/ / Simulator "Lose Weight": reviews thinner and professionals

Trainer "Lose Weight": reviews have become thin and professionals

In the race for slim and fit figure, manyof us go to great sacrifices, subjecting ourselves to exhausting diets and difficult exercises in the gym. However, as it turned out, to achieve the ideal weight can be more simple and familiar to us ways. For example, to help you come the most ordinary simulator "Lose Weight". Reviews lost weight with it, as well as the opinions of experts and physicians can be found in this article.

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A few words about the "Lose Weight" simulator: who came up with

The simulator is the author's invention of NicholasDolinov, a native of the city of Ulyanovsk. According to the inventor, the fight against excess weight has become the main reason for the development of this device. Before the “Lose Weight” was invented, its author weighed more than 90 kg. However, when using our own device, our hero easily got rid of everything superfluous.

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What results can be achieved with a simulator?

Using the Lose Weight simulator (the most controversial reviews of this device can be heard), our author got rid of the abdomen in just a couple of months. According to him, the invention helps:

  • tighten the muscles of the arms, abdomen, legs;
  • relieve fatigue from joints;
  • normalize breathing (especially effective for shortness of breath);
  • develop the joints of the legs, arms and restore the function of the spine;
  • relieve stress;
  • restore the normal mental state of a person (perhaps due to constant rhythmic movements performed by the whole body).

Все это может осуществить тренажер «Похудей».The real reviews of people who have not just heard of him, but already use it, will help you understand the principle of operation of the device. So what do they say?

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A few reviews about the results of using the simulator

Несмотря на свой небольшой, по меркам СМИ, age, the simulator has already managed to cause a flurry of positive criticism and user feedback. For example, one lady enthusiastically speaks about “Lose Weight”. From her story it becomes clear that she used it twice a day for 10 minutes and eventually lost weight by as much as 7 kg per month.

It is noteworthy that use the simulator“Lose weight” (reviews of thinner people speak for themselves) can not only women but also men. For example, one of the male representatives wrote that he had long been eyeing the device bought by his wife. However, curiosity took over, and he also became involved. Surprisingly, he managed not only to lose weight, but also to eliminate the existing problems with his back.

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Exercises on the simulator and proper nutrition

Some users are sure to be engaged onthe simulator is necessary in conjunction with proper nutrition. According to them, before you begin to exercise, you should prepare your body. “Eat less and exceptionally healthy food. In this case, the effect of the exercises will be much greater, ”they say.

What are the details?

Slimming Simulator "Lose Weight" (reviews about thisthe product is mainly a positive message) is a product consisting of a pair of strong cords with special carbines and four handles for legs and arms.

In addition to the simulator go hook formounting, disk, thin brochure with instructions and all sorts of variations of exercises. In some cases (depending on promotions organized by the manufacturer), in addition to the main product, in the package you can find a mini-simulator for breathing, a pulse meter, a tape measure with electronic memory and much more.

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What is the principle of work?

The system used in the simulator is not new.According to some reports, the first analogues of the product appeared in 1984-1985. It is based on the work of carbines and ropes, reminiscent of equipment for climbers. The principle of the product is as follows: a person lies on his back, having previously laid a mat on the floor, and passes hands and feet into special holes.

Then he starts moving his legs, for example,imitating cycling or jogging. At the same time, Dolinov's “Lose Weight” simulator (feedback from numerous users tells about the incredible effect of the product) makes the arms move, which can repeat the actions of the legs or simply flatten out in free flight, imitating the strokes on the water.

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Compact and lightweight

The most important "feature" of the product is itssimplicity. The simulator has a compact form, so it is easy to fold, disassemble and fit absolutely anywhere. You can also take it with you for nature or travel. In order to put it into operation, it is enough just to drive a small hook into the wall and fix the product on it. If this action is impossible, it is necessary to simply slam the ropes, pinching them with a doorway.

simulator lose weight reviews of professionals

What is the feature of the simulator?

The unusual Lose Weight simulator (customer reviews indicate its uniqueness) has a number of the following features:

  • it replaces an exercise bike, a treadmill, and even swimming;
  • allows you to use all muscle groups;
  • work with muscles occurs due to the weight of your own body (classes on the simulator are carried out constantly on weight, which significantly increases the load);
  • does not hold down breath and movements.

Here is such a universal simulator "Lose Weight".Reviews about him can tell a lot. For example, one of the users said that she almost never parted with this product. A woman takes him to work, on business trips and even uses it during summer vacation. According to her, this is the most unpretentious and useful simulator she has ever met.

Another claims that she gave the product to her mother. Thanks to him, she managed to get rid of insomnia and frequent headaches. And most importantly - strengthened muscles, not leaving the house.

From what age can you study?

If you believe the manufacturer, the simulator“Lose weight” (reviews that have become thinner coincide with this statement) are suitable not only for adults, but also for children. And they can practice on it, starting from four years. By the way, it is for them in a special instruction booklet that there are exercises with a minimal power load.

Based on the instruction manual, people can use the products without age restrictions. From 4 to 100 years.

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What diseases can I use?

Use the "Lose Weight" simulator (professional reviews do not contradict this) if you have the following diseases:

  • chronic constipation;
  • joint problems;
  • posture disorders;
  • salt deposits in the knee joints and the cervical region;
  • obesity;
  • lack of coordination of movements;
  • metabolic disorders.

Opinions of professionals and coaches

According to one of the professional trainersfitness club, the product is perfect for those who want to keep themselves in shape, and for athletes. At the same time, he himself uses the device in the gym and recommends to his clients for the best warm-up. From the words of the instructor it can be seen that the “Lose Weight” simulator (feedbacks that have become thinner almost coincide with this opinion) can be used to quickly warm up all muscle groups. According to the trainer, the product easily replaces 45 minutes on a treadmill and 10 minutes of exercise “bicycle”.

Another coach claims that for fullThe effect is necessary to attach one of the arms to the weighting or dumbbell. Thus, the load on the muscles will increase, and the effect of training will improve. The third, on the contrary, says that the simulator is good for maintaining the body in a toned way, but it is not suitable for pumping muscles.

Trainer "Lose Weight": reviews of doctors

About the simulator "Lose Weight" have already expressed their opinionsmany doctors. At the same time, the device itself has already received a lot of positive reviews and added to the author's box a lot of various diplomas and thanks. According to many representatives of medicine, the invention really improves posture, strengthens all muscle groups and normalizes blood circulation. As a result, there is a restoration and normalization of pressure, increased brain activity and training of the cardiovascular system.

Others strongly recommend usingthe device for people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system, people suffering from osteochondrosis. In addition, doctors advise the use of the simulator and patients who have recently had a stroke (during restorative gymnastics).

By the way, in one of the clinics in Moscowhealth workers decided to try out all the effectiveness of the simulator on themselves. To do this, they collectively purchased this equipment and regularly use it during the lunch break and rest.

Are there any contraindications for classes?

Despite a lot of positive feedback, the simulatorhas a number of contraindications. For example, it is not necessary to use it for those who previously had spinal injuries, for persons with progressive diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is not suitable for people with disorders of the digestive system. The device is not used during pregnancy and the presence of cancer. Do not use "Lose Weight" and the elderly, who have heart problems, or atherosclerosis.

In general, the simulator is not bad.Beautiful his idea and happy ease of operation. And perhaps you will not achieve great results by doing (as the author advises - 7 minutes a day), but tighten all muscle groups, restore breathing and improve your physical fitness, including endurance.

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