/ / What to glue the ceiling plinth of foam - the features of the choice of glue and recommendations

What to glue the ceiling plinth of foam - the features of the choice of glue and recommendations

After finishing the wall and ceilingbetween the materials remains the joint. It may be uneven. To close this area, special skirting boards are used. They are able to close unaesthetic joints, to give the finish a complete look. Almost everyone can mount the edging. For this you need to know some of the nuances of the process.

Experienced builders recommend choosing the right glue for such a finish. When buying, you need to consider the features of finishing materials. There are many options what to glue the ceiling plinth of foam. The recommendations of professional repairmen will help to perform the procedure correctly.

Plinth features

After finishing the walls, the owners of the house or apartment are faced with questions, how to attach the ceiling plinth, than to glue the ceiling plates of foam. To make the right decision, you should consider the features of this finishing material.

What to glue the ceiling plinth of foam

The foam from which it is madethe presented finishing element differs in small weight. This is an inexpensive material that everyone can stick on their own. Processing, trimming elements of the border is not difficult. The plinth from polyfoam will be suitable for the majority of finishing materials. When choosing it is important to consider the features of the interior. Using expensive types of finishing it is impractical to mount cheap foam plinth. Here he will look ridiculous.

There are foam and disadvantages.This is a fragile material. It is easily damaged during installation. However, acting carefully, you can get aesthetic, durable finish. You can not use foam to finish the bathroom. He does not tolerate high humidity.

Technology selection

There are two types of materials what glue ceiling plinth. What tool to choose, зависит от многих причин.In the first case, the foam plinth is mounted on the base with glue. This is the easiest and most popular way. Glue is suitable for baseboards, which are mounted on various types of finishes.

What can glue the ceiling plinth

Glue will cover up the small irregularities of the walls.Even a non-professional can install the baguettes on their own. Installation when using glue does not take much time. However, there is another way. Experienced installers prefer to install ceiling plinths with putty. Mix is ​​applied on the basis. Until the material has hardened, an edging is installed on it.

The choice of adhesive composition depends on the technology.finishing work. In some cases even alabaster mix will do. However, all actions in this case will need to be carried out very quickly. Alabaster fast freezes. If the wallpaper is already glued, it is better to use ordinary glue. Putty may contaminate the finish. If the wallpaper has not been hung yet, you can use this technique.

Polymer adhesive

Experienced installers give advice, than to glue a ceiling plinth from polyfoam. Polymer blends considered the most versatile remedy.They are used not only for foam plastic, but also for baguettes made of wood. Such compositions are able to withstand heavy loads for a long period of time. They are durable, reliable.

How best to glue the corners of the ceiling plinth foam

Polymer products of Moment, Titan and Eco-naset companies are in great demand. They differ in the acceptable cost, good knitting ability.

Varieties of polymeric compounds

Polymer adhesives are divided into two groups.The first one includes instant formulations (for example, “The Moment”). They grasp in just a few seconds. To set the trim on the level in this case, you need to very quickly.

The second category of compositions is preferable fornovice installers. In this case, there will be enough time to level the position of the baguette. Polymer formulations may contain toxic components. So, "Moment" includes ethyl cyanoacrylate. It may cause irritation on the skin. Therefore, the work is carried out only in protective clothing, gloves and glasses. Even a small drop of this compound when injected into the eye can lead to loss of vision.

Safe Polymer Formulations

Choosing how and how to glue the ceiling plinth of foamneed to consider safe for humansformulations. Such funds freeze more slowly. However, in contact with the skin, they do not cause irritation, allergies. Such compounds include "Eco-naset", "Titan". Means freezes over time. The plinth needs to be held in the desired position for several minutes. In this case, the hands can be very tired. Work will progress longer.

Safe, long-hardening compositions are cheaper than the "moment". Therefore, for self-installation they are chosen more often.

What and how to glue the ceiling plinth of foam

Еще одним хорошим вариантом является polyvinyl acetate glue (for example, PVA). It does not include components harmful to health. The composition does not have an unpleasant chemical smell. This glue also hardens within 2-3 minutes. This compound should be applied in large quantities. Otherwise, even a lightweight foam baguette just disappears.

