/ / Acetone in urine in children

Acetone in urine in children

Acetone in the urine of children is a sufficient phenomenoncommon. It occurs as a result of a strong or sharp increase in the level of ketone bodies in the blood, which, in turn, appear in the case of combustion of intermediate products of energy metabolism - proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In this article, we will talk about acetone syndrome in children, its symptoms and methods of treatment.

In simple terms, acetone in children appears inthe result of metabolic disorders. If the urine and blood accumulate an increased amount of ketone bodies, then children can develop even an acetonemic crisis. It can be the result of many diseases, such as viral infections, diabetes mellitus, liver damage, concussion or tumors.

This physiological and natural processis a direct part of the energy exchange. After all, under the influence of enzymes of the pancreas and bile acids, proteins, carbohydrates and fats are split. Thus, the body is replenished with these substances. They also help our body to exist, entering into biochemical reactions.

At first glance it seems that everything is safe andjust. But this is far from the case. As soon as the body of the child lacks any elements (when unbalanced nutrition affects), the metabolic products - ketone bodies, begin to accumulate, as a result of which acetonemic syndrome develops.

Acetone in the urine of children can appear already onthe first year of their life and continue until puberty, and then gradually disappear. Children with a similar disease differ from their peers with increased excitability of the nervous system, impaired metabolism, a weak set of muscle mass, hyperactivity.

However, in the mental development of babies,susceptible to acetone syndrome, by some indicators can also outstrip healthy children. For example, they have a good memory and they start talking earlier. Typically, acetone in a child, indicates the need for a certain regime of the day, nutrition and special care.

As soon as the baby's nutrition is disturbed, whetherabsorption of large amounts of protein and fatty foods and a shortage of carbohydrates or significant breaks between meals, acetone immediately jumps.

It is worth noting that the condition in which elevated acetone in urine in children is characterized by some basic symptoms:

  • nausea or severe vomiting (1 to 6 days);
  • elevated temperature - 37.5-38.5 degrees;
  • pain in the abdomen of the baby;
  • excitement, which is replaced by lethargy;
  • Skin, characterized by dryness with blush;
  • the smell of acetone, directly, in vomiting and urine.

The presence of acetone can be monitored usingspecial tests - strips, which help determine ketones in the urine. It is quite easy to use such test strips: you need to collect urine, and then put a strip of dough into it for two seconds. Literally in a minute you will see the answer, for which definition the instruction is intended.

If the answer is on the "+" or "+/-" strip, this means slightly increased acetone in the urine in children. This acetone is easily cured (that is, reduced) and at home.

The answer to the "++" strip indicates a moderate syndrome and requires the help of a qualified physician. First of all, this concerns babies, who have such a diagnosis for the first time.

Well, if on the band "+++" - the degree of acetone syndrome is severe, and the child requires urgent hospitalization.

First aid in increasing acetone

First, you need to make the baby an enema with a soda solution.

Secondly, the child should be given an alkaline drink every 10-15 minutes.

Thirdly, if vomiting has stopped, the child can be offered a compote of dried fruits (without prunes). It will help the child's body to recover, thanks to the high glucose content.

Fourth, every five minutes the baby should be given a regidron (per day to a liter of solution).

And fifthly, do not force the child to eat. Offer him lean, safe food and only when he has an appetite.

Be healthy!

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