/ Symptoms of a hernia of the thoracic spine. Treatment and effects

Symptoms of hernia of the thoracic spine. Treatment and effects

В пожилом возрасте проблема возникновения грыжи the thoracic spine is common. Most often the provoking factor is osteochondrosis. The main reason is a sedentary lifestyle. The article will consider other provoking factors, symptoms and treatment of the disease.

cervical spine hernia


Before considering how it is carried outtreatment of hernia of the thoracic spine, it is necessary to understand what it is and what features it has. The described disease is a protrusion of one of the disks. The fluid extends beyond the spinal column, or else it is squeezed by the deformed part due to a crack in the fibrous ring. Often this pathology occurs after prolonged uneven loads. They affect one of the spine. Such physical activities often injure the musculoskeletal system. When a person has a hernia, he is squeezing the spinal cord or nerve roots.

Separate several types of protrusions. There is a lateral, central, posterior, as well as central lateral and posterior lateral.

The first is directed either to the left or to the right.Because of her nerve roots are compressed. Central directed to the spinal cord. In this case, the symptoms may be mild. Hernia is able to strongly compress the spinal cord, and this provokes paralysis in patients. The back is directed from the abdomen to the back.


Intervertebral hernia of the thoracic spinedifferent symptoms It all depends on the location of the problem, size. It also plays a role, whether there is a pinching of the nerve roots. Patients can take pain that occurs because of this disease, a stomach ulcer, cholecystitis, or a heart attack. To make a correct diagnosis, you must consult a doctor.

Next should consider the symptoms of a chest hernia.of the spine. There are pains that are aggravated during movement or breathing, numbness of the fingers, and also of the hands, sharp discomfort in the muscles, weakness, signs of dysfunction, related to the pelvic and chest, partial or complete paralysis.

Hernia is manifested completely unexpectedly.patients, with symptoms may be severe pain or spasms. How intense the sensations will be, as well as exactly where they are felt, depends entirely on the strength of the pressure on the brain and nerves. It should be noted that the presence of a hernia can affect the functioning of the heart, stomach, intestines and so on.

Symptoms also differ depending onsegment, in which there was a hernia. If we are talking about the top, then the pain is in the neck, capture the hands, shoulder blades, chest. Can recur various heart diseases. Chills are capable of appearing, hands and fingers are numb.

If we are talking about the middle segment, the paincan be felt in the chest, below the shoulder blades, it will have a shingles character, which is enhanced only in the case of coughing, deep breaths, during movement, and so on.

The lower segment is characterized by pain incorresponding part of the chest. It captures the scapula, many may resemble a stomach ulcer or kidney disease. Dyspnea can occur, as the person has difficulty breathing.

intervertebral hernia of the thoracic spine


Symptoms and treatment of herniation of the thoracic spine completely depend on the causes of the disease. That is what we will discuss next.

The spine withstands the weight of a person every dayallows you to move and perform various physical activities. This design is quite vulnerable, although it is durable. It should be noted that the spine suffers greatly from both a sedentary lifestyle and excessive loads. That is why the following factors can lead to such diseases:

  • Degenerative dystrophic.Here we are talking about people who are already in old age. Such patients most often have Schmorl's hernia of the thoracic spine. They are quite difficult to treat.
  • Degenerative.The disease can occur due to heavy loads that are regular and excessive. Often because of them, the vertebrae suffer and are destroyed as a result. Such a mechanism is most often manifested in people in middle age.
  • Traumatic. The spine can be damaged due to a blow, sometimes - compression. Most often, the injury appears after a fall, a hard landing, and also from lifting cargo.
hernia of the thoracic spine


It is also necessary to clarify howdiagnosis of hernia of the cervico-thoracic spine, and other types of protrusion. MRI, computed tomography, radiography, myelography, or electromyography are used. It should be noted that these methods are optional. As a rule, only one of the above methods is enough for correct diagnosis. However, if there is a need to identify the characteristic features, then all means should be used.

