/ Tikhvin. Sights of the old city

Tikhvin. Sights of the old city

The city of Tikhvin is located in the Leningrad region.Its population (as of 2009) is sixty thousand people. Tikhvin, whose attractions are known far beyond its borders, is one of the largest transportation hubs in the region. It is also a cultural and industrial center.

City Tikhvin. Sights. Monastery

Tikhvin Assumption Monastery isarchitectural object of considerable interest to all lovers of antiquity. Its construction, begun by order of Ivan the Terrible, was completed in 1560. The holy monastery is located on the bank of the Tikhvinka - a local river. The main relic of the monastery is the icon of the Mother of God Odigitria. Currently, it attracts many pilgrims. In 1943, the miraculous shrine was taken by invaders to Pskov. German soldiers handed it over to representatives of the Orthodox faith. Then the icon visited Jablonec, Libave, Riga and Chicago. In 2004, the shrine was returned to the monastery.

tikhvin sights

Tikhvin. Sights. House Museum N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov

In 1844, the great was born in this building.Russian composer. The unique building has been preserved to this day. Using this house as an example, one can see how all the provincial noble manor buildings were designed at the dawn of the 19th century. The building has the status of a state museum. The staff of this research and educational institution is engaged in the restoration, research, acquisition and storage of materials included in the main fund related to the life and creative activities of Rimsky-Korsakov.

Tikhvin. Sights. Recon Chapel

The building was erected in 1787 according to the designarchitect MA Schurupova. The structure is completed by a four-sided tent with an onion dome. Currently, a unique architectural monument is open to the public. Now the building is renamed the Alexander Nevsky Chapel.

Tikhvin city attractions

Tikhvin. Sights. "Vepsian Forest"

The territory of this natural park is protectedby the state. It stretches over 190 thousand hectares. Thanks to the existence of the “Vepsian Forest”, it becomes possible to ensure the protection of the unique nature, a detailed study of the Vepsian culture and history, and the creation of comfortable recreational conditions. Important scientific research is carried out on the territory of this natural park. Programs are regularly organized for the environmental education of local residents and tourists.

Не менее интересен музей «Вепсского леса».The first part of the exhibition is everything related to the nature of the park. The second acquaints tourists with the way of life of people who inhabited these places many centuries ago. The museum can only be reached with a guide. The exhibition is located on the second floor of the local administration.

map of tikhvin with landmarks

Map of Tikhvin with landmarks includesone more interesting place. This is a museum located in the walls of the Bogoroditsk monastery. In it, tourists can get acquainted with more than twenty thousand exhibits that most fully characterize the culture and history of Tikhvin.

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