/ / Composition of feed for broilers with their own hands. What to feed broilers?

The composition of feed for broilers with their own hands. What to feed broilers?

С ассортиментом продукции в супермаркетах сегодня There are no problems, especially if it concerns semi-finished products and chicken meat. But despite this, most summer residents prefer to grow domestic broilers over the summer period. This is no accident, because such meat can be considered really environmentally friendly, because you know exactly what your birds used to eat. The taste of this meat is also qualitatively different from the store.

When choosing chicks, the question is whatthe breed is the most convenient for growing, resistant to diseases, and also has a fast weight gain. The broiler is most commonly chosen. For three months, these birds reach 5 kilograms of weight. What matters is how you feed your bird. You can buy ready-made dry mixes or prepare them yourself at home. The composition of feed for broilers, self-made, is the theme of our today's article.

composition of feed for broilers do it yourself

Recipe for success

So the first thing you need is to choosechickens that have a good genetic potential, and provide them with good nutrition. What should it be? Good feed provides growth and development of poultry. Of course, ready-made mixtures look more preferable, because their package already contains the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which means you don’t have to invent anything yourself.

Однако сегодня промышленные корма стали differ in that they add a large amount of growth stimulants and vitamins to the mixture. This is not so bad, but most of them contribute to the retention of water in the muscles. As a result, the quality of the meat suffers greatly. These can be bought in the store, but we want to get excellent chickens. The composition of feed for broilers, self-made, not at all complicated. For this you need to consider only the age characteristics of chickens.

"Starting" composition for chickens

Nutrition must be balanced andhigh-calorie and yellowing give all the necessary substances for intensive growth. Now they will change almost every day, and the lack of any trace element can affect the fragile body. So, the composition of feed for broilers, self-made, includes four components:

  • Corn - it is extremely important for the stomachs of chicks.
  • Peas.
  • Wheat is a source of carbohydrates.
  • Barley is the ideal product for good digestion.

what to feed broilers

Possible additives

All cereals are crushed so that the little ones candigest. Do not forget that we are talking about chicks aged from birth to 14 days. Manufacturers often add vegetable fat, vitamin-mineral premix, and antibiotics to such a mixture. At home, it is best to replace these components with skim milk or yogurt, fresh grass and curd.

What else can be added to the feed for broilers?With your own hands, you are not creating an analogue of the factory mixtures, but really the optimal diet, which contributes to the fastest growth and development, weight gain. Even in the starting feed, you can gradually add sunflower cake and table salt, fish concentrate, meat and bone meal, limestone or shell rock.

composition of feed for broilers at home

The second phase of life - the development of muscles and bones

Вашим птенцам исполнилось по 14 дней.Chickens have changed a lot during this time, they have already started the first molt. What feed broilers at this time? The second type of feed should provide a set of muscle mass and the formation of the skeleton. The sooner this process is completed, the better the weight gaining process will be, which is the ultimate goal. Grain composition may remain the same, but the grinding should be larger. Protein and amino acids, mineral-vitamin complexes, enzymes and antioxidants should be obligatory components.

Different approaches to fattening birds

In fact, this solution is based onindividual experience of each house. On large poultry farms, entire brigades of livestock specialists decide what to feed the broilers. Usually they divide the entire life cycle into three periods and, based on this, select the optimal mixture. The first feed is given to chickens from 1 to 3 weeks old. Its task is to strengthen the immune system and preserve the life of the fragile yellow-wittes. At 4-5 weeks the chicks are already quite large, and the composition changes to the starting one. Now the bird is forming muscles and strengthening bones. After the seventh week, the last phase begins, when the bird gains weight due to the large amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Состав корма для бройлеров в домашних условиях usually changes twice over the entire life span. Up to four weeks, the birds are given starter kits, and after and up to slaughter - finishing. In addition to the composition, the size of individual fractions also changes. For chickens, all feed must be ground to a fine grains condition, and after four weeks the granulated form is optimal.

feed composition finish for broilers

Fattening after 14 days

The first thing you need to understand for yourself what is included incomposition of feed for broilers. But in parallel, the second task also arises, you need to know exactly how much feed you need to be given daily for all the livestock. For one chick at the age of 14 days it takes about 25 g per day. Now just multiply this amount by all. You got the number and now you know how much the mixture needs to be prepared per day. However, we still need to calculate in what proportion all the components will be included in the feed for broiler chickens. The composition is approximately the following:

  • Corn - about half the volume.
  • Meal or cake - 19%.
  • Wheat - 13%.
  • Meat and bone meal or fish meal - 7%.
  • Feed yeast - 5%.
  • Return dry - 3%.
  • Grass fresh or dried - 3%.
  • Feed fat - 1%.

At the same time, the amount of feed needs to be adjusted every day, since the chick is growing rapidly and changing.

feed for broiler chickens

Yeast and wet mash

Dry mixes are an important feed for broiler chickens.The composition may vary slightly, but the base should remain the same. To diversify the diet of chicks and stimulate good growth, grain mixtures are subjected to yeast. Cook them completely easy. Pressed yeast is diluted in water, and then all other ingredients are added. About 15 kg of the mixture is dispensed in 15 liters of water. It remains to mix thoroughly and put in a warm place. After six hours you can feed it. For chickens at the age of 14 days, you can add carrots or boiled potatoes in small quantities.

what is included in the feed for broilers

Finishing feed

At home, usually nothing changes.The composition of the feed-finish for broilers is similar to that which you have given since 14 days. The only difference is the volume. With a good growth in age from two weeks to a month, you need to give from 50 to 120 g of feed per bird. From a month to the very bottom - about 150 g.

From month to month you can add bread and boiledpotatoes. Very useful is the introduction to the diet of carrots or yellow pumpkin in a ground form. To improve the digestive tract, the formation of the skeleton and the normal plumage in the diet should be chalk and gravel, bone meal and sulfur.

Useful additives

Although after a month the chicks are no longerlook so tender and weak, it is extremely important to maintain a full diet. At this age, the skeleton grows intensively, which means that the need for calcium increases. Milk can be kneaded by a bird; it may not be the freshest, but also not peroxidized. Ideal - fresh cottage cheese or yogurt. Greens are the most important supplement, which not only contains vitamins and microelements, but also helps digestion. This may be peas and clover, leaf thistle and dandelion. The grass is cut into pieces and added to the mash.

feed for broiler chicken

Feeding advice

The success of growing depends largely onpurity of the feeder and its size. Arrange the space so that each bird can find a place around it. Unsanitary conditions contribute to the development of infections, and this is a direct way to disrupt the digestive tract of chickens, illness and even death. Therefore, to clean the places you need often and very carefully. The feeding trough should not be filled right up to the very top, but by a third so that a significant part of the food does not turn out to be scattered and trampled. For prevention in the morning the bird is given a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. After this, the drinkers are rinsed and clean water is poured.

Instead of concluding

Buying ready-made feeds is much easier than doing.their own. However, today many farmers are faced with the fact that the bird grown on them does not differ in taste from the shop. Of course, chickens grow much faster, but the meat at the exit is loose, watery. Therefore, they refuse such grain mixes, especially since their purchase is more expensive than cooking at home. But then you will always be sure that the meat grown is completely natural and will not bring anything but good.

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