/ / Reconstruction of the foundation with screw piles: features and advantages of the technology

Reconstruction of the foundation with screw piles: features and advantages of the technology

When the foundation is reduced strengthcharacteristics, it certainly adversely affects the whole structure. Destructive processes occur throughout the structure of the building and, progressing, eventually can lead to its complete destruction. Reconstruction of the foundation with screw piles is one of the most effective methods for restoring the integrity of low-rise buildings. The use of this technology allows you to quickly and efficiently restore any type of foundation foundation.

foundation reconstruction with screw piles

Reasons for the destruction of the foundation

The main factors that cause subsidencebasement, are various changes in the lower layers of the soil. These processes are physicomechanical and hydrological. The land, for example, can sink due to the impact of groundwater, nearby construction works using heavy special equipment, etc. At the same time, not only the old but also the new foundation can suffer.

The sifted soil "pulls" behind itself the foundation, inAs a result, deformation processes are started. The first sign of its subsidence is the crevices in the blind area. Destructive processes begin at the base of the bedding foundation. If there is no immediate reconstruction of the foundation with screw piles, the bearing characteristics and stability of the building will decrease, which, in the end, will lead to its partial or complete collapse.

Selection of screw piles

foundation reconstruction with screw piles reviews
Screw pile is a welded single-seam steelpipe with a sharp, wound end piece. A special blade is welded to the lower part of the tube in the form of a thread, the size of which exceeds the trunk diameter by 1.25 times. Thus, a design resembling a self-tap is obtained.

When the foundation is reconstructedscrew piles, shortcomings, unfortunately, can also occur. The main problem, because of which the durability of the structure is reduced, is the susceptibility of the metal to corrosion. In connection with this issue, the choice of material should be given special attention.

Quality steel piles made instrict compliance with technological requirements, necessarily have an anti-corrosion coating, which includes epoxy resin and enamel. And the optimal material for the production of piles is galvanized iron. Reconstruction of the foundation with high-quality screw piles can prolong the "life" of a house for 100 years!

reconstruction of the foundation with screw piles
Screw piles differ in diameter, which makes them a universal building material that allows you to quickly and effectively solve various tasks.
The number and size of piles are selected taking into account the type of soil, the depth of freezing and the estimated mass load.

Technology of foundation repair

reconstructing the foundation with screw piles
The reconstruction of the foundation with screw piles (the process photo is shown below) is performed according to the following scheme:

  • Investigation of soil features.
  • Trial screwing of one pile into the ground.
  • Screwing piles along the perimeter of the structure (distance from the walls is 20-25 cm).
  • Filling the cavity with a cement-sand mixture.
  • Welding of the heads, installation of the structure of channel bars and I-profiles by welding.
  • Raising the house with the help of special powerful jacks.
  • Installation of a new foundation.
  • Lowering the house to a ready foundation.

The most rapid and simple reconstruction of the foundation with screw piles is carried out in buildings up to 6x6 meters. For a full complex of works it takes only 2-3 days.

Repair of foundations of large brickor wooden buildings is more complicated, since it requires the installation of auxiliary piles under the center of the building. This operation requires a partial disassembly of the floor. However, regardless of the complexity of the problem, the most effective and inexpensive method is still considered the reconstruction of the foundation with screw piles. The responses of a huge number of customers who decided to "reanimate" their real estate with this technology are proof of this.

Technology advantages

To the indisputable merits of the method of restoring the foundation with screw piles, according to users, you can safely attribute:

  • No need for large-scale excavation.
  • Ease and speed of installation.
  • The ability to provide the necessary strength and load-bearing capacity of any type of foundation.
  • Durability of the construction (provided the use of quality screw piles).
  • The possibility of repairing the foundation on different types of soils and in any period of the year.
  • Acceptable cost of works and materials.
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