/ Drug "Tiberal". Instructions for use of medication

The drug "Tiberal". Instructions for use of medication

"Tiberal" - a drug related toantiprotozoal drugs, has pronounced antimicrobial properties. Tablets "Tiberal" contain in its composition the active chemical substance ornidazole, thanks to which the drug shows a special sensitivity to microorganisms such as Giardia, Trichomonas, Amoeba and other types of anaerobic bacteria.

Антибиотик «Тиберал» всасывается поле приема inward from the gastrointestinal tract, the time to reach the maximum concentration of the drug in the body is about 3 hours. Metabolized in the liver, the modified drug is excreted by the kidneys and intestines, only 4% of the active ornidazole is excreted unchanged. There is a high concentration of the drug in many tissues of the body, a large amount also passes into breast milk. There are several analogues of the drug "Tiberal", the instruction calls such drugs as "Meratin Combi", "Polymic", "Tifloks", "Orgil" as similar medicines.

"Tiberal." Instructions for indications for use

При обнаружении у пациента инфекционных Diseases of the urogenital system are prescribed as a drug "Tiberal", the antibiotic is especially effective for infections caused by microorganisms such as trichomonas and Giardia, and it also has a negative effect on amoebic pathogens affecting the digestive system.

Часто в медицинской практике используются prophylactic properties of the drug "Tiberal", the instruction indicates a high efficacy from taking the medication as a warning of infections caused by anaerobic pathogens. The purpose of the drug is also practiced in the postoperative period with surgical interventions in gynecology and in the colon. As special instructions for treatment with the drug "Tiberal", the instruction refers to the necessity of taking the drug by both sexual partners, when it comes to the treatment of genital infections.

The drug "Tiberal." Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the appointment of the drugdue to the special sensitivity of the organism to the action of its active substance. There are also other cases in which the drug should be taken with caution, they relate to patients with diseases of the central nervous system. People who have a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis or epilepsy are not recommended to take the drug "Tiberal", the instruction also indicates a contraindication to take the drug at the same time as the treatment of liver diseases, alcoholism.

Another group of patients who should not take "Tiberal" are pregnant women, for the period of breastfeeding should stop the treatment called antibiotic.

If you do not follow the recommendations regardingdosage and contraindications to taking the drug "Tiberal", often side effects of the drug occur, which lead to negative consequences. Patients in such cases have severe headaches, they are in a sleepy state, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are disturbed, dizziness, convulsions, and coordination of movements are noticeably worse. In some cases, patients may lose consciousness, they have various allergic reactions.

Symptoms that appear during overdosedrug, expressed in the depressive state, peripheral nephritis, convulsions. Treatment in such cases is also symptomatic in nature, in the event of seizures the patient is given diazepam.

Drug "Tiberal" instructionrecommends taking it after meals, drinking well. The duration of treatment for trichomoniasis is at least 5 days, with amoebic dysentery - 3 days. The remaining readings require a 10-day drug intake. The usual dosage of medication is two tablets intake: morning and evening. In any case, before starting treatment with Tiberal, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

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