/ / Darnitsa bus station in Kiev: where it is, how to get to

Bus station "Darnitsa" in Kiev: where it is, how to get

Transport infrastructure of the capital of Ukraine,Kiev, well developed. Road trips can be made to any ends. In addition to the central bus station, from where, of course, most directions are available, there are several more. One of them - a small bus station "Darnitsa", located in the Dnipro region.

Where exactly is this small bus station, in which directions you can go with it and other useful details will tell you right now.

Darnitsa bus station

Where is and how to get there?

Расположена автостанция "Дарница" в Днепровском area, on Gagarin Avenue, 1. Very close, literally a few meters from the station platforms, tram routes pass, not far from many bus routes.

The bus station is just in the middle betweentwo metro stations of the red line - Chernigov and Forest. The time required to reach the destination from both stations will require the same amount. So choose the one to which you will be more convenient and faster.

Darnitsa Kiev bus station

Walk from the metro station "Chernigovskaya" tobus station can be the next way. Coming to the surface from the side of the Novus supermarket, go around it. We go along the bus stop (see directions to Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Cherkassy and others). If you walk quite a bit, you will already see a small building of the bus station "Darnitsa".

From the metro station "Lesnaya" to the bus station passcan be as follows. You need to get out of the metro from the side of the shopping pavilion Bazar and the shopping center "Mayak". Then we go on the right side along the tram tracks. Literally in 10 minutes we will see the building with the sign "Darnitsa Bus Station".

Directions of departures

So we learned where the bus station"Darnitsa" (Kiev). It is a starting point for Chernigov, Sumy direction. So, from here buses go to such famous cities as Slavutich, Chigirin, Glukhov, Oster, Kremechug, Kanev, Varva, Senkovka and others.

Through a lot of small and large villages routes pass through. At the request of passengers, drivers are ready to drop you off at stops in these localities.

Every 5-15 minutes (depending on the route) busesdepart from the bus station. For example, in the Brovary direction, it is possible to go to the villages of Gogolev, Svetilnoye, Rusanov, Ploskoye almost every hour, sometimes more often. The last buses in this direction leave at 20:45.

The reliability of buses is trustworthy. In extremely rare cases, one of a number of buses in a particular direction may not go at a set time.

Operating mode

The bus station works daily without any changes in the opening-closing mode. So, you can buy tickets at the box office from 6 am to 8:50 pm. In the small building of the bus station, you can wait for your route.

On some buses that pass villagesand the village of Kiev region, tickets at the box office are not sold. You can pay the fare directly on the bus. Departure is made from the platforms of the bus station, which posted the appropriate signs.

darnitsa bus station where


If you are on the Left Bank, for example inDarnytskyi and Dneprovsky districts, the Darnitsa bus station is located right next to you. Where is it and how to get there, we tried to tell you as accurately as possible, taking into account practical details. Choose the right route and go on a trip or on business with joy!

Chernihiv, Sumy, Cherkasy, many smaller cities andvery small villages - in these points there is an opportunity to get here. So far, the destination - Kiev, Left Bank, Dnipro district. Here, at the end stations of the red line metro station, is the Darnitsa bus station. On business or on a visit safely go from here to go! Enjoy your trips and wish to always be on time!

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