/ / Gearbox for motoblock: description and varieties

Reducer for motoblock: description and varieties

In any garden technique, whether it is a cultivator or a motor-block, there is a reducer. It is the basis of the design and ensures the functioning of the equipment. Ready gearbox for motoblock you can buy in the store or make it yourself, significantly saving your family budget.

gearbox for motoblock


The main purpose of the device is totransfer of rotation to the mounted elements and wheels. It controls the direction of motion, speed and rotation. Reducer motoblock "MB 1" is subject to rapid wear of the belt clutch and its rupture. In the device "MB 2" there is the possibility of mounting an additional belt on the motor pulley, due to the built-in reverse gear.

The new reducer model has a lotbut, despite the improvements, is not without its shortcomings. Such a motor with a gearbox for a motoblock has a smaller number of revolutions compared to its predecessor. At the same time, this parameter does not depend on the speed and increases the time costs for processing the land. Also worth noting is the unlocking of the wheels, which occurs when driving with the trolley at a second speed. Because of this, the motoblock starts spontaneously turning to the left, which is very dangerous when driving near a car stream. To level the movement of equipment requires a lot of skill and attention.

On the outside of the reducer are parts,providing a change of gear. When you press the gear lever, which has five positions, the clutch is disengaged by the fork, and then returns. In the case of coupling the drive and the right-hand axle, the motor block will slow down.

geared motor reducer


There are several basic types of gearboxes, which are divided according to their purpose:

  • Chains have in their design a metallicchain, ensuring the scrolling of stars. The scheme of this variant is quite simple and is supplemented with a bolted connection. Among the advantages is worth mentioning the convenience of operation, reliability and the availability of the reverse function.
  • Gear-worm.They are optimally suited for motors with a vertical crankshaft arrangement. A distinctive feature is high performance and minimal noise. Various materials are used for manufacturing, including inexpensive steel and a cast iron alloy.
  • Belt gearbox for motoblock has a similarity withchain variety, the only difference is a belt in the form of a rectangle or a wedge, used instead of a chain. The belt is secured by pulleys equipped with grooves.
  • Gear can function in a corneror a direct scheme depending on the design. The pinion is mounted on the shafts and can have a conical or cylindrical shape. Such a reducer for the motor block "Neva MB 2" is difficult to maintain, but this disadvantage is compensated by high power, due to which it is often used in professional garden equipment.

motor with gearbox for motoblock


Of particular importance is the regular oil change.If this rule is not complied with, the additives and other ingredients in the composition lose its properties and do not provide protection for the parts. As a result, it is possible to foaming the composition and jamming the gearbox.

The oil level is checked with a feeler gauge, it is notshould be too small, but too much will not be reflected on the device in the best way. Reducer for motoblock will last much longer when using high-quality oil, so the composition is selected in accordance with the operating conditions of the equipment.


Even with the timely replacement of oil, breakdowns of the mechanism are possible, which often appear as a knock. There are several major failures, among which there are the following:

  • Open circuit, which is difficult not to notice due to jammed gearbox. Repair in this case consists in replacement of the damaged element.
  • Damage to the separation node of the semi-axes.
  • Leakage of oil indicates the wear of the rubber glands.
  • Change the settings of the switching system. Adjustment is made by loosening the screws and turning on the first gear.
  • Often there are difficulties in fixing the transmission, in this case it is worth replacing the brushes that are out of order.

geared motor unit mb

What you need to know

When there is a need to replacecomponent parts should purchase original parts from reputable manufacturers. Most of the failures can be corrected by any person, but when difficulties arise, you can always turn to specialists. Also do not forget about the break-in, which will significantly increase the service life.

Today, the reducing gear is increasingly usedfor the motorized unit, which can be manufactured independently. Usually, for this purpose they take improvised materials and details taken from other techniques. Such a design provides the possibility of operation on a heavy complex ground. It becomes indispensable when there is a lack of power and frequent towing of the wheels. The design of the gearbox is selected in accordance with the type of transmission, which consists of a gearbox, differential and clutch.

reducer motor block Neva mb 2

Factors determining the cost

Today in the range of shops you can find a suitable reducer for the Neva motor block for any purposes and financial possibilities. The cost is determined by the following factors:

  • characteristics of the device;
  • presence of a backing;
  • power;
  • manufacturer;
  • materials used in production;
  • functionality.
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