For example, an MRI will reveal whethernerve fibers. Myelography is necessary in order to check the condition of the bone tissue. X-ray analysis makes it possible to obtain all data on the spine, to check whether there are injuries. Computed tomography is an alternative to MRI, but it is less informative. The MRI provides complete and reliable information about the condition of the spine, whether there are lesions and how much they have suffered.

hernia of the thoracic spine symptoms and treatment


Treatment of a hernia of the thoracic spine isquite an important question to pay special attention to. How long the therapy will be, and how it is carried out, depends entirely on the stage of the disease and the extent of the damage. If we are talking about primary, then use conservative methods of treatment. It should be noted physical education, physiological procedures, being in a hospital or at home, as well as reflexology and medicines.

If there is a strong pain syndrome,which can not be stopped with painkillers, it is necessary to carry out a blockade of nerve roots. In order to cure an intervertebral hernia, it is important to immediately contact the specialists, as well as discuss all methods of treatment with a doctor.

hernia of the thoracic spine treatment

Conservative method

Exercises do not always help at the initial stage.with hernia of the thoracic spine, so doctors can prescribe medication. Thanks to them, it will be possible to remove the inflammatory process, muscle spasm, as well as pain syndrome. They allow you to speed up the recovery of cartilage tissue. Painkillers, corticosteroids, muscle relaxants, nonsteroidal agents that relieve inflammation are used. After a person undergoes a course of drug treatment, physical education and massage are prescribed. Acupuncture and electrophoresis can also be performed if it is necessary to achieve the best possible result in the shortest possible time.

Surgical method

With severe symptoms, as well as in seriousIn cases of disease, the only option is surgery. To eliminate a hernia of the thoracic spine and its consequences, several types of operations can be performed.

  • Diskectomy This procedure removes the damaged disk or its affected parts. Two adjacent vertebrae are fixed so that they are motionless.
  • Aminoplasty. The dissection method is used, where hinges are created at the expense of plates. This allows you to increase the space around the nerve roots.
  • Laminectomy.During this operation, the bone tissue of the vertebra, which is located near the spinal canal, is removed. As a rule, during this procedure, two vertebrae are also fixed. In this case, they will grow together. Due to this, the musculoskeletal system is stabilized.
exercises with hernia of the thoracic spine


As a result of the progression of a chest herniathe division of the adjacent cells begins to atrophy, the blood flow deteriorates, and metabolic processes slow down. Subsequently, the tissue near the spine completely cease to function. These changes are irreversible, so they can not be cured. Because of this, it is important to begin treatment in the shortest possible time after the onset of the first symptoms.

Preventive measures

To avoid the occurrence of a chest herniaspine, it is necessary to make preventive measures and monitor their health. Be sure to pay attention to what are the daily physical activity and whether they are not excessive. As a rule, vertebral discs suffer equally from small but constant, as well as from strong sudden loads. Compression in the departments can occur with a sedentary lifestyle, or else if a person performs the same work in a bent position. To keep your spine in the best condition for as long as possible, you need to constantly move, do various exercises throughout the day, and play sports.

If a person does not sit in one place, then fluid is always present in the disks. When sedentary life, they become dry, easily damaged. Because of this, there are hernias in the spine.

If a person is lifting a weight, it is necessarykeep track of which position the back is in. The disks are better able to withstand vertical loads than oblique or horizontal. That is why if a patient lifts heavy objects, he needs to do it in a sitting position, not leaning over.

Полезны занятия таким спортом, как плавание или water aerobics. They train muscles, without loading a backbone. If a person works in the office, or is engaged in any other sedentary activities, then he needs to constantly change body position, straighten up and do any sports exercises.

schmorl hernia, thoracic spine treatment


As conclusions, it should be noted thatHernia is not difficult to treat, if it is still at an early stage. However, it is desirable to prevent the occurrence of this problem, because to comply with preventive measures is much easier and less expensive. It should exercise daily, which will fully protect themselves from the occurrence of such a problem.

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