/ How and when to cut fruit trees correctly. How to cut fruit trees in spring

How and when to cut fruit trees correctly. How to cut fruit trees in spring

The garden at the dacha or in the courtyard of a private house isthe dream of many people. It's nice to spend time on the bench among the trees with a book in hand. But people want to see not only nature, but also have a good harvest to collect fruit. The garden needs care. It is necessary to know exactly how and when to properly cut fruit trees, at what time of year it is better to carry out these actions, because the quality of the harvest will depend on the proper care.

Why do I need pruning?

Many amateur gardeners believe that it is easy todo without pruning fruit trees. In their opinion, the crown itself grows, fruits will appear earlier, there will be a high yield. No, this assumption is erroneous, the correct pruning of trees is the guarantee of a long fruit life. Also, with each season, the volume of harvest will increase.

how and when to properly cut fruit trees
If a person does not know how and when tocut fruit trees, and will do everything in its discretion, then soon the fruits are crushed. With each season of fruit will be less, but in the end there will come a year that does not bring the harvest at all.

Pruning fruit trees and shrubs is important.Every gardener should understand this and make the right actions. Pruning is needed for young, old and aging trees. Thus, the wood rejuvenates and fructifies better. And many valuable varieties, bred by breeders, especially need pruning. There are specialists who offer their professional services in the garden.

When are pruning done?

Gardeners often do not pay much attention to the terms of rejuvenation of the garden plot. Let's figure out when the spring pruning of fruit trees is to be made.

The best time is the end of February or the beginning of March,when there is a danger of a return of severe frosts. Beginning pruning with young pome fruits. First these are pears and apple trees, black and red currants (if the thickness of the snow allows).

correct pruning of trees
At the end of March or early April,pruning most of the crops. First these are pome fruits, then stone fruit trees. Young cultures should be cut off before sap movement, since at a later date the plants weaken with each lost branch.

In May-June pruning is carried out during flowering of trees and shrubs. Adult plants can be rejuvenated even after sap flow, so reduce the recovery processes of growth.

Care during the warm season

During the summer period, somecultures. This procedure allows you to delay the flowering of the tree for the next year, which helps to minimize crop losses during early frosts (for example, it is relevant for apricot). They also break and pinch unnecessary shoots. In the summer season, trimmed ornamental plants. To restore flowering, remove inflorescences and flowers.

spring pruning of fruit trees
How and when to properly cut fruit trees andshrubs in the fall? Is it possible to conduct such procedures this season? Yes, for the restoration and rejuvenation of neglected apples, gooseberries, black and red currants, raspberries and many others.

If gardeners know how to cut fruit trees in spring, then the harvest of the garden will always please the owner with healthy and juicy fruits. The plant will live for many years.

Existing species

For the rejuvenation of trees and shrubs apply different types of trimming, they are about five, it is also possible to combine.

The first type is the forming one.Initially, you want to give the desired shape and size of the crown. But you need to know how to properly trim the fruit trees. All unnecessary branches are truncated near the trunk, large ones by a third, thin ones by half.

pruning fruit
The second type is regulating.It is aimed at maintaining a balance between crown growth and fruiting. All vertical, skeletal branches and branches in the tree are cut off. Such actions will give the crown the shape of the pyramid.

The third type is rejuvenating. Such pruning is carried out for the maximum growth of all branches (old and young).

The fourth type is regenerative. If the tree or its branches are subjected to frost or mechanical damage, then partial pruning is carried out.

The fifth type is sanitary. This is pruning damaged, painful, dry or broken branches. In practice, gardeners often combine all types of rejuvenation.

Worthy care prolongs the life of plants

In order to understand how and when correctlycut fruit trees, it is enough to study the literature and try to apply the knowledge gained. Often people turn to specialists for help. Pruning fruit trees is different from pruning decorative shrubs, because pears, apricots, apple trees, currants, cherries are grown to produce tasty fruits and berries. When inexperienced gardeners themselves are pruning, then often a little later shoots grow. They need to be deleted, perhaps several times. If you properly take care of trees that have large roots, they can live up to thirty years. Vegetation, whose roots are short, fructifies much earlier (three years after planting).

Pruning apple trees

Each fruit tree needs a separatecare. Apple tree in our country is quite popular. It grows in almost every garden. Pruning apple trees depends on the general condition of the tree: age, structural features, crowns. In a separate period of time, different actions are taken. At the time when the apple tree is bearing fruit, cut it off by a regulating kind. During the aging period, rejuvenation is performed. During the growth and development of the tree, forming pruning is carried out.

how to cut fruit trees in spring
If the apple tree is rather old, it is requiredspecial care. As a rule, there are many small fruits on such trees, which are at the very top. Apple trees are tall and have many dying branches. You need to trim this tree gradually, within 2-3 years. Begin on the south side. A low and narrow crown is suitable for apple trees.

Pruning of stone fruit bearing trees and berry bushes

Gardeners want the most effectiveuse your site. For this purpose, fruit trees and berry bushes are cut as much as possible. In pears, the crown itself is like a pyramid, so it does not require constant adjustment. One problem: the tree quickly starts up vertical branches, some need to be removed, the rest turn into fruit trees.

Stone fruit plants form withtwo-four-year-old. For a long time you can not tighten with pruning, as cherries, plums and cherries are very difficult to bring into the desired shape. Fruit-bearing stone fruit trees suffer a heavy removal of large branches.

how to properly trim fruit trees
Spring currants, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries require rejuvenating pruning.

Shortening and thinning

There are two ways of pruning fruit trees.The first is called shortening - partial shoots and branches are removed. This approach stimulates the growth of the kidneys. You can shorten severely, half the branch, medium - one third, and weakly - a quarter of the shoot is removed. With this method, the trees are rejuvenated. If the branches are large and old, then a strong pruning is performed.

The second method is called thinning (cutting). In this case, branches and shoots are completely removed. The method is suitable for fruit trees, the crowns of which are too thick.

If you properly care for the garden, fresh and juicy fruit will always be present on your table!

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