/ / Cataract: treatment of folk remedies without surgery, reviews. Cataract Eye Drops

Cataract: treatment of folk remedies without surgery, reviews. Cataract Eye Drops

Немалый дискомфорт человеку способно принести a disease like cataract. Treatment of folk remedies (without surgery) has ambiguous reviews. It is believed that such methods are effective in the initial stages, when the disease is not progressing. There are cases when this method of treatment significantly improved the patient's condition, the turbidity almost completely resolved.

Cataract. What it is?

This disease is one of the mostcommon ophthalmic ailments. The structure of the lens changes: elasticity decreases, it becomes cloudy and does not transmit light well. Visually, the middle of the eye changes color from black to gray, whitish. Because of such changes, the picture seems as if in a fog, the outline of objects is fuzzy and blurred. As a result, the work of other parts of the organ of vision is disrupted. If time does not pay attention to such changes, to start the disease, a person risks completely blind.

Secondary cataract

Possible causes of

First of all, it is worth noting that the diseaseCataract is the result of aging. The functionality of the lens decreases over time, it simply wears out. This disease may appear as early as 40 years, although cases of its manifestation are also frequent at a younger age. Eye injuries (mechanical, chemical) are also capable of causing disease. Ophthalmologic diseases, diabetes mellitus, and avitaminosis are other causes of lens opacification. Such factors as radiation and radiation can also affect its state. Negative effect on the organs of vision and direct sunlight. Eye cataracts can be the result of toxic poisoning. Also plays a big role and a hereditary factor.

Eye cataract

Types of disease

Depending on what causeddevelopment of cataracts, distinguish such types of it. The congenital form appears immediately after birth, although in most cases there are no visible signs, the vision is almost at a normal level. However, with any changes, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. Often, surgery is required. Secondary cataract occurs as a contributing factor to other diseases. These include diabetes, ophthalmologic diseases, previous eye surgery, lack of a certain group of vitamins. Another type is traumatic cataract. Developed due to trauma of the organs of vision. A separate group is the clouding of the lens, which is provoked by the action of radiation.

What are the symptoms of cataracts?

Чтобы вовремя диагностировать болезнь, важно pay attention to the following symptoms. First of all, a person begins to see only blurry outlines and outlines of objects. It becomes difficult to read, to distinguish between faces. Especially bad is the vision in dark rooms and at night. A secondary cataract may also appear to be hypersensitive to light, flashes and glare appear in the eyes. Congenital cataract is manifested by a change and clouding of the pupil in children, squint. If the child does not respond to bright toys (silent), then this is a reason to immediately consult a specialist.

Cataract Clinic

Stages of the disease

There are four stages of cataracts.The initial degree is characterized by a slight clouding of the lens. Patients mark the appearance of the so-called front sights. Visual acuity falls. With an immature degree of turbidity increases, the lens becomes gray or whitish. Its fibers swell, and because of this, the volume increases. Visual acuity continues to fall (but slowly). Mature cataract is characterized by a recess of the anterior chamber, there is no luminescence of the lens. On its surface spreads a gray veil. As a rule, in this case there is a loss of objective vision. The overripe degree has such signs: from the loss of moisture, the lens decreases and shrinks, plaques appear on the organs of vision. It should be noted that the development of the disease takes a rather long period: 5-10 years. A cataract clinic is such that the longer a visit to the doctor is delayed, the more likely it is to lose sight.

Cataract Stages

Use of eye drops

In the early stages of the disease, you can slow it down.development using special medications. However, it is worth noting that they do not resolve the clouding, but only slow down its growth. Cataract eye drops contain a complex of vitamins and other beneficial substances. Appoints them exclusively ophthalmologist. The most effective are considered drops "Kvinaks" (developed in Japan). They well protect the lens from clouding. Also used drugs such as "Vitafacol", "Sencatalin". These funds are good and in the event that the operation for some reason is impossible. Eye drops from a cataract should be used constantly, occasionally you need to make a short pause. In addition, very often they are appointed immediately before the operation. Drops stimulate the regeneration processes in the organs of vision. If the degree of the disease is serious enough, surgery is performed.

Cataract Eye Drops

Cataract. Treatment of folk remedies without surgery. Reviews

Along with conservative therapy canuse and traditional medicine. Well proven method of using potato sprouts. For half a liter of vodka you need to take about 5 tablespoons of sprouts (peeled and chopped). Infusion is placed in a vessel of dark glass and insist two weeks. Take a dessert spoonful 3 times a day. The course of therapy is three months. It is noticed that after this time a sticky liquid begins to stand out from the eye, it gradually clears.

Another healing infusion suggestsusing peony leaves. They are filled with hot (boiled) water and infused for some time. The liquid is then taken orally, four tablespoons per day.

Use of walnut, blueberry, calendula

If cataracts are detected, treatment with folkmeans without surgery reviews are positive in the case when the disease has not acquired a mature form. There is a recipe for eye instillation based on walnut. Its kernels are finely ground, filled with vegetable oil. The proportion is as follows: about 1 part of nuts per 10 parts of butter. The mixture should be infused for about a week (periodically the container should be stirred). It is applied as follows: two drops of this mixture are instilled into the eyes 3 times a day.

Еще одно неплохое средство – настой календулы.15 grams of flowers poured boiling water (500 ml) and infused for three hours. Then take 150 ml of this liquid (per day). You can also wash your eyes with this infusion.

Черника – ягода, чрезвычайно полезная для органов view. In season, it must be consumed regularly. At other times, you can eat dried berry. There is also a recipe for eye instillation: blueberry juice is diluted with boiled water (it should be twice as large). Use once a day for several months.

Cataract. Treatment of folk remedies without surgery. Reviews

Honey and cataracts

Treatment of folk remedies without surgery (reviewstalk about the effectiveness of the method) includes the use of bee products. There are several recipes in which the main ingredient is honey. The first of these is this: May honey is diluted with distilled water (in a 1: 3 ratio). To dig in it is necessary on one drop. The term of therapy is one month. The second method of cooking drops involves the use of green apple. In the center of the fruit is deepening, in which honey is poured. Then the juice that has been formed must be drained. Instill into eyes approximately 3 times a week. There is also a recipe using onion juice. It must be mixed with honey (1: 1) and bury a couple of times a day. Another method is the use of aloe, honey and silver water. Silver is placed in water and infused for a week. Then it is boiled and add crushed aloe leaf, a small amount of honey (good and quality). Such drops are prepared every day.

Cataract disease

Cataract Useful Products

Although the only right nutrition is unlikelyit will be possible to get rid of the disease, but it is still possible to halt progress. There are certain products, the use of which there is an improvement in the state of the organs of vision. Buckwheat is very useful. You can use it this way: grind grains into flour and eat it in a tablespoon several times a day (after meals). Note and favor green tea. Suspend cataract can and cabbage juice. Everyone knows the healing properties of blueberries. In order for this product to be regularly present in the diet, it is best to freeze or dry enough berries during the season. A positive effect on the state of the organs of vision and carrot juice. Also, experts recommend eating more fish, preferably sea. Smoking should be abandoned, as nicotine negatively affects the eyes.

Surgical intervention

If you can not stop the disease, thenThe only way to help restore vision is surgery. During its implementation, the opaque lens is removed, and an implant (silicone, plastic) is installed in its place. Performed and phacoemulsification. Its peculiarity is that such an intervention can be carried out in the early stages of the disease. The duration of the procedure is small, it is carried out on an outpatient basis and the patient is immediately discharged. Vision is restored already during the intervention. In some cases, a laser is used (cataract secondary, the formation of a film behind an artificial lens). After eye surgery it is forbidden to lift weights, avoid hot water, visits to the sauna. Also, experts recommend wearing sunglasses.

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