ago by a doctor from Spain named VL Ferrandis. The technique became popular among the inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula, and a little later began to develop thanks to the enthusiasts and followers of the doctor.

Одним из таких последователей Феррандиса стал A famous researcher in the field of manual therapy, our contemporary professor Enrique Castells Garcia. Taking the principles developed earlier, the scientist took up the development of a methodological and theoretical framework, integrating the achievements of modern science and medicine into the methodology, as well as adding techniques and creating a multi-level learning system.

how to massage

Spanish massage

On the territory of the former Soviet Union, this technique became known in the late 90s. Enrique Garcia created and transferred the complete methodology of his developments to several approximate students.

Technique of chiromassage originated in Russiathanks to the Spaniards, so most of the followers and students who are trying to comprehend the basics of basic techniques, began to call it only Spanish chiromassage. In addition, you can find similar names: “Catalan massage”, “my author’s hiromassage”. In a word, there are several options.

Обучение хиромассажу лица и другим техникам можно pass by becoming a member of the International School of Massage. To do this, you need to go through multi-level training, the number of stages of which depends on the needs and level of self-activation of each student. This can be either a basic course or training in all methods.

massage technique

Basics of Hiromassage

From Latin, the prefix "hiro", which is included inThe composition of the word is translated as “hand” and denotes the main tool of this specific type of massage. However, the face chiromassage is understood not as the usual type of manual massage, but the reunion of several different practices and directions. The technique contains some elements of manual therapy, kinesiology, hemolymphatic drainage, and also includes certain manipulations, hand movements.

What does chiromassage face?

Такой вид массажа можно применять даже в целях prophylaxis. He does not have any age restrictions and is shown to almost every woman, even the representatives of the weaker sex in the position. Particularly relevant is the method for mature women who have reached the age of 35, since it is after this that the age-related changes on the skin become noticeable.

To perform acupressure face, there is no need for any additional devices. Massage is performed in the neck, décolleté and on the face.

specialist does hiromassage

Assign a course of massage, as a rule, in such cases:

  • with loss of elasticity and elasticity of the muscles on the face;
  • to eliminate wrinkles;
  • with severe swelling of the face;
  • to solve problems with rosacea;
  • with the deformation of the oval of the whole face.

With timely access to specialists, the results of work will be noticeable after several sessions:

  • mimic wrinkles disappear, and the fold between the upper lip and the nose smooths out;
  • oval face as in youth - perfect;
  • all horny scales of the skin are eliminated;
  • cell renewal is much more active than before;
  • swelling goes away;
  • the complexion is leveled;
  • rejuvenation and suspension of premature aging of the skin occurs;
  • Acupressure facial relieves fatigue and old signs of depression.

In addition to the above, visible to the nakedWith eye results, chiromassage causes tissue regeneration at all levels of the dermis, affects deep processes in muscles and skin, and also improves the general mood and well-being.

Nowadays, this technique is practiced inmost beauty salons. However, if desired, massage can be performed at home. Only for this you first need to know the basis of the technique of massage movements and manipulations, as well as familiarize yourself with the contraindications. After that, you can move from theory to practice.

In which cases massage is contraindicated?

Despite the fact that this technique has a lot of advantages, before the procedure is still worth paying attention to the following limitations. You do not need a massage if:

  • there are oncological diseases;
  • acute infectious-allergic processes are visible on the skin;
  • the integrity of the dermis is broken;
  • acute asthma;
  • high body temperature;
  • found the fragility of blood vessels;
  • a large number of papillomas or moles.

Hiromassage face does not have some kind of classicmethods of conducting. It is only known that during the conduct of various techniques are applied, which ultimately provide a positive result. How to do face chiromassage correctly and how long does the session last on average?

hiromassage technique

Types of massage

The duration of one session varies fromhalf an hour to 90 minutes. It all depends on the skin type and the problems associated with it. Before starting the process, the specialist should familiarize himself with the general state of health of the client, then determine his skin type and hear the general wishes.

Types of massage:

  • Classic - with its help cell regeneration and activation of the sebaceous glands occurs. Edema is gone, and the skin becomes beautiful and healthy looking.
  • Lifting - the cells are saturated with oxygen, as a result of which the aging of the skin is suspended.
  • Miorelaksiruyuschiy - thanks to this technique wrinkles disappear, tension disappears from the skin and eliminates the muscular memory of the face.

Before using any of these techniques, it is necessary to conduct a kneading session, which can provide a more complete effect on the muscular, articular, vascular and nervous systems.

Technique of execution

The phased massage technique of the face looks like this.

  1. The face must be thoroughly cleaned and a small peeling.
  2. Apply a layer of moisturizer to the skin.
  3. Conduct chiromassage - do kneading areas of the neck, cheeks, shoulders, shoulder blades, and lymph nodes.
  4. Light massage movements that will help you to completely relax and get satisfaction.
  5. The final stage - applying a softening cream or mask.

The procedure itself may resemble a kind of ritual, which is characterized by smooth movements of the masseur’s palms. Some compare the massage technique with passive gymnastics for the face.

massage movements

The main techniques and movements include:

  • slightly noticeable stroking of all skin areas of the face;
  • nasolabial massage;
  • cheek massage;
  • massaging the area around the eyes;
  • massage of the lower face;
  • light strokes in the neck and décolleté;
  • delicate tapping with the fingers;
  • light tingling of the skin;
  • relaxing rhythmic movements;
  • wavy and pulsating massage.

The technique should be performed 10-15 times 2 times ayear, with regularity 2-3 times a week. At a more mature age, you need to take 3 courses annually, and between courses to perform supporting massages, which should be carried out several times a month.

Hiromassage face: reviews

  1. The positive qualities include pleasantnessthe procedure itself, as well as the result obtained after the massage: the oval of the face is tightened, the number of wrinkles is reduced, the skin is given elasticity. Conduct chiromassage using massage oil, which selects a specialist according to the type of skin of the client.
  2. The girls who visited the massage room,They say that immediately after the first session they felt a stunning effect of relaxation. The look of the face becomes fresher and healthier, the former swelling is fading. After 10 visits, facial muscles are noticeably tightened, and mimic wrinkles are gradually smoothed out.
    hiromassage technique
  3. It is also worth noting that every massage is unlike the previous one. If you say a specialist, he will be able to pay special attention to precisely those areas that the client considers problematic.
  4. The massage, in the opinion of the clients, is different in its technique. It includes elements of classic and oriental massage, affecting tissues, muscles, and joints.
  5. Thanks to a special technique, hiromassage isa proven and effective way to improve the physical and psychological state, with which you can prolong youth and maintain a beautiful oval face.

The disadvantages of the technique

  1. Negative reviews of face chiromassageThere is dissatisfaction with the cost of the procedure, as well as with the fact that the amount of wrinkles on the face may increase from the incorrectly performed technique and the skin may slightly stretch.
  2. Many representatives of the fair sex are frightened by the very thought that they will be given a massage by a stranger, and that is why they will not be able to fully relax and get the expected effect.
    relaxation during the massage

Based on this, it becomes clear that it is extremelyIt is important to choose a good masseur who would be a competent specialist, as well as a pleasant person. Chiromassage of the face should be carried out by professionals in specialized places in order to achieve the long-awaited result, and not aggravate the situation.

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