/ / Morphological analysis of gerundive: examples. Morphological analysis of participles and gerunds

Morphological analysis of gerundive: examples. Morphological analysis of participles and gerunds

In the course of studying Russian language studentsconduct a morphological analysis of gerunds. Examples of analysis of this mysterious part of speech will be considered in our article. And also we will try to understand step by step what difficulties the children are waiting for in this work.

Part of speech

Communion and gerundance are the mostmysterious groups of speech in our language. It is believed that the most spelling and punctuation errors are associated with them. This is due to the fact that scientists have not yet decided which category to include - to independent or not. Most of their signs they borrowed from the verb. Therefore, by performing a morphological analysis of the participle and the gerund, we will see how they are similar to their "ancestor".

morphological analysis of gerundive examples

However, the presence of their own grammaticalcategories allows us to call them independent parts. In such a controversial situation, unequivocal opinion of linguists, unfortunately, is not. But at the same time both the participial and participial turns have their own plan of morphological analysis. This again shows how special these speech groups are.


Now you can move on to detailingto study the morphological analysis of the verbal participle. Examples of such works are given below. The signs of this part, which designates an additional action, include the form, as well as the recurrence. Let us consider them in more detail.

The species is the same grammatical category that came from the verb by inheritance. There are two variants of specific forms: perfect and imperfect. Let's characterize each of them.

morphological analysis of participles and gerunds

An imperfect kind means an action that has still ended by a certain moment. His distinctive question is "what to do?" In the verb and "what are you doing?" In the gerund.

For example: speak - speaking.

This form is used when the process of action is still in progress or occurred sometime in the past, but has not yet ended.

The next species is called perfect.Already by its name it is clear that it is the opposite in meaning imperfect. This view transfers the action completed to the point in time. The question that is typical of him is "what did you do?"

morphological analysis of the participle

For example: To come running (what to do?) - verb, running (what did?) - girlish.

The next permanent category is repayment. This is the name of the ability to translate an action into oneself. To distinguish such a gerundance is easy: it has a characteristic suffix -ya.

For example: to admire (verb) - admiring (gerund).

Syntactic features

Morphological analysis of gerunds, exampleswhich we consider after studying all its details - the task is not easy. After studying its characteristics, you can go to the syntactic role that it plays. Since the main feature of the verbal participle is immutability, borrowed from the adverb, then questions will be similar to them. In the sentence, as a rule, it plays the role of circumstance.

For example: Walking along the street without a hat, the child fell ill with a cold.

We ask the question from the verb "fell ill" to the gerundive "walking" (how?). Thus, it is a circumstance designating the mode of action.

morphological analysis of gerund

But it is worth taking into account the fact that it is notis single. That is, this verbal participle in this example has words depending on it: walking (where?) - along the street and walking (how?) - without a hat. And, as is known, their presence suggests that we have a separate circumstance. In this sentence, it is expressed by a gypsy participle. How to act in this case, proceeding to emphasize this member of the proposal? No doubt, highlight the entire structure of the turnover as a circumstance. In linguistics, it is possible to emphasize it with a dotted line with dots between it. Do not forget that this turn is always marked with commas. It does not matter in which position is the main word for it.

The parse plan

It's time to perform the morphological analysis of the verbal participle. We will quote the sample immediately after compiling a clear algorithm.

  • We determine the part of speech by asking the question (what is doing, what is done?).
  • We put the word in the initial form, determining the verb that formed it, and the characteristic suffix.
  • We analyze the morphological features: determine the species (owls / nons), look at the suffix and state the recurrence in the presence of -s.
  • We perform a description of this part of speech as a member of the sentence.

Such a simple plan has a morphological analysis of the verbal participle.


Having collected the necessary information about this part of the speech, one can proceed to its analysis.

Let's take an example: Streams rustling with a rippling sound, spring streams started with the onset of spring.

In this sentence, we perform a morphological analysis of gerundive gerund.

  • What are you doing? - Zhurcha (gerundive).
  • We find the signs.The view is imperfect, as it answers the question "what are you doing?". The action is unfinished, continuing at that time. Since the suffix -ya is absent, this gerundive is transient.
  • The syntactic role is this circumstance.Firstly, it depends on the verb; secondly, it has the dependent words with it and is part of the turnover (purple bell). According to this, we single out it as a separate circumstance.

morphological analysis of gerundive participles

The following example, which we will analyze, is: The wind blew the forest cool, rustling the foliage of the trees.

Here we need to perform a morphological analysis of the gerundive "rustling".

  • What are you doing? - rustling (girlish).
  • We find the signs.The form is imperfect, because the word answers the question "what are you doing?". It is formed from the verb "murmur" plus the suffix -a. The absence of the suffix -ya confirms that the gerundive is irrevocable.
  • In the sentence is a circumstance. It depends on the verb "blown" and answers the question "how?".

In addition, it subordinates the phrase "foliage of trees". This indicates that we have a participial turnover. We emphasize it entirely in dotted lines.


In this article we have studied one of the mostunusual parts of speech. After reviewing the gerundive from different sides, we were able to conduct its analysis, as well as draw up an algorithm for its implementation. If you know all the subtleties, then there should not be any difficulties in parsing. We wish you the best of luck in this work!

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