/ / Ecology classes in the senior group

Ecology classes in the senior group of the pre-school

Everyone knows that the child gets all the developmental talents in early childhood. And how much it will be successful in the future depends on how you dealt with it at the preschool age.

Therefore, do not be surprised to see the ecology class in the senior group in the schedule, because the new standards for the kindergarten provide for the development of children from different sides of the educational process.

The purpose of classes on ecology

Of course, every activity carried out in theDOW, must have its main goal, not an exception and ecology. Classes in kindergarten in this direction should promote the development of preschoolers love for their homeland and thrifty attitude to nature.

ecology class in the older group
In order for the result to be obtained at the release, the educator needs to build a chain of smaller goals (tasks) and in each lesson with children to strive for their achievement. They can be the following plan:

  • to help preschoolers see seasonal changes in nature;
  • explain to children that everything in nature is interconnected (through the construction of ecological chains);
  • consolidate existing knowledge in children about birds (animals, fish);
  • develop children's love for nature, promote the ability to see the beautiful (through the design of flower beds on the site of the group).

This, of course, is far from being all tasks. The ecology class in the older group can be of a different thematic nature, so the goals will be more specific.

Types of classes in ecology

Primary communication skills of the child with nature is provided by ecology. The older group can build one of several types. They include:

  • initial acquaintance;
  • in-depth cognitive;
  • generalizing;
  • complex.

The most important thing in building classes is compliance with the following requirements:

  • emotionality;
  • brightness;
  • the possibility of taking part;
  • cognition;
  • availability;
  • interest.

Who should conduct classes in the field of ecology?

Any activities in the kindergarten are part of the educational process, the group's educators responsible for it. In addition, students often trust them very much and try to imitate everything.

ecological lesson middle group
Therefore, the tutorial on ecology in the senior group should be conducted by the educator. It is available to explain the significance of nature in the life of each person and how to treat it carefully.

Ecology classes are considered by the average group as one of the ways of knowing the world around them. Children get acquainted with its diversity and learn to communicate with it.

What can be the occupation?

Many forms of the educational process allow educators to make it interesting, unusual, emotional. In this case, it can be:

  • occupation-fairy tale;
  • occupation-travel;
  • integrated occupation in ecology;
  • open class.

Most importantly, the teacher needs to implement a creative approach and build the process so that the pupils have a desire to participate in this event.

ecology senior group occupation
For example, there is such a theme of classes in ecology -"Trees", it can be conducted in the form of excursions with the children of the older group in the park. Especially it can be remembered in the autumn period when children together with the tutor can collect bright leaves, fallen cones and make of them in the subsequent crafts.

What is an open class?

Open class on ecology provides forpresence of outsiders on it - it can be other educators, children from parallel groups, parents, participants in the educational process from neighboring kindergartens.

This lesson is most often indicative,and the guys together with the teacher-educator to him in advance prepared. The biggest mistake of the organizer in this case is that he completely rehearses the process of holding several times, and the children lose interest.

open class on ecology
Of course, you need to rehearse, but only the mostcomplex elements of the course of the event, and it itself for the children, too, in the period of carrying out should be new. It is this approach that allows you to get the best result.

It is considered a big plus if in the openclasses will be allocated time for the children to be able to express their opinion on the topic or ask questions of interest to them. It must be remembered that a preschool child does not know how to deal with the same thing for a long time, that's why the event should not be prolonged and in the process it should be thought over the change of activity.

Ecological project

If we consider the occupation of ecology, the averagethe group can choose a creative project. Children usually like to participate in various kinds of research, this method is both cognitive and educational.

ecology classes in kindergarten
An environmental project can be short-term(last from several hours to several days) and long-term (a month or more). The time interval in this case depends on the chosen research topic.

Work with an environmental project is built on an integrated approach - this type provides for the participation of children in various activities:

  • observation;
  • reading of thematic works;
  • Painting;
  • theatrical dance;
  • modeling;
  • the composition of fairy tales and stories on the topic.

This form of work can be both independent and complementary to the educational process.

Parents as participants in the environmental education of children

Do not forget that the upbringing of children is not only a pre-school educational institution, but also the society in which the child lives, namely his family.

Parents need to work closely witheducator, because the goals of education should be one. For this, the teacher conducts parental meetings, telling them about what a child should know and be able to do at a given age. And more often it asks for help from parents, for example, dads can make a stand for a nature calendar, and moms - decorate a flower garden, create a garden on the window.

integrated occupation in ecology
An ecology lesson in the senior group can beto spend in joint with the parents of the campaign. These events are always fun and promote cohesion, and in addition, children can visually demonstrate a caring attitude to nature through a personal example.

In addition, the ecology class in the senior groupcan be open, that is, held together with parents. In this case, the teacher shows the requirements for the children put forward by the curriculum. And the guys with great pleasure can boast of their successes in this field of knowledge.


Every pet has a pet. Therefore, the ecology class "Pets" can be held in the form of a photo exhibition.

To do this, you need to ask the guys in advancebring photos of their animals, and in the lesson - tell about them. In addition, the educator must necessarily supplement the knowledge of children with new information. For example, that cats and dogs can be trained and they are able to perform even in the circus, and mice and rats are rodents, and they live in burrows.

Preschoolers like to talk about their pets, so, in addition to knowledge of the environment, they acquire the skills of a common speech.

Ecological education is the main way to develop a sense of responsibility in children. In addition, this kind of training always causes increased interest in children.

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