/ / The demographic problem in Russia: the causes and ways to overcome it

The demographic problem in Russia: the causes and ways to overcome it

As a result of marketreforms and transformational transformations, fundamental changes occurred in the living conditions of the Russian population, which significantly affected the psychological and physical behavior of people, including birth rates.

demographic problem in russia
Thus, a demographic problem arose in Russia, which left a certain imprint on the standard of living of the population, which has been substantially transformed in recent years.

The main factors in reducing the standard of living are:

- Rapid decline in the income level of a certain part of the population;

- a significant proportion of the poor with a sufficiently vague definition of poverty;

- a significant scale of unemployment, together with non-payment of wages;

- the destruction of the social sphere.

All of the listed facts affected thewelfare of the population. The problems in Russia were marked by a natural decline with the subsequent cessation of population growth, which led to its decline. Thus, the formation of an inefficient model of internal and external migration can be traced.

problems in Russia
The demographic problem in Russia has becomethe result of the application of "shock therapy", which led to a drop in incomes of citizens, and hopes for their restoration in the next decade are not large. So, based on historical data, only in 2002 the real incomes of the population reached the level of 1997.

The main factor of a twofold reduction in the level oflife of Russian citizens in comparison with 1991. inadequate pay. Because of its significant decline, wages stopped performing the functions:

- reproductive (it is not a guarantee of even the simplest reproduction of a citizen's labor force);

- economic (does not stimulate the increase in productivity and quality of labor);

- Social.

The demographic problem in Russia is evidenced byabout a very low consumer level of the population. This is confirmed by statistics. Thus, the average cost of food is about half of the total expenditure of Russian families. While in other countries, this figure does not exceed 30%. It should be noted that all this happens when there are huge resources.

the demographic problem in the world
The demographic problem in Russia reflectsthe natural population decline that began in 1992. In that year, the mortality and fertility curves crossed, and it is not yet possible to detect signs of significant improvement.

Of course, demographic Russianproblems have their imprint similar situation in other states. For example, in many countries, a significant decrease in fertility is seen, which in the near future may lead to a slowdown in the growth of numbers. However, the demographic problem in the world is determined not only by the decrease in population growth, but also by factors such as the climatic characteristics of the regions, the state of their external environment, and the social and economic conditions of life.

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