/ / What is the frigidity of a woman and why does this problem occur?

What is the frigidity of a woman and why does this problem occur?

Deviations in the sexual life of women are officialscience studies much less than men. However, at present they are not so rare. Statistics argue that more than forty percent of women are defeated by any violations in sexual life. Medicine at the moment was able to isolate the two main sexual disorders in women: anorgasmia and frigidity.

what is frigidity in women
Let's try to understand what a woman's frigidity is.From the point of view of science, this lack of excitability, coldness, weakness or lack of sexual desire. It comes to that there may be a complete aversion to sex. Modern medicine has identified two reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Physiological. Deviation occurs due to thevenereal diseases, so for any suspicious symptoms you need to contact the doctor. Frigidity often affects pregnant women and nursing mothers due to hormonal changes that occur in the body.
  • Psychological. What is the woman's frigidity in terms ofour attitude? Shyness, suffered violence, fear, wrong sex education, apathy, depression - any of the above reasons can lead to this phenomenon.

how to cure frigidity in a woman
Such a serious diagnosis a woman can putOnly the doctor after the complete examination is completed. Treatment of physiological and psychological causes occurs by various methods. Consultations with a gynecologist - this is only the beginning, in the future a woman may need an appeal to a psychologist or an endocrinologist.

How to cure frigidity in a woman

In the event that the girl understands that she hasthere is a problem and begins to eliminate it in a timely manner, the treatment can be very effective. If it is physiological frigidity, the symptoms in women are successfully eliminated by medications. It should be understood that you need to heal both partners, otherwise you do not have to expect a positive effect. If the main reason is psychological, the process of recovery may take a long time and require a lot of attention. It is very important that your doctor is a professional you trust, because only such a doctor can give you good advice, to which you will listen.

frigidity symptoms in women
Answering the question, what is frigidity inwomen, should be mentioned and about such a disease as anorgasmia. This is another sexual disorder that arises from psychological problems. The impulse responsible for getting a woman orgasm, does not reach the desired area of ​​the brain. To treat this disease, it is necessary to create ideal conditions for women to manifest sexuality. Experienced doctors recommend combining massage and hydrotherapy with psychotherapy.

Even professionals are difficult to answer withone hundred percent certainty, what is frigidity in a woman and how to treat it - this issue has been studied too little. Therefore, as soon as you notice any negative changes in the body (psychological or physiological), immediately go to the polyclinic.

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