/ Useful properties, vitamins, caloric content. Carrots - a pledge of beauty and health

Useful properties, vitamins, caloric content. Carrots - a pledge of beauty and health

The guarantee of our health, beauty and goodwell-being, a balanced diet. Dietitians assure the public that scientific and technological progress has adversely affected health. This is confirmed by the excess weight, fast fatigue, frequent colds. Irrational eating leads to big health problems. What to do? There are more vegetables and fruits, for example, carrots.

Carrots contain a lot of carotene, soUseful for both children and adults. Carrots should be eaten in any form: in raw, stewed, boiled. The main thing, together with the carrots, add a little vegetable oil to the dish for better assimilation of the product. Also in carrots contains many vitamins of groups B, D, C, E; mineral salts (potassium, sodium, chlorides, calcium, magnesium, phosphorites); sugars. Thanks to carrots, the digestion process is normalized, the metabolism improves.

Especially useful carrots grated, as well ascarrot juice. The calorie content of carrot juice is low (only 28 kcal per 100 g). Carrot juice can not only prevent, but cure many diseases. With regular use of carrot juice, eyesight improves, the nervous system calms down, vessels widen. If you suffer from polyarthritis, cardiovascular diseases, feel a decline of strength, have immunodeficiency, then for you, carrot juice is an indispensable source of health, vigor and energy. Also, juice is considered a natural solvent for ulcers, cancer. The resistance to various infections, especially those affecting the respiratory tract, on the throat, nose and ears is noticeably improving. Girls who watch themselves and regularly visit the solarium know that after the session, experts advise drinking a glass of carrot juice in order to achieve a more stable and quick effect of sunburn. The juice also acts on the skin and after sunbathing in the sun. But, in the use of juice there are also certain limitations. If you drink too much juice, then the skin color becomes yellowish, so nutritionists say that a person for prevention should drink no more than 100 ml of juice per day. To facilitate the taste, you can add a little cream to the juice.

Many girls strictly follow their figure andare afraid to recover, count calories. Carrots are different from other vegetables with low energy value. Do not worry about calories, carrots contain only 32 calories per 100 grams. Caloric content of carrots is due to the sugars and starch contained in it, but in 100 grams their value is negligible. Excess carrots, the calorie content of which is even less than the mandarin does not affect your waist, even on the contrary, will help you lose weight. Therefore, know that in the fight for zero calorie, carrots are your best friend!

If you seriously decide to lose weight with carrots, offer you several options for healthy dishes.

Salad with fresh carrots, cucumbers and apples. All the ingredients are rubbed on the grater, season with low-fat sour cream, lemon juice, stir. You can add celery, honey, herbs to the salad. Put the resulting dish on the leaves of the salad.

Carrot cocktail. 2 large carrots to pass through the juicer, pour in the same glass of tomato juice, add the celery and beat to a homogeneous mass. If desired, you can add cinnamon.

There are certain diets in whichit is necessary to eat carrots for 3-4 days in combination with other vegetables. An effective carrot diet is not very healthy, as, as mentioned above, excessive consumption of this vegetable can lead to an unpleasant yellow skin tone. More effective and harmless will be unloading carrot days not more than once a week.

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