/ / Thuy spherical: varieties, description, features of planting and care

Thuy spherical: varieties, description, features of planting and care

Little Evergreen Beauty - Globular Thuja- won the hearts of gardeners around the world. This is not surprising: an ornamental plant can take root in any conditions, without requiring special care. There are only five types of Tui: Sichuan, Korean, Japanese, giant and western. However, in Russia you can grow only Western thuyu, she will become the main character of this article! Do not be confused - we will not talk about the types of spherical thujas, but about varieties of one type of thuja.


thuja globose varieties

This variety has appeared recently and has already wonunprecedented popularity. It's all about his amazing appearance. Due to the dense and lush crown, this globular variety of thuja looks like a bright pillow. In addition, Teddy - the most fluffy and soft variety, and therefore in demand, despite the fact that it is considered quite capricious. The evergreen dwarf grows slowly, at the age of ten its height is no more than 30 cm, and its width is 40 cm.

Among the advantages of Teddy can be notedendurance to shaded areas - this pair will be enough for a couple of hours spent in the sun. At the same time the plant needs regular watering, otherwise the needles will turn yellow. To branches of Tui Teddy grow evenly, you should not overfeed the shrub.

Этот шаровидный сорт туи прекрасно подходит для creating stone gardens and alpine slides. At the same time, it is important to take into account the color change of the needles at different times of the year - in the fall, Teddy changes the saturated green color to bronze. This variety is combined with other thuja, lush flowers and ornamental shrubs. In addition, Teddy is suitable for placement on verandas, balconies and even in rooms! Green thuja will add color and freshness to any interior.


thuja danika landing and care

This variety was bred in 1948 in Denmark.It can be called one of the most compact representatives of spherical tui. It grows slowly - the annual increase in height is about 5 cm, 4 cm wide. In ten years, with proper planting and care, the Dani Tui can grow up to 50 cm, and its diameter will not exceed a meter!

Одно из главных преимуществ этого сорта – unpretentiousness. Danica feels great on shaded areas, it grows under direct sunlight. The only thing that the thuja will not tolerate is its proximity to the groundwater. In this case, the plant should receive enough moisture. The soil is better to choose fertile. How to care for and planting Tui Danika? First, it is necessary to choose shoots with a strong root system, without damaged roots. In the landing pit should lay out a layer of rubble. By the way, planting a plant costs in the spring - over the summer the root system will develop, the thuja will strengthen and overwinter without problems. Before the onset of cold weather is to cover the young shoots burlap. After each watering, the coniferous shrub needs to be loosened, and once a year - mulched. Crop Danica gardeners recommend early spring. Remove damaged, dry branches.

In the garden design of this globular thujacan be combined with other shrubs of the same shape. Organically look group landing. Of course, such a hedge will not be a barrier to outsiders, but it will add to the garden comfort and completeness!

Tini tim

fast growing globular tui

Tini Tim appeared in the gardens more than 50 years ago.The needles of thuja have deep dark green color. Representatives of this variety grow extremely slowly - at the age of ten, Tini Tim is only 30 cm tall. The diameter of a thuja can reach one and a half meters.

Caring for Tini Tim will not be difficult, even for novice gardeners. To the composition of the soil shrub does not make special demands. The main condition - a large amount of sunlight.

This ball-shaped thuja in landscape design is usually used to create alpine slides. You can plant it in groups, and you can singly. In any case, this adorable shrub will decorate the garden!


small ball-shaped thujas

This masterpiece was invented by Polish breeders.Tui Khozeri is miniature, but at the same time it has a unique texture. This western thuja variety loves the sun's rays, so it’s worth a responsible approach to choosing a place. To soil Khozeri does not impose special requirements.

Компактная туя хорошо смотрится рядом с другими miniature plants. Diversify the garden composition with lush flowers, such as peonies. By the way, very often Khozeri are planted along the facades of shopping centers and residential buildings. It is suitable for registration borders.