Advice of specialists

Considering tips on how to glue the ceiling plinth correctly It should be noted that the general opinionthere are no repairmen. They argue that the installation must be selected in accordance with personal preferences. If the room is large and the work needs to be done quickly, it is better to choose instantly glue.

What to glue the ceiling plinth what means to choose

For medium, small areas it is better to purchasesafe for the body compounds. Work will progress more slowly. But you can not be afraid that the tool gets on the skin or the master does not have time to level the baguette before the composition hardens.

Virtually all polymer adhesives when curedrelease substances harmful to the human body to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, in the course of the work it is necessary to ensure good ventilation in the room. Otherwise, a person may feel a headache, weakness. In some cases, more serious consequences are possible. Therefore, it is necessary to work indoors when using polymer compounds with open windows.

Liquid Nails

There are other options what you can glue the ceiling plinth из пенопласта.One of the popular compounds are liquid nails. This is a versatile material that is suitable for most finishing materials. Ceiling plinth when using the presented glue will hold on to the base firmly.

Liquid nails are of two types.The first category includes neopropylene compounds. They have a strong smell. The composition of such funds include organic solvents. They produce unsafe health vapors. It is possible to work with such glue only in a well ventilated area. But neopropylene compositions can be used in conditions of low temperatures and high humidity.

Жидкие гвозди на акриловой основе безопасны для the human body. The composition includes water. This adhesive requires work at normal room temperatures. Otherwise, they are destroyed.


One of the best options for installation of ceiling plinth is putty. This material is safe for human health, easy to use. Considering how best to glue the corners of the ceiling plinth foam; It is recommended to apply this technology. Joints can be covered with plaster or acrylic composition. In this case, you can not be afraid that the baseboards will peel off in the corners.

How to glue the ceiling plinth

Шпатлевка не требует специальных условий для carrying out the work. The temperature in the room can be quite low. This material is suitable for leveling the base. In this case, the gap between the ceiling and baseboard will not.

With the help of putty, the ceiling is leveledpainting. Therefore, using this finishing option, it would be more expedient to install the border on a similar composition. In this case, the savings on building materials will be tangible. Putty may be plaster or acrylic. Both options will do.

Preparation for work

To make it easier to decide what glue to glue the ceiling plinth, the entire procedure should be reviewed in detail. Experts recommend starting installation of edging at a certain stage of repair. It depends on the type of finishing materials.

Professional builders recommendto mount a baguette before pasting wallpaper or painting walls. This approach will allow over time to change the finishing material of the base without dismantling the edging. The ceiling can be painted with a plinth. This will give the foam baguette refinement.

Begin installation is necessary from the corners.In this place the plinth often gets unstuck if the work technology is not fulfilled. In this area you will need to apply a larger layer of glue. The corners need to be cut correctly. When using a foam baguette, you can not use the miter box. Enough will be the usual assembly knife. The angle on each baguette should be 45º. It is drawn with a pencil, and then cut off.

Glue application

Choosing what to glue the ceiling plinth of foamshould consider all the features of the processmounting. After trimming the corners, adjusting them, you need to apply the selected tool on the reverse side of the border. Glue put with points. Otherwise, it may stain the wall or ceiling.

Tips on how to glue the ceiling plinth correctly

Depending on the composition selected, the slats needlevel with a building level over time. If the composition does not freeze instantly, the lamella is torn off from the base and remove excess glue. Then you need to take the second plinth until the first part of the edging dries. With her repeat the same procedure.

Then you need to attach the first baguette on the ground,until the glue is completely frozen. Press the baseboard strongly to the base is not necessary. This can lead to deformation of brittle material. The procedure is repeated until all the edging is mounted.

Applying putty

Considering options on what to glue a ceiling plinth from polyfoam, need to learn the technology of applying putty. Before applying the base is recommended primed.

Небольшое количество гипсовой или акриловой putty need to put on the back of the lamella. Then it is pressed to the base, but not very tight. Excess material is removed. Rub the edge with a damp cloth. If this is not done, the remnants of putty will remain on the plinth. Remove them after drying will be difficult.

Работу также начинают от угла.When all of them will be formed, you can mark out the straight parts of the edging. Joints are much more difficult to mount. Joints are coated with putty. White acrylic or silicone sealant may also be used.

Having considered, on what to glue a ceiling plinth from polyfoam, You can choose the best option.

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