/ / Where to order an inexpensive cake for a holiday?

Where to order an inexpensive cake for a holiday?

The main attribute of any holiday, be it dayBirthday, christening, birthday, Valentine's Day or March 8 - this is an inexpensive cake. It is not only tasty, but also a beautiful delicacy that will decorate any table thanks to the efforts of confectioners. Everyone loves sweets. Even those who try to adhere to proper nutrition and carefully monitor their figure, allow themselves 1-2 times a year to enjoy a piece of delicious dessert.

Order a cake for a holiday or cook it yourself?

Any holiday is accompanied by a goodthe mood that the surrounding atmosphere, balls, flowers and, of course, a beautiful and delicious cake. Unfortunately, not every hostess can bake it, decorate it beautifully, or simply does not have enough free time required to make it. After all, to surprise children by preparing a birthday cake and covering it with cream and fruit, will not succeed. Much more they will be impressed and they will remember the delicacy with their favorite heroes of fairy tales and cartoons.

You can certainly try on your own.to make figurines from mastic for master classes, but from the first time, without special tools, high-quality dyes and sugar paste, obviously it will not succeed. That is why you have to rely on the pastry chef, buying a cake from him to order for a birthday party inexpensively. Masters who make sweet masterpieces are mostly professionals who have been doing their work for years and have good experience.

Inexpensive cake

Where can I order an inexpensive cake?

In big cities find restaurants, pastry shopsshops, shops will not be difficult. They make cheap cakes to order. You can search for ads in newspapers, online, hear on local television.

In small towns professionals find a bitmore difficult. Inexpensive cake can also be purchased in the store, but it differs from the custom delicacy in its monotony. In addition to pastry shops, in each city there is a person who makes desserts to order at home. Often, homemade pastry chefs in their kitchen make real masterpieces that are much more original and tastier than those ordered in the shop.

In order to find in your city a place wheremake cakes to order inexpensively, it will be necessary to bypass all the pastry shops, including craftsmen working at home. To decide on the appearance of the dessert, its content, delivery, etc. After discussing all the nuances with the pastry chef, he will tell the final cost of the cake. In the future, it will be possible to compare the data obtained in each confectionery, and to make an order for inexpensive goodies.

Inexpensive birthday cake

Nuances when ordering a cake

Before you order an inexpensive cake, you needdecide what it will be. After all, a variety, design can be very diverse. Production time is also different, some can be ready in 5-9 hours, others - in a few days. Important is the method of delivery of the main attribute of the holiday table. Some pastry chefs bring the cake to the celebration venue, but most still prefer to be taken away from the workshop, office or store. It is necessary to discuss all the nuances with a representative of the company or directly with the confectioner himself.

Cake varieties

Confectionery may consist ofbiscuit, sand, milk, yoghurt or honey cakes. All of them differ from each other both in taste and in external data. For example, a more fragile cake is made of sand and flaky cakes, and the most aesthetic and light cake is based on a biscuit, souffle, and yogurt. The recipe and skill of all confectioners is different, but the products are most likely fresh, because a professional will not risk his reputation.

Be sure to order a delicious cake inexpensivelyyou need to report the number of people who will be present at the holiday, so that everyone gets a piece of sweet dessert. On this basis, the confectioner will calculate the product’s long-haul and will tell its approximate weight. One person approximately needs 100-200 grams of cake.

Cakes to order cheap

Decorating and stuffing delicacies to order

Filling a custom cake can also be any:soufflé, fruit, confit, nuts, dried fruits. Confectioner uses impregnation and cream depending on the selected cakes and first of all on the customer's wishes. Creams can be creamy, butter, yoghurt, cottage cheese, chocolate, etc.

The design and design of the pastry is alsomay be different. It can be decorated with standard cream flowers or thematic figurines made of mastic. Just pour chocolate or mirror glaze. A good option is making a multi-tiered cake made from different cakes and fillings.

Cake delivery

Such a nuance is important as the main deliveryholiday attribute. Many firms prefer that they take a ready-made inexpensive cake from the office and deliver it to the addressee themselves. And some pastry shops themselves deliver their sweet masterpiece to the venue. It is necessary to clarify which transport will be delivered delicacy. Indeed, in a 30-degree heat, being in a stuffy cabin of the car for about 30-60 minutes, the mastic or cream can flow, and the cake itself is significantly twisted. In this case, a big plus would be the presence of a refrigerator in the transport.

birthday cake to order cheap

Terms of making cake to order

Due to the busy schedule of pastry shopsIt is recommended to warn about the order at least 2 days before the celebration, but it is better to do it in 1-2 weeks. During this time, the pastry chef will have time to prepare all the necessary products, because they are not sold in every store, some details, such as a photo on sugar paper, must be ordered.

Фигуркам из мастики для полного высыхания также need 1-2 days. A biscuit in accordance with GOST should, after baking, rest for 9-12 hours. Therefore, it takes a lot of time to make a cake. Some pastry shops can take an urgent order, which will be completed in 3-6 hours, but only if they have everything they need in stock.

Cheap cakes

Cake cost to order

The cost of the main sweet attribute of the holidaydepends on many factors: what ingredients are used in the manufacture, whether there are difficulties in design, design. The minimum weight of the product to order is about 2 kg, since it is unprofitable for the confectioner to bake small cakes, and it is also more difficult to decorate them. The most expensive are those in the manufacture of which used exotic fruits and candied fruits. Cakes can be decorated with fresh flowers, the value of which is added to the total amount. Production times also affect the final price of the treat, and for urgency it will be much higher.

In addition to the cake, confectioners can be ordered.Cupcakes - small cakes with any filling in the form of muffins, decorated with cream, figurines made of mastic, etc. At a cost they will come out a little cheaper, for a small company their acquisition can be an excellent option.

Delicious cake inexpensive

Order for the holiday an inexpensive cake thatThis will be original, tasty and harmless - perhaps. The main thing is to study the customer reviews and the catalog presented by the confectioners with their own products. The whole composition and design of the delicacy can be thought out by yourself.

You can even present such a giftcustomized inexpensive cake. Birthday, anniversary, wedding will be remembered for dessert, which will be a great end to the holiday. The appearance and taste of the cake made by professionals will undoubtedly impress the hero of the occasion and guests.

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