Golden glob

thuja golden

Thuja Golden Globe different saturated yellowcolor. With age, the color changes to golden. This dwarf coniferous ball enlivens the landscape, even in gloomy days! Toward winter, the color of the thuja becomes copper. It grows a cute dwarf very slowly, 7-9 cm per year. By 20 years the diameter of the shrub will be about 120 cm.

Gardeners love Golden Glove for ingenuity:It does not need to be cut, the soil can be practically any, there is no need for frequent fertilizer. No need to cover the plant for the winter - it is frost-resistant. Occasionally, thuja need to be watered and removed damaged branches. Sanitary pruning tui stimulates growth, makes the crown thicker.

Low thuja looks great in smallgardens as tapeworms. The Golden Globe shrub is perfect for forming hedges; it can be combined with flowering plants and thuja of other varieties. A miniature thuja will decorate office premises, apartments, balconies and terraces, because you can grow it in containers.

Bowling bol

types of globular thujas

The name of this thuja speaks for itself.This spherical shrub has perfect symmetrical shapes. Its height can reach 70 cm, and the diameter is usually 100 cm. The needles are similar in appearance to the fringe, tightly pressed to the shoots. Closer to cold weather, the green color of the crown acquires a bronze tint.

Шаровидная туя сорта Боулинг Бол может прижиться even in a shaded area. Soil for it should be nutritious, it is important to ensure timely watering. With proper care, the annual growth of coniferous shrubs can be 16-19 cm.

Bowling Ball is an indispensable element of Japanese and heather gardens, alpine slides, walking paths. Thuja will decorate the shore of a small reservoir and forest edges.


thuja spherical woodward

One of the most popular varieties is globular thuja.Woodwardy Its low growth (about half a meter) and shade tolerance allow it to be used as undergrowth and planted among tall trees. Due to this, on the site you can create a landscape as close as possible to the natural.

Among the advantages of the variety - a good survival rateseedlings, relative simplicity and resistance to frost. Even -40 ° C will not harm the shrub. A young plant will need shelter in front of the cold. Experts recommend covering with thuja for the winter with sacking. It is necessary to remove it not earlier, than snow will come down.

In the early years, Woodwardy has a strict globularshape, but with age drawn out and takes the form of an oval. By the way, among other benefits, gardeners distinguish the healing properties of a plant — Woodwardy ionizes and cleans the air!


thuja in the open ground

This variety is considered one of the fastest growing. Spherical thuja to 10 years grows up to 1.5 meters! The shape of the ball changes to ovoid with age. Howei has many advantages:

  • it is unpretentious, grows in almost any soil;
  • thuja tolerates frost well;
  • drought and high humidity are not terrible for this variety;
  • haircut will not be stress for the bush.

In winter, the lush green color becomes brown.shade. How can I apply spherical thuja in landscape design? Howei - great for small areas. But it looks advantageous in the spacious panoramic parks. Due to the possibility of growing Tui in a container, you can decorate balconies and loggias, the roofs of buildings.


Thuja Smaragd spherical

This is another representative of the western Tui.At the very beginning of its growth, the Smaragd thuja is spherical, but over the years it is considerably drawn out. A few decades after planting the shrub can reach a height of five meters! But for this it is important to follow all the rules of care for a capricious conifer!

Smaragd prefers loam, high soillime content. It is recommended to plant thuja in sunny places. The plant needs periodic watering, mulching and loosening. The result of proper care will please - thuja will acquire a dark green color, which will not lose even in winter! If you want thuja to please more than one generation of your descendants, feel free to plant this kind of thuya: its life span can be more than 150 years!

Amazing plant is used as a hedge. Less often, gardeners plant it in containers. As well as possible Smaragd is suitable for creating garden sculptural compositions.

Little Champion

spherical thuja in landscape design

Bright and compact - so can be describedGlobular Tyuyu varieties Little Champion. The maximum height of the shrub will not exceed one and a half meters, and the width - 90-100 cm. However, the growth process is extremely slow. By 10 years the Champion will grow only up to 70-80 cm.

