/ The Eagle. Sights of the ancient city

Eagle. Sights of the ancient city

On both banks of the Oka, at the confluence of itOrlik tributary is the old Russian city of Orel. Its sights are an integral part of Russian history and culture. It was founded in the middle of the sixteenth century, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. It was a fortress. It is intended to protect the Moscow kingdom from the south-east direction from those who wish to question its territorial integrity. Over time, the fortress lost its fortification significance. Today it is just an average Russian city, without which it is impossible to imagine both Russian history and modern reality. And if you have not lost interest in what is happening outside the Moscow Ring Road, then you here in Orel. The benefit is not so far from Moscow.

eagle attractions

Orel city. sights

In this relatively small town verythere is something to look at. In Russian history and culture, the place he occupied was by no means peripheral. The fates and creative work of many figures of Russian literature and art are connected with the city. Therefore, the attractions of the Eagle and Orel region deserve attention. The first thing to look for in the city is the oldest Orthodox churches. These are the churches of Michael the Archangel and Nikolo-Peskovsky - very characteristic and expressive examples of Russian temple architecture. In the thirties of the last century, both churches suffered considerably, but they were not destroyed, they were used in economic and other purposes, far from destination. But today they are carefully restored and brought to the "divine appearance." Without these temples, towering above the center of the city, it is impossible to imagine the Eagle.

sights eagle and Orel region
Sights of the city, of course, this is notare exhausted. An icon place is considered the arrow of Oka and Orlik. In ancient times, there was an ancient settlement, but the modern city was founded on this place. This event is perpetuated by a memorable stelo and a public garden built in honor of its foundation. For a considerable number of figures of Russian literature, the place of the beginning of the creative path was precisely the Eagle. Sights of literary life are collected in the Museum of Orlovtsev writers. It is located in an old noble manor house. The museums of Leskov and Bunin, two famous Russian writers, also deserve undoubted attention.
city ​​eagle tourist attractions

Military monuments

In the center of Russian history, the city was in August1943 in the period of the greatest battle in the history of the Kursk-Orel arc. As a result of the offensive operation, Belgorod and Orel were liberated. The sights of the city reflect the memory of the Great Patriotic War. This is a monument to the tankers-liberators of the city of Orel, and the Orel Military History Museum (diorama). But on Orlovschine there are military monuments and more distant eras. These include the Saburov fortress, located ten kilometers from the city. This open-air museum for the glory of Russian weapons was created by Field Marshal Count Kamensky in honor of Russia's victories in the Russian-Turkish wars of the eighteenth century.

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