The education system faces manymost important tasks. But a special place among them is occupied by the search for such an organization of the process, which would allow to form an individual approach in the upbringing and education of children. Only in this case is it possible for a child to acquire not only the necessary amount of skills, abilities and knowledge, but also the development of his striving for self-knowledge and self-development.
How important is the technology of the individualapproach in the training and education of children? The answer to this question can be obtained if we recall that it is a person who is the highest value of our society. That is why so much attention is paid to the education of each individual, concern for the improvement of her qualities and the many-sided development of her abilities. All these tasks are priorities for any state.
The main goal of our society isall-round development of all its citizens. The solution to this problem is possible only through the identification of the creative potential of the individual, as well as the formation of its individuality, which is the highest level of development. After all, every person must certainly identify, that is, “fulfill” himself. And this is not only the goal of his life, but also the main task of society as a whole.
In addition, this form of education, asindividual approach to learning is not opposed to such a principle as collectivity. And this is confirmed by scientific research. “I” in man takes place precisely because there is “we”.
Individual approach in training and educationThis is not a one-time event. They need to permeate the entire system, affecting the child. In this regard, this approach can be called the general principle of educating the younger generation.
An individual approach to learning will require a great deal of patience from an adult, as well as the ability to properly understand these or other manifestations of a child’s behavior.
Individual approach to learning, as well aseducation is an integral part of the pedagogical process. With its help, children are involved in active activities aimed at mastering the program material.
Appeal to the specific identity of the child shouldbe present in every link of educational and educational work with children of all ages. What is the essence of such an individual approach? It is expressed in the direct pedagogical impact on the child in solving common problems facing the team. In this case, the teacher or educator must take into account the living conditions and mental characteristics of the individual.
- know and understand their pupils;
- love children;
- be able to think and analyze;
- adhere to a solid theoretical balance.
The teacher should always remember that the child is a self-targeted subject of his own development. At the same time, he always needs the support of an adult.
The implementation of an individual approach in education, as well as in education, is impossible without considering psychophysical aspects. Consider these factors in more detail.
This is the first aspect that should be considered when an individual approach is implemented in the education of preschoolers and students of general educational institutions.
The teacher must learn the level of mentalchild development. This is necessary for his further successful training. If this indicator has a high level, then the pupil will quickly perceive and comprehend the material, remember it well and reproduce it, and then hold it in memory longer. The knowledge gained, in this case, will be successfully used in the performance of subsequent tasks.
Individual approach in teaching children and theireducation, which is based on the level of mental development, is built by the teacher, taking into account the zone of his closest impact. In this case, the adult should not differentiate the task itself, but the measure of help that it offers to the child. For example, some pupils not only produce this or that activity themselves, but also explain the course of its implementation to their comrades. Others are able to perform the task, adhering to a specific algorithm. Third and all will need the help of a teacher.
This is the second aspect that must be considered whenimplementation of an individual approach to the child. According to the conclusions made by modern researchers, the properties that are inherent in the human nervous system, have a genotypic nature.
In other words, they are practically unchanged and stable personality characteristics. That is why it is impossible not to reckon with this factor.
The main properties of the nervous system: mobility-inertness and strength-weakness.
This is the third and rather important aspect thatThe teacher must take into account when will implement an individual approach in the learning process. Children, like adults, solve their tasks in different ways. Some of them have an analytical mind. It finds its manifestation in verbal-logical abstract thinking. It is easier for others to think in images. In this case, artistic thinking manifests itself.
So, children of the artistic type beginto comprehend any material only after emotional inclusion. At first they rely on images and representations, and only then they analyze all the components and draw their own conclusions.
Thinking children start solving tasks withlining up logical chains. They analyze all the components and think with symbols. In their algorithm for solving problems, logical reflections prevail. Emotional coloring of parts, as a rule, simply prevents them from thinking.
This is the fourth and also an important aspecttaken into account by the teacher in the individual approach to children. Observing the behavior of the child, one can be convinced that the way in which he perceives the world around him has a huge impact on his level of adaptation in society, his physical development and success in learning.
Closely following this aspect, already in the youngestage, you can assume what problems the baby will face when learning in school. Knowing the way of learning, parents, educators, teachers and psychologists can correctly build games and activities with the child. This will make it possible to derive maximum benefit from the learning process.
This aspect is of particular importance in thosecases where the organization of education and training of children with physical defects and impaired somatic development is required. But the teacher should always take into account such psychological characteristics of children as fears and anxiety, self-doubt and neuroses. The underestimation of all these psychophysical characteristics of pupils causes enormous harm to their health.
The teacher needs to know that mental disorders in children may be associated with factors such as:
- somatic diseases;
- defects of physical development;
- stresses and various adverse factors relating to social conditions of life.
What else should a teacher take into account in the process?upbringing? He needs to remember that the personal development of any person is reflected in his age features. Depending on the years lived, there is a change in the thinking of the individual, his range of interests and demands, as well as social manifestations. Each age has its own developmental limitations and opportunities. For example, memory and mental abilities are most intensely expanded in childhood and adolescence. If this is not taken into account in the process of training and education, then time will be lost. The possibilities of this period to use in the later period is very difficult. But at the same time, the educator should not get too far ahead, affecting the moral, mental and physical development of children. It is important to take into account the age capabilities of the organism.
Modern scientists based on resultsstudies have made an amazing conclusion. They revealed a direct relationship between mental, physical and moral development of man. The first of these affects the formation of the character of the individual. Physical perfection allows to develop organs of vision, hearing and feelings. In addition, it is closely related to moral and labor education. At the same time, activity depends on the state of health of the child, and vice versa.
When an individual approach to physical education in children awakens interest in active movements in the fresh air, in gaining cultural and hygienic skills, etc.
In childhood and adolescence in children occursthe formation of moral norms. They gain experience in behavior and develop their own attitudes towards people. Conducting the moral education of the child, the teacher can significantly influence the formation of the character and will of the child.
Showing the principle of an individual approach in the upbringing and education of children, the teacher should know:
1. Features of the health and physical condition of the child. From this will largely depend on his attention at the lesson, the lesson and the overall performance.
2Properties of memory, interests and inclinations of pupils. Taking into account these features, it becomes much easier to implement an individual approach to the child, loading the stronger with additional classes and helping the weaker.
3Mental and emotional sphere of children, identifying pupils with a painful reaction to the comments and increased irritability. Understanding the nature of the child will most effectively organize collective activities.
Только знание особенностей развития каждого из children, received by the teacher on the basis of a deep study of all factors, will create the necessary conditions for their successful use in the process of training and education.