This thuja is frost hardy but for protection against pressure.snow she needed a light cover. The plant prefers penumbra, it needs moist fertile soils. With proper care, thuja will acquire a beautiful green color, which in winter will change to bronze brown.

Site Selection and Landing

With the main varieties of spherical tui you are now familiar. How to grow these cute shrubs? You should start with the choice of location.

Опытные садоводы говорят – туя сможет вырасти на any plot. But to improve the appearance it is better to choose a bright place. In the shade a coniferous shrub can lose its pomp and change color. It is important that there are no drafts in the selected area.

Two weeks before boarding you need to preparepit Depth should not exceed 70-80 cm. Drainage should be laid out on the bottom. The soil must be prepared independently: it is necessary to mix two parts of sod land and one part of peat and sand. It is worth adding to the mixture 5 grams of nitroammofoski. It is best to plant thuja in open ground at a permanent place at the age of 5-7 years. It is worth doing this in the fall, before the frost, or in early spring.

thuja globose varieties

It is important to observe the interval between plants.For small spherical tui it should not be less than one meter. After planting, the plant will need watering and fertilizing. Perfectly fit any growth promoters. Substances included in their composition, will help plants to take root and protect seedlings from diseases.


Care for miniature conifers consists of three main stages - watering, feeding and pruning.

И молодые побеги, и взрослые туи предпочитают wet environment. Best of all, if the water will flow not only to the roots, but also to the crown. Moisture will allow to maintain a good shape of the plant: the color of the needles will become brighter, besides, it will gain shine, the twigs will become elastic.

The optimum mode of watering - 10 liters of water ina week In the summer heat, the plant will need 10 liters of water every two to three days. To understand that the thuja needs water is quite simple - due to the lack of moisture, the crown will turn yellow, a large number of not very beautiful buds will appear on the plant. Loosening, carried out immediately after watering, will help prevent rotting.

In the first two or three years after planting feedTui do not need. Later, organic and mineral substances can be applied at the rate of 100 grams per 1 square meter. m. To make the dressing, the thuja responds with increased growth and pomp. Often it is not necessary to fertilize the bushes, it is enough to do it 1-2 times at the beginning of the season. You can use the usual compost, fertilizer suitable for conifers.

tui trimming

Thuja trimming is required for height restrictionsand crown formation. With miniature plants can not be cut more than 10% of the crown. If you cut more, the plant may die. The best time for this procedure is April, but it is possible to slightly adjust the shape of the crown throughout the summer. It is necessary to begin with the branches growing incorrectly. Then it is recommended to remove diseased and dry shoots. Dilute thuja for air circulation.

Pests and diseases

Problems with globular thuja occur only in two cases - with the appearance of diseases or pests.

К ожогам корневой системы, а следовательно, и к yellowing of the crown of the coniferous shrub leads to excessive fertilizer. Another reason for the appearance of a yellow shade is the defeat of a tuey aphid. It usually damages the lower part of the shoots. Spraying with karbofos will help protect the plant from this pest.

Another dangerous pest is the motley mole.Its size is only 4 mm, but the danger it is serious. After the defeat of the thuja variegation, the upper part of the shoots of the shrub dies off, the needles turn brown. As a preventive measure, you can treat thuyu preparations based on pyrethroids several times. The best time for this is the end of June.

thuja danika landing and care

With an excess of moisture, the plant can hitphytophthora. This disease affects the thuja root, and then moves to the upper layer. Shrub withers, needles become gray in color, the trunk becomes soft. Thuja roots get the smell of rot.

Phytophtora is easier to prevent than to cure. For this it is necessary to loosen the ground around the thuja and water it with fungicides. If the disease still reached the shrub, thuja should be burned and the earth changed.

In early spring, the plant can hit anothera disease - he has brown shoots. If time does not begin treatment, the branches of the plant will die off. To avoid this, remove all browned shoots. After - be sure to sprinkle with limestone and spray with foundation.

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