/ / We understand how to handle apple trees in autumn

We understand what to handle apple trees in autumn

Autumn is a season of harassment for harvesting and harvesting.But in no case should we forget about "sworn friends" - pests. At this time, they are preparing for wintering, so that in the spring we can rush to the garden, cherished by us. Right now, the question of what to cultivate apple trees in the autumn is more urgent than ever. Do it in time, using the tools of modern garden chemistry. We recommend storing them in advance, because in the season even one day of procrastination is capable of "halving" the future harvest.

than to handle apple trees in autumn

Preparations based on copper

So, fungicides. So called chemical compounds, which can be used to destroy fungi.

A simple, cheap and effective tool isordinary copper sulfate. A solution with a concentration of 1-2% excellently helps with scab. Note that a clean solution can severely burn the plants, so add (1: 2) to the mixture the usual baking soda. And more: the solution of vitriol is prepared only in glass or enamel ware!

Есть ли что-то еще, чем обрабатывать яблони in the fall? Yes! This is Bordeaux liquid. And here again we will meet with the copper sulfate known to us, which in this case is used in conjunction with quicklime. First, in a small amount of cold water, dissolve a kilogram of vitriol, then bring the amount of liquid to 50 liters. In another vessel, 50 liters of quicklime solution are also made in the same way.

Important: rules of application

than to treat apple trees for the winter

Before use, a solution of copper sulfateA thin and continuous stream is poured into the milk of lime. The mixture is constantly mixed! If you do not comply with this rule, then a violent chemical reaction can result, which often results in severe chemical burns on the hands and face.

If you do not know how and what to handle apple trees in autumn, it is better to buy ready-made fresh solution.

The composition described above is used only in a dryand warm weather, when there is no probability of rain. It is inadmissible to use in conditions of intense heat and dew: then severe burns form on the leaves. One tree consumes about ten liters.

How to apply sulfur?

The next cheapest and effective against peststhe substance is sulfur. Burnt and fumed, it is used for the purpose of disinfection of storages and cellars, which are intended for winter storage of vegetables. But we are interested in sulfur ground, which can be sprayed on apple trees, protecting them from fungal diseases.

How to handle apple trees in the fall yet?

You can use soda ash.It is extremely valued by gardeners for not leaving burns on the leaves. A bucket of water takes about 50 g of soda. To make the composition better stick to the leaves, it is better to use soapy water.

Processing time

when to treat apple-trees from pests

By the way, and when to treat apple-trees from pests?If we talk about the whole fruiting season, then we need to do the treatment before and after flowering. In the autumn, they are engaged in this immediately after the harvest, when pests have not yet found shelter in the cold season.

So you learned what to process apple trees for the winter, in order to get the maximum possible harvest from them. Do not break the dosage and follow the instructions exactly, otherwise you can damage the tree!

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