Russian is one of the most difficult forforeigners and at the same time the richest in the world. The adjective gives it a special brightness. No other language has so many shades, because it is thanks to this part of speech that you can convey all the beauty and character of the described subject.
С именем прилагательным детей знакомят в primary classes. At first, the kids will only find out what questions this part of speech answers. And in high school, they are already touching on a more complex topic - to study it, you need to remember which cases in Russian are used to induce different parts of speech.
The school provides for the study of six cases,who have their own questions. To make it easier for children to learn such seemingly incomprehensible titles, teachers offer all sorts of rhymes composed of the first letters. For example: Ivan (nominative) gave birth (genitive) to a girl (dative), ordered (accusative) to haul (instrumental) diaper (prepositional).
In order to deal with the topic of adjective declension, you need to remember which case questions are presented in the list of the school program:
Them. n. - Who? What?
R. n. - Whom? What?
D. p. - To whom? What
V. p. - Whom? What?
T. n. - Who? Than?
P. n. - About whom? About what?
It is thanks to the ability to put the wordthe question can be determined in which case it is used in the sentence. However, sometimes there are difficult cases when the proposed list does not contain the necessary option. For example, which case answers the question: “What?” In the above list it is not. In order to answer, you need to deal with the declination of adjectives.
First, from the proposal you need to selectadjectives, that is, those words that define the characteristic of the subject, describe it and answer the questions: “What?”, “What?”, “What?” or “What?”
For example: The bright dawn lazily rose over a sleeping city.
The adjectives of this sentence are bright (which one?) and sleeping (how?). To determine which case answers the question “how” and “which”, you need to figure out which nouns are attached to these adjectives.
Bright dawn - here the noun answers the question: “What?”, It turns out that the case is nominative. Accordingly, the word “bright” stands in the nominative case.
Over the sleeping city - here is a nounanswers the question: “Over what?”, it can be found in the list (it refers to the instrumental case). Therefore, the answer to the question: "What case answers the question" how? "
A systematic scheme for determining the case of an adjective looks like this:
На первый взгляд, эта тема очень проста и не requires in-depth study, but this opinion is not entirely true. After all, thanks to the knowledge of the case system, you can build a competent speech. Often, precisely because of the lack of such elementary knowledge, it is impossible to correctly describe the characteristic of the desired subject. Learn the native language, delve into all the nuances, remember that there are no trifles here. After all, how pleasant it is to realize that even if you are raised in the middle of the night and asked: “And what is the case that answers the question“ how ”?”, You can give a clear and correct answer - an authoritative one!