/ Making chicken. Multiple Recipes

Cooking chicken. Multiple Recipes

Chicken meat is easily absorbed by the body,so it is so popular among culinary professionals. In addition, from the chicken you can make a lot of mouth-watering dishes. It is baked entirely in the oven or cooked, cut into small portions. And if you add a few ingredients and spices, you will get a fragrant and original dish. Cooking a chicken can take quite a bit of time, as this meat is more tender than other species. To a chicken you can serve a different side dish or vegetables. But if you want to cook a delicious chicken and surprise with a new recipe of friends, then it may take some time.

To begin with, a simple but delicious dish.Take the chicken breast, about 500 grams, or the drumstick. Rinse the meat under cold water and dry it well with a towel. Next, if it's a breast, cut it into small pieces and fry it in a frying pan. The shin is fried whole. Spread the chicken on a baking sheet, which is oiled. We put it in the wind box. In the meantime, we cut the onion head with semicircles, and the carrots with circles. Champignons (200 grams) must be cleaned and cut into plates. Add the vegetables to the chicken and bake it in the oven for a while. Do not forget to salt and sprinkle with black pepper. Now add to the chicken with vegetables half a glass of cream, stir and then some time in the oven. Everything, the cooking of the chicken is over. This dish has a pleasant creamy taste. It can be served with mashed potatoes.

And now the recipe for pockets of chicken breast.This dish will be an ornament of any festive table. Take the chicken breast and cut it in half. The amount depends on how many people you are going to feed. Now, every part of the breast is cut in the middle, resulting in a pocket. Then you can take any stuffing. The simplest version is fried champignons with onions. You can make the dish more satisfying - take as a stuffing pork minced meat. It is more fatty, and will make chicken meat juicy. Stuffing with salt and pepper. We stuff it with chicken breast and pin the pocket with a wooden stick. Now you need to wrap each breast with a slice of bacon. Then fry them in a frying pan and place on a baking tray. We send it to the oven. Minutes for five to readiness can sprinkle the breast with cheese or smear a mixture of sour cream and garlic. Serve this dish with sour-garlic sauce.

How to cook a delicious chicken for a holidayThe table? In order for the chicken to turn out to be beautiful and rosy after baking, you must first spread it with a mixture into which honey is added. He will add not only a caramel crust, but also add certain flavor notes. The composition of this sauce may be different. To make the flavor more piquant, mix the soy sauce (three tablespoons), honey (one spoonful), finely chopped garlic and any herbs at your discretion. With this mixture, spread the prepared chicken and send it to the oven. Do not forget to salt and season with pepper.

If you do not want to cook a chickentook a long time, then try the following recipe. These are simple chops from chicken breasts. We take the breast and cut it into thin layers. Then gently beat it. In order not to damage the tender meat, you need to put it in a cellophane bag and then fight off. Next, each piece sprinkled with salt and pepper. We put them on the heated frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry on each side until a brown crust appears.

Bake the whole chicken in the oven, make sure that it does not overdry. Then the meat will be tender and juicy. If you want to pre-marinate meat, then use lemon juice or soy sauce.

Cooking chicken is simple and depends on yourdesires and even fantasy. You can safely experiment and add your own ingredients or seasonings and spices. For chicken it is desirable to apply the sauce, because chicken is not greasy like other meats.

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