/ / Melpolebee Canadian. Use in traditional medicine

Melleplade Canadian. Use in traditional medicine

Melleprosketnik Canadian often found in the fields and garden plots. It is known not only for its unusual beautiful appearance, but also for its excellent healing properties.

Description of the plant

Native to North America, this perennialappeared in Europe more than 400 years ago. He belongs to the family Asteraceae and reaches 60 cm in height. Grow prefers on sandy soil along roads, along the shores of lakes, rivers, in gardens. The Melleparkhadnik Canadian (photos of his unusual colors are placed in this article) can act as an ornamental plant. It is unpretentious, so in natural conditions this plant is found on the territory of Russia almost everywhere. The stalk of the small-brighter is upright, stiff-haired, covered with slightly pubescent ash-green pointed leaves. Lower leaves have small teeth at the edges.

small-scale painter Canadian

The flowering period lasts a long time - starting withJune and until September. Small flower baskets are collected in lush inflorescences and have a pale lilac color with a yellow center. In the place of flowers in the fall fruits appear, representing the seeds of an oblong shape with a tuft of long hairs.

For therapeutic purposes, going leaves, stems andflowers of this plant at a time when the small-scale beautiful Canadian is in bloom. Description of the preparation of various drugs are given in this article. Cut stems hang in bunches under a canopy, where the sun's rays do not fall. In this case, it is best to harvest the upper part of the stem, since the lower one is too coarse. Flowers laid out in a thin layer on a sheet of paper. Dried raw materials can be stored no more than a year. It is stored in a cardboard box, which is then stored in a dark ventilated room.

Healing properties

Due to the content in this plant of flavonoids,of tannin, tannins, resins and essential oils, the Canlepus melklepolestik has a rather powerful therapeutic effect. This is one of the most effective astringent, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

small-scale painter Canadian photo
The ability of this plant to cleanse the body fromLactic acid is used in the treatment of gout, rheumatism. The small-scale painter can relieve joint pain and associated with inflammatory processes in diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis or polyarthritis. It is used for hemorrhoids and diarrhea of ​​any etiology. The peculiarity of this plant is that the medicines prepared on its basis can be taken for a long time, since they are not addictive. Side effects are also not revealed.

Application in folk medicine

Depends on specific diseasesthe form of the drug used. Infusion of small-sized herbs used to treat gout, arthrosis, dysentery, cystitis, prostate and various bleeding (nasal, intestinal, pulmonary, generic, dental, etc.).

Broth helps with eye diseases, lichen andrash Rinsing the hair with this product contributes to their strengthening and fast growth. Essential oil, which is prepared from the plant, the Canlepus, is very popular with uterine bleeding. Using it all in 5–10 drops has a very effective effect. In homeopathy, the essence of the fresh flowers of this plant is very much appreciated.

Tincture on alcohol suitable for the treatment of arthritis,hemorrhoids, with renal and uterine bleeding. It can be prepared by yourself or purchased at a pharmacy. It is recommended to dilute with water before use.

small scale canadian application

A very good effect is given by the Canola small-scale painter in combination with other medicinal herbs. For example, in rheumatoid polyarthritis alcohol tincture is used with the addition of meadowsweet and boldo.

With endometriosis help infusion with flowerslavender, wormwood, meadowsweet, calendula, yarrow and small-scale-magnesia. Preparing it is quite simple - pour boiling water over 4 spoons of collection (500 ml) and insist.


  • Infusion of the mellebeest. Chop dry grass and pour boiling water (4 teaspoons of grass per glass of water), insist for 20 minutes, strain and drink one small cup 3 times a day.
  • Alcohol tincture. For 250 ml of alcohol, 10 g of dried leaves of the small-brightener are taken. Container with this mixture to store 7 days in a dark place. To accept, adding on 30 drops in a half-glass of water twice a day.
  • Broth. For its preparation, 30 g of grass is taken, which is poured with a liter of boiling water and cooked over low heat for 15 minutes. Then the resulting broth insist 3 hours and use as directed.

small-scale painter Canadian description

Melleprosketnik Canadian has no contraindications. It is not recommended to take funds based on it only for pregnant women.

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