/ Inflammation under the tongue: causes, symptoms and features of treatment

Inflammation under the tongue: causes, symptoms and features of treatment

Language is the most important organ in humanbody that performs various functions. Sudden pain and inflammation beneath the tongue indicate the development of a pathological condition. It is important to promptly seek specialized help, undergo a diagnosis and start treatment for the ailment.

Causes of inflammation

Воспалительные процессы в ротовой полости нельзя attributed to common pathologies. However, unpleasant symptoms can still appear in people of different age categories. If you have pain, swelling under the tongue should contact your dentist or otolaryngologist. In this case, the doctor can diagnose sialadenitis - inflammation of the gland under the tongue.

inflammation under the tongue

This is a rather insidious affliction that oftendevelops asymptomatically and is determined already in the advanced stage. All three pairs of salivary glands located in the oral cavity are subject to it. Inflammation develops already against the background of an infection in the body.

The causes of inflammation of the salivary gland under the tongue include the following factors:

  • the presence of dental problems;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes, tonsils;
  • sore throat;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • allergic reaction.

Сиалоаденит может иметь вирусную или bacterial etiology. In the first case, the disease is called an epidemic of parotiditis (in people - mumps). The virus affects the parotid glands. When nonspecific bacterial infection pathogenic agent can enter the gland through the ducts of the oral cavity or through the lymph, blood.

Inflammation of the bridle under the tongue

The tongue connects to the lower jaw thanks tobridle - thin skin membrane. It keeps the language involved in the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds. It has a large number of nerve endings, blood vessels. Therefore, with the development of the pathological state, the frenulum becomes especially sensitive. When the inflammatory process to do the usual things - talk, chew food - it hurts.

To provoke inflammation of the hyoid bridlecan various diseases of the teeth, injuries associated with the active work of the oral cavity, inflammation of the lymph nodes or tissues of the tongue, bad habits. The painful sensations that arise in doing so have a negative effect on the quality of life. To identify the true etiology of the syndrome, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

How to determine the inflammation of the salivary gland?

For the disease is characterized by the manifestation of certainsymptoms. First of all, the amount of saliva secreted decreases, dryness appears in the oral cavity. Pain increases with eating, talking, opening and closing the mouth.

inflammation of the gland under the tongue

Воспаление слюнной железы под языком accompanied by redness, swelling of the mucous surface in the area of ​​the lesion In the secret secreted by the gland, pus, mucus may appear. In case of purulent inflammation, there is a danger of the gland salivary capsule melting and the disease passing to nearby tissues. If the disease is infectious in nature, the patient has a significant deterioration in the general condition: body temperature rises, weakness, nausea appear, appetite disappears.

The appearance of pain under the tongue in the process of eatingmay indicate a short bridle. This problem is usually faced by parents of younger children. Doctors recommend that you always trim the bridle at an early age, so that later the child will not have problems with the pronunciation of some sounds.


Independently establish the diagnosis in this caseis impossible. All three salivary glands are subject to inflammation. In addition, the disease can simultaneously cover several glands. The examination should be carried out by a dentist or therapist. The doctor during the examination of the patient can detect the release of pus, to establish the exact location of the inflammatory process.

inflammation of the salivary gland under the tongue

If the inflammation under the tongue is complicatedabscess, you may need an ultrasound or computed tomography. Most often, it is enough for a doctor to make a diagnosis by examining the results of a patient's laboratory tests. Cytological examination of saliva allows you to accurately determine which pathogen has caused the development of inflammation of the gland.

How to treat?

The treatment of the disease should be dealt with earlystages of development. Chronic pathology is practically not amenable to medical effects and will periodically remind of itself. Antiviral, anti-inflammatory drugs, sometimes antibiotics are usually prescribed for the treatment of the disease. Special attention is paid to local treatment.

In the process of therapeutic treatment of patientsBe sure to recommend taking drugs that will enhance the secretion of saliva. Medicines such as Pilocarpine, Potassium Iodide and Galantamine are usually administered using physiotherapeutic methods (electrophoresis, galvanization). With a pronounced pain syndrome dovocainic blockade. Surgical intervention is indicated only in severe cases, when inflammation below the tongue accompanied by the formation of purulent accumulations.

inflammation of the frenulum under the tongue

Treatment of chronic inflammation insalivary gland takes a longer time. Doctors recommend taking antibacterial drugs and medicines for exacerbations of the disease, which will increase the secretion of salivary fluids. Patients suffering from chronic type of sialoadenitis, need regular prevention of pathology.

Inflammation under the tongue: treatment with folk methods

You can get rid of the pathology withproven popular methods. They are used in combination with traditional methods of treatment. Rinsing the mouth cavity with saline solution will help get rid of the inflammation of the salivary gland. For its preparation is better to use sea salt. A glass of warm water is necessary to take a teaspoon of salt. With this solution, the oral cavity is treated after each meal.

inflammation under the tongue treatment

If inflammation in the mouth under the tongue hasinfectious etiology, a weak solution of potassium permanganate (manganese) should be used. The substance has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. To clean the mouth of pathogenic pathogens and can be using baking soda. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of soda per 200 ml of hot water. Rinse your mouth after the solution has cooled to an acceptable temperature (30-35 ° C).

Recommendations of doctors

When inflammation of the salivary gland specialistsrecommend not to self-medicate and seek medical help as soon as possible. This will allow timely start of adequate therapy and eliminate inflammation under the tongue without serious complications.

Forms of the disease, which occur without complications, are successfully treated at home. However, in some cases not to do without stationary mode.

Do I need to follow a diet?

Proper nutrition at the time of treatment - a pledgeget well soon. Food should be well chopped. Extra chewing movements will only increase pain and will irritate the inflamed area of ​​the mucous membrane in the mouth. The menu should consist of soups, vegetable and meat puree, porridge.

mouth inflammation under the tongue

Particular attention is paid to the drinking regime.Before the start of the meal, you should drink a compote of dried fruit, fruit drinks or water with the addition of lemon juice. This will help stimulate salivary fluid production